Wordgirl vs Underdog (PBS Kids vs Universal)
(thumbnail by Necrostar)
“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible” - Superman
Wordgirl, the living dictionary from the planet Lexicon.
Underdog, the canine powerhouse that fights all who rob and plunder.
The power to embody hope is a power unlike any other.
As a symbol of peace and justice for all, Superman has been widely regarded as one of the most notable superheroes even decades after his creation. With his influence, he's spawned a multitude of heroes inspired by his very nature, both good-hearted and downright despicable. But when it comes to parodying Superman, no one does it better than these two powerhouses with secret identities of their very own.
With every parody of Superman out there, it's inevitable that we pit them in a fight to the death, and with these two it's no different. Will Wordgirl manage to outsmart Underdog with her wide array of vocabulary or will Underdog give the people no reason to fear as he is here? Well there’s only one way to find out…
Before we get started…
There shouldn’t be too much to explain for either superhero but there are a few things I should clarify beforehand. We won’t be giving either Wordgirl or Underdog their trusty allies or any of their supporters from their home cities, meaning that Wordgirl won’t get Huggyface or the citizens of Fair City and Underdog won’t get Sweet Polly or the citizens of Capital City. Besides that, anything and absolutely everything combat-applicable will be given to them, even if they only used those abilities or items once within their entire run.
Also shout out to Round 1 Fight for helping me with some of the calcs and most of the Underdog side of things (you can check out his most recent blog of Krypto vs Underdog btw) and also to Z1 for a lot of the Wordgirl calcs which come from their own Wordgirl calc doc.
NOTE: Due to a current wave of copyright strikes across blogs, specifically ones that directly link to cartoon pirating sites, a lot of the links on both Wordgirl's and Underdog's end will have to be removed. The associated episode and timeframe will remain but for the time being, it won't be possible to fully source these feats. Apologies.
The media lists may not seem all that long but there is a surprising amount of content that had to be looked at for both. We are not only giving them their main material but any supplementary material will also be used here.
When it comes to Wordgirl, we have…
The main Wordgirl cartoon
All the Wordgirl shorts
The Wordgirl trailers
The Wordgirl comics
Unfortunately these comics are nowhere to be found online outside of buying them (broke) so I’ll be using the Wordgirl wiki for reference
The Wordgirl games, both taken down and still up
This will include Wordgirl: Power Words and Wordgirl: Miss Power Face Off
Meanwhile with Underdog, we have…
The main Underdog cartoon
The Underdog (2007) movie
The Underdog comics
“Word up!”
On the east coast of the United States of America, there lies a bustling metropolis known as Fair City, and the city is in some deep trouble. Trouble always lurked around the corner as the most nefarious of villains were out and about committing crimes in broad daylight. You got your cheese-loving mad scientist Dr. Two Brains, your meat-obsessed butcher named… The Butcher, Weird Al, and many other dastardly criminals on the loose. Luckily for Fair City, there was always one hero they could depend on when they needed her most, one hero that could throw both mighty vocabulary and mighty superpowers to keep the criminals at bay… WORDGIRLLL!!! Too dramatic? Well let’s take a few steps back.
Originally born on the faraway planet of Lexicon, little is known about her planet or what her history had been prior to leaving her home, but Wordgirl seemed to be your average toddler within Lexiconian society. On one unsuspecting day, Wordgirl would accidentally crawl aboard a spaceship that would be driven by the renowned pilot Captain Huggyface. When she woke up, she startled Huggyface which caused him to collide with an asteroid, forcing Huggy to crash land on Earth as a means to save them both. Once they did crash land, they would end up finding refuge within the Boxford family, taking up the new identities of Becky Boxford and Bob respectively. From that point on, Wordgirl would spend the next few years perfecting her powers, deciding to dedicate her life to fighting crime and making sure people use the right words.
During her time as THE hero of both Fair City and Earth in general, she’s met a wide array of villains that have challenged her path towards justice through the fairest and unfairest of confrontations, usually coming out on top. This is all the while she has to balance her normal life where she deals with normal 10 year old things such as elementary school, her obsession with Pretty Princess, and hanging out with her close friends Scoops and Violet. As much as she’d like to live her life peacefully, she had a duty to fill as she suited up and fought off crime with her sidekick Captain Huggyface.
Even through all the foiled crimes and the numerous trips to jail, her villains never gave up on their plans and kept causing chaos simply because they were meant to be villains. Although the Superman-like figure of the city would despise every villain out there, Wordgirl was different. She certainly made sure that justice came before any sort of forgiveness but she ended up building a weird sort of friendship towards all the major villains of the series. She learnt the best about being a superhero from Dr. Two Brains prior to his accident that turned him evil, she plays with Tobey despite his childish behavior, and she understands Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy’s (mouthful I know) sibling trouble. At the end of the day, neither side endorses the other’s actions but they hold a mutual respect for each other.
This is made especially evident when Miss Power attempts to sway Wordgirl to the merciless side of power, trying to turn her into a mean-spirited battle-driven hero like herself. It works initially but once Wordgirl comes to her senses, she manages to scare her away back into the reaches of outer space. Little did she know that her biggest challenges were yet to come as she would have to eventually reveal her secret identity to the friends she held dear. While Scoops took the truth somewhat lightly, Violet was torn at the fact that Becky turned out to have a side she was never familiar with. It was hard for them both at first but they eventually came to terms with each other and started over. Now with her closest friends aware of her hero duties, Wordgirl will always be there to keep the crime world in check and throw some mighty words their way.
“There’s no need to fear! Underdog is here!”
In the far away city of New York City in the 1950’s and 60’s, General Mills was in trouble! Just kidding, big corporations are too rich for trouble! Wanting to promote even more cereal to kids all over America, numerous kids cartoons were created in order to help sell breakfast cereals, resulting in the creation of many lesser known but still classic cartoon characters. This push for business is what would create the canine hero still recognizable to this day, a hero parodying the likes of Superman while making his mark on the Saturday morning cartoon scene: (in deep echoing voice) UNDERDOG!!
While he lacks an origin story in the original cartoon, the movie is luckily there to give us an idea on what went down. You see, Underdog was once a normal dog named Shoeshine that was working with the police department, but on one fateful day, mad scientist Dr. Simon Bar Sinister thought it’d be a fun idea to experiment on Shoeshine. Through an accident of spilled serums that exposed him to a mix of cross-spliced genetics, Shoeshine would gain his newfound superpowers and soon become Underdog with the help of his teenage owner Jack. At day, he was simply Shoeshine Boy, a soft spoken and hardworking shoe shiner out and about on the streets of Capitol City, but also by day when the city needs him, he runs to his nearest telephone booth and transforms into Underdog.
You see, Capitol City was home to hundreds, if not thousands, of pesky money-grubbing criminals whose hearts were filled with greed. There’s the aforementioned Simon Bar Sinister who always creates the most dangerous inventions to rob his local banks, a gang leader named Riff Raff who loves causing crime in the city, and the many, MANY warriors and conquerors hailing from planets well beyond the reaches of Earth. Even with everything they tried to throw at Underdog however, he always came out on top and made sure justice was properly served each and every time. Even literal natural disasters struggled to put the pooch powerhouse down!
With his constant fight against the forces of evil, Underdog underwent great personal sacrifice more often than not, making himself a victim to his villain’s attacks in order to save the people he holds dear. Under all the sarcasm, constant rhyming, and clumsy side that he often shows, he has a genuinely brave and kind heart that enables him to realize what he’s truly fighting for, especially saving the likes of his love interest, ace reporter Sweet Polly Purebred. Even when Overcat, one of the deadliest warriors in the universe, forced Underdog to fight in order to determine who would have control over everything, he would be able to come out as the winner, proving himself to be a great hero to all once again. Hope will never be lost as for when evildoers rob and steal from those in need, Underdog will always come to right their wrongs with blinding speed!
Despite being the equivalent of a 10-11 year old girl in both age and mindset, Wordgirl’s intelligence has proven to be anything but. Her whole schtick is that of being a living dictionary, and that includes memorizing every word in the dictionary and being able to define it immediately after someone asks for its meaning. In fact, everything reading and writing seems to be up her alley as she checks out 10 books and finishes them every week along with winning so many writing contests in her school that they forced her to retire from the competition (Season 8, Episode 9, 1:31). She knows how robotics work as she’s used that knowledge to fix her supercomputer as well as deactivate one of Two Brains’ machines and she even understands words from ancient languages such as hieroglyphics.
Outside of book smarts, Wordgirl had become a profound fighter in the many years where she self-trained to master her powers. She learned the best ways to deal with all her villains, such as using Huggy to deal with the Butcher’s meat barrage or modifying her helmet to resist Mr. Big’s mind control devices. Her aim is on point as well as she’s able to grab 5 dodgeballs thrown at her at the same time and throw them back and hit the 5 robots who threw them towards her to begin with. Even with scientific geniuses such as Two Brains’ and Tobey fighting against her, she always manages to outsmart them by the end of the episode. Did I mention that she’s come up with at least 999 Emergency Plans all on her own in order to deal with her foes?
With the many adventures he’s gone on, Underdog has fought all kinds of foes on his home planet and from beyond the galaxy itself. Whether it’d be mad scientists that whip up and use every invention possible, gigantic robots that stomp around the city, literal aliens soldiers and gladiators, and many other opponents that he’s faced, he could and has wiped them all out in a jiffy on multiple occasions. He generally has super-accurate aim too as it was not only stated by Underdog himself but he’s used this aim to shoot the guns out of Riff Raff’s minions’ hands, plug multiple tank cannons at once with big rocks, and lasso onto the spine of a stegosaurus. He’s even picked up some sword fighting skills (3:34 - 4:15)(18:12 - 19:00) and developed his own techniques such as his sledgehammer fist to fight monsters (7:19 - 8:10) stronger than him (14:09 - 14:21) and rolling into a ball to knock down rows of ships like bowling pins (1:31 - 1:42).
In terms of intelligence, Underdog comes with a super brain that has allowed for quick thinking and on-the-spot genius more often than not. He’s quickly made a machine gun with a reed straw and some seeds while shrunken (4:09 - 4:42), instantly figured out how to counter and reverse the effects of Simon’s Camera Ray which turns people into photos (2:22 - 4:33), used a borrowed observatory telescope to melt a frozen ocean, identified that ghost like creatures were from a different planet millions of miles away (6:15 - 7:32), and making inventions such as his portable shower and rocket-boosted wheelchair within short time frames. These are just a few examples of how smart Underdog can be when the time calls for it.
Super Suit
The iconic fit for the pint-sized powerhouse that is Wordgirl. She rocks a red full body jumpsuit with dark red gloves and boots and her symbol right on her chest. Along with the suit, she dons a helmet, a yellow cape that comes with multiple compartments for change, pocket mirror, pencils, and healthy snacks, and a utility belt that is able to communicate with her sidekick Captain Huggyface by pressing its buckle.
Key(s) to the City
As a thanks from Fair City for the countless number of times that Wordgirl saved them from the clutches of evil, the mayor holds a special event to give her the key to the city. Due to Wordgirl’s long history with the city however, she’s now in possession of at least TWO HUNDRED keys to the city. They’re not particularly useful in a fight but at least she can show off I suppose.
This Wordgirl-themed phone acts like any other phone, enabling her to call the police to clean up the crime scene or communicate with people from long distances in general.
Just a pair of Wordgirl-themed handcuffs, moving on.
In order to defeat Victoria Best, Wordgirl used a normal net covered in gold paint to trick Victoria into wanting to win/steal the so-called “trophy”, leading to her being trapped under the net.
In the scenario where Becky needs to go fight crime but can’t transform when she’s stuck with her family or friends, she uses this inflatable balloon version of herself to act as a stand in. The balloon also comes with a remote that lets Becky play any pre-recorded lines to further bamboozle everyone.
Just your average microphone. It’s not really too useful outside of the one time where Wordgirl needed it in order to deactivate all of Mr. Big’s hypnosis machines disguised as badges.
In the case that she needs to drown out harmful sounds, such as Victoria Best’s hypnotic record-playing, she can put on her own custom headphones to keep those sounds out.
This minuscule tracker can be latched onto anyone it’s thrown at, letting Wordgirl remotely track the location of whoever it attaches to.
Gold Chain
Wordgirl can pull out a gold chain that let wrap her opponents up.
Giant Needle
Comically large needle.
Violet’s Invention
As a part of the Young Inventors competition, Violet creates an Egg-and-Apple slicer with Becky’s help, getting her the win thanks to the judge’s love for free food. When Tobey loses his cool and tries to attack Violet with his robot, Wordgirl would end up using Violet’s slicer to slice the robot into numerous pieces as she shows no mercy for Tobey’s lies about turning good.
Seymour’s Teeth Whitener
Wordgirl has used this once on her own teeth to blind opponents with the pure shininess of simply a smile, similar to that of Seymour’s own move.
As a part of Hal Hardbargain’s plan to scam both Wordgirl and Granny May, Wordgirl ends up buying her own Wordgirl-themed shield that would seemingly protect her from any blunt attacks.
Spaceship Hideout
The very spaceship that Wordgirl and Huggy crash-landed into Earth with had soon enough turned into their secret hideout for everything Wordgirl. The ship remains in a location hidden in a forest just outside of Fair City.
Crime Detector
Since Wordgirl is essentially the #1 Hero of Fair City, she not only has contact info with every official in the city, but she has an advanced crime tracker that detects any suspicious activity no matter where the crime is within Fair City.
Super Advanced Secret Battle Moves of the Planet Lexicon
This Lexiconian book was used by Wordgirl to figure out how to defeat Miss Power, teaching her numerous new battle moves alongside how to counter Miss Power’s mean attempts at ridiculing everyone verbally.
Villain Mementos
What better way to reminisce on the past than to display everything apprehended from villains in a mini museum in your spaceship hideout? With this collection of weapons and knickknacks hidden in her spaceship hideout, she could technically use anything present in the room. That being said however, Wordgirl usually doesn’t like using any of her villains’ equipment (Season 4, Episode 6, 11:17 - 11:23), and although there are instances where she has used them, it’s only been for good causes that have no negative consequences attached to them.
Super Suit
In order to fully rep the identity of Underdog, he wears a super suit composed of red jumpsuit with a giant U on it and a blue cape. Both of these clothes pieces’ are clearly too big for him but that doesn’t hold him back when he fights crime.
Underdog has reached into his cape to grab some rope which has proven useful in instances such as when he needs to tie up a volcano or when he needed to lasso onto the spine of a giant stegosaurus.
Underdog has used this pipe to not smoke but rather to redirect and focus his breath towards a target. In this case, he used it to redirect the power of a volcano.
Chewing Gum
Underdog keeps a bunch of chewing gum on him apparently, proving to be useful when he blows them out of a pipe to block up numerous other pipes that were leaking.
While it isn’t a weapon he would usually pull out immediately, he has been seen using a gun when doing a standoff against Riff Raff and his gang who were appropriately themed with cowboy outfits.
Just your average wooden surfboard which Underdog used to challenge Surfer Steve to a surfboarding duel.
Asbestos Gloves
Underdog uses these gloves to interact with and punch a fire monster without hurting himself. With it being the 1960’s however, these gloves are also laced with actual asbestos, a chemical that has the ability to kill you when inhaled. This means that any living being that Underdog punches with these gloves can slowly but surely be poisoned over time and eventually die. Dark.
Gas Mask and Super Absorbent Bib
In order to defend himself against Pie-Man’s pies which had enough preservatives to drive even Underdog insane, Underdog brings his gas mask and super-absorbent bib.
Giant Magnet
This giant magnet was created for him by a fellow toolsmith, letting him magnetize a large robot of Simon’s in order to carry it and abandon it at the North Pole.
Ring & Super Energy Pill
In times of desperate measures, Underdog can open the compartment in his ring to reveal a secret card up his sleeve: his Super Energy Pill! When he consumes the pill, Underdog is immediately able to restore all his powers by a significant degree, making him much stronger, faster, and durable than ever before. In fact, it was deemed to give him “all possible strength” (14:02 - 15:14) and overall brings out his full potential (1:59 - 2:22) in order to defeat enemies he couldn’t prior to consuming it such as Fearo the Ferocious (1:11 - 4:08) and the Flying Sorcerers (6:38 - 8:08/14:16 - 16:06). It also tends to heal his injuries (9:01 - 9:28) and even lets him break out of more hax-based scenarios such as being controlled by a voodoo spell (13:56 - 16:05) or being turned into a Valentine portrait by Simon (13:05 - 14:25). It is worth noting that with the latter case, he needed Polly to put the pill in his mouth as he himself was unable to move.
It’s not like Underdog can run out of these pills either given that he carries many on him despite only needing one (15:34 - 17:38). This is showcased when he gave everyone his powers by giving them all his numerous energy pills. This pill isn’t all upside however, as Underdog needs to rely on the pills in order to keep his powers. As he states himself, ““Without my energy vitamin pill, I grow weaker and weaker and weaker still”, meaning that by not taking it often, he slowly becomes weaker and weaker until he becomes an average person.
Lexicon Physiology
As an alien girl hailing from the planet Lexicon, Wordgirl is naturally superior to your average human in every way possible. Akin to someone like Superman himself, Wordgirl was born with great amounts of strength, speed, and intelligence, aka everything she needed to become a powerful hero. Her super strength allows her to easily surpass any human on Earth as she can lift giant weights, vehicles, and entire comets from space without breaking as much as a sweat. Comparatively, her body is naturally very resistant to many attacks thanks to her high density, whether it’d be the blunt force of a punch or being able to hold back literal lasers with her hands. She can also withstand the kinetic of her fast travel speed, which lets her instantly zip from place to place, and combined with her fast reaction speed, she can outpace her opponents before they can even think of making a move.
The scariest thing about Wordgirl is that she doesn’t seem to have an upper limit in stats, at least that we’ve seen on the show. She‘s never truly needed to go all out given the nature of her series so she could be much more powerful than we think. Along with all these general stat upgrades, she also comes with a plethora of other powers that will be described below.
By simply tapping two fingers to her chest, seemingly average kid Becky Boxford can instantly transform her regular outfit into the Wordgirl super suit, and she can also do it vice versa (Wordgirl to Becky). In addition, it causes a huge burst of light that can be seen from a distance.
Super Hearing
Wordgirl has no problem hearing things from miles away, whether it’d be the alarms of a bank robbery, the screams of people from across the city, or the banter of one of her villains on the loose. No matter the sound, she’ll always be able to hear it regardless of its volume or pitch. She can even block out sounds mentally in order to focus on a specific source of sound as proven when Two Brains’ was overwhelmed by Wordgirl’s super hearing when they switched minds (Season 8, Episode 8, 16:44).
Super Vision
Sight is another specialty of Wordgirl’s as she’s been able to see high frequencies on a few occasions. A majority of these occasions have to do with Mr. Big’s hypnosis machines releasing their radio waves in order to hypnotize everyone or Wordgirl being able to see and dodge the Whammer’s sonic blast waves. Besides those instances, she has eyesight comparable to that of a normal person.
Super Smell
Wordgirl could smell the Butcher’s chili across the city where the Butcher was preparing it in front of a decently far-away bank.
Sixth Sense
Somehow Wordgirl was able to sense and appropriately dodge incoming attacks (dodgeballs in this case) while having her back turned. This is something that she’s only done once but it certainly can’t be chalked up to “guessing really good” either.
Her innate ability to hover in the air, dodge attacks and projectiles midair, and travel at speeds faster than sound at the bare minimum, often going beyond that limit when she does things like fly into outer space and chase airborne villains in the sky.
Underground Drilling
Spinning her body fast enough on the ground allows her to generate the power needed to drill through the ground as if she were an actual drill. This seems to be a general ability among supers similar to her as Kid Math was able to use this ability to drill through concrete, so Wordgirl should be able to replicate the same feat.
Wind Creation
By using her super speed, Wordgirl can move fast enough to create mini tornadoes that were able to lift a bunch of mice into the air and trap them inside. Technically speaking, Wordgirl should also be able to recreate Miss Power’s own wind-based move as well, spinning her arms fast enough to create a powerful gust of wind aimed towards a target. In Miss Power’s case, she was able to counter the Butcher’s ‘Hamburger Hurricane’ with this move. Wordgirl can also create a large gust of wind with her super breath, proving to be useful when she needed to get rid of a bunch of Lady Redudant’s copies at once (Season 1, Episode 19, 10:59)
Ice Breath
Speaking of Miss Power AND super breath, this technique is one that Miss Power directly taught to Wordgirl. By turning the air she exhales cold, she can freeze opponents in solid chunks of ice. The ice she generates is so cold that she’s able to freeze a mini version of the Energy Monster midair (Season 8, Episode 4, 10:52), and the Energy Monster is a being made of pure electricity/energy.
Sonic Scream
A power shared among many similar Superman-like beings (including Homelander, who Wordgirl sweeps the floor with by the way), Wordgirl can let out a loud sonic scream to not only cause a huge ruckus but also destroy the environment around her need be. She doesn’t usually use this power in battle as she only lets it out when she’s angry.
Wordgirl is able to understand everything that Huggyface says despite everyone else on Earth only hearing monkey noises on their end. It’s implied that Lexiconians in general are able to understand monkey noises since Huggy is a renowned pilot back on his home planet.
Non-Physical Interaction
There are a few instances of Wordgirl being able to interact with objects and beings that shouldn’t be touchable. She was able to sit on clouds when she was talking with Miss Power and there’s also the instance where she could physically punch the Energy Monster despite it being made of pure electricity/energy as previously mentioned, with the punch treating the electricity like rubber (Season 7, Episode 12, 10:58).
Fourth Wall Breaking
As if the series couldn’t get wacky enough with its playful parodies of superhero tropes, Wordgirl also LOVES to break the fourth wall whenever she can. She is very much aware that her world is completely fictional, often criticizing the silliness of the villains she faces, understanding the idea that she’s in an episode of her show, and claiming that things will always go her way as she states “It’s my show. Things roll my way.” Every episode always ends with her looking at the audience and posing for the camera, promoting her own show in-universe on one instance, and even reps the real life Scholastic company and their summer reading challenge. This is all not even mentioning her constant exchanges with the narrator of the show himself and how often she’s been willing to go off script.
While we never see the narrator himself on screen, he has a constant presence throughout the series, implied to only exist as an disembodied voice due to a lack of physical form. He sees and describes the world through an omniscient lens as he’s able to read thoughts, go to different parts of the city in an instant, and choose who hears him and who can’t. In fact, it’s even implied that he lives on an entirely different plane of existence since he not only has things such as scripts for Wordgirl’s show but he has people like his brother and mother in his life, all of which takes place in a world that is well above the Wordgirl world itself.
While he can talk to any character, he usually talks with Wordgirl and Huggyface. Even without a physical form, the narrator has managed to aid Wordgirl on numerous occasions, whether it’d be hinting at what’s to come (Season 1, Episode 3, 6:28), giving Wordgirl a heads up on incoming danger (Season 4, Episode 12, 1:24), or even manipulating the plot to make sure that the episode is longer (Season 1, Episode 2, 18:36) or to help Wordgirl get the victory (Season 1, Episode 2, 24:10). In the case where the narrator has info that he is unable to share with Wordgirl due to needing to follow the script, Wordgirl can simply trick the narrator into revealing the info (Season 4, Episode 12, 19:58). It ain’t very nice of her but she’s simply just slick like that.
Wordgirl can even take advantage of the screen transitions to get new info such as when she used them to figure out where the Butcher would strike next (Season 4, Episode 9, 5:02). She has absolutely no problem grabbing the transition as well, holding it back with her bare hands.
A lot of Wordgirl’s equipment has been shown to be pulled out of nowhere, implying that Wordgirl can carry as much as she wants without worrying about space. Considering that her suit is skin-tight, an argument can’t be made that she can store anything in her pockets either as it’d be visible from the outside.
Transmutation/Matter Manipulation
Despite not being highlighted as one of Wordgirl’s main abilities, there have been instances where Wordgirl punches or throws an object hard enough to change its form completely. These instances aren’t done with her super speed or anything like that but it’s done by applying force, and it seems like it isn’t full-on “transmutation” since the object still retains its same material and properties to an extent.
That being said, the four instances where Wordgirl is able to manipulate matter is when she flew by Mr. Big’s poster fast enough to change it into her own poster (Season 1, Episode 17, 24:22), when she merged a bunch of robots into a giant metal heart sculpture with blinking lights (Season 3, Episode 10, 11:52), and when she threw some of Tobey’s robots hard enough to transform them into large scout badges (as seen above), and those robots were unable to act when Tobey later tried to activate them later in the episode. The most infamous example of transmutation however is when Wordgirl punched a bunch of robots hard enough to turn into a new playground for her school to use (Season 4, Episode 9, 23:12). This instance could possibly be chalked up to luck but the chances of that are too slim for it to perfectly create a playground with a slide, a swing set, a seesaw, etc. All these instances are evidence that showcases how Wordgirl can at the very least manipulate matter, and at best, completely transform targets into immobile versions of themselves.
As if manipulating matter wasn’t enough, Wordgirl was somehow able to disintegrate this goopy substance without moving a single muscle, meaning that she could disintegrate it through contact alone. She did this out of her own ability and not by the player’s own ability since the player in this game can only choose what Wordgirl wants to do, not affect the game world themselves.
Power Boost
She doesn’t usually need to go all out in most cases, but when Wordgirl is truly trapped in a sticky situation, both her anger and motivation can be used to give her a temporary stat boost, letting her break out of things such as a column of tires which she had previously been struggling with.
Extreme Heat: Wordgirl may have been affected by summer heat before but there are multiple instances where she withstands high amounts of heat just fine. She’s held and punched back lasers from Tobey’s Statue-Bot (Season 5, Episode 5, 23:56) and Miss Power with her bare hands, both of whom were able to slice and melt metal with those lasers. She’s also flown close to the sun and wasn’t affected by its heat (Season 2, Episode 20, 22:51).
Extreme Cold: Freezing temperatures have had no real effect on Wordgirl as she can not only fly freely in outer space but she came out fine after being frozen by Rhyme’s ice breath technique (Season 8, Episode 13, 20:03)(Season 8, Episode 13, 21:10).
Vacuum of Space: Speaking of space, Wordgirl’s flown into space before and never had to deal with the problem of a lack of oxygen or the general issue of freezing temperatures. This is consistent as well considering that Wordgirl’s flown into space multiple times.
Mind Manipulation: While there have been cases where Wordgirl’s mind has been messed with, she still has resistance to general mind manipulation via modifying her helmet to ignore the effects of Mr. Big’s many hypnosis machines (Season 6, Episode 1, 20:45). She’s also managed to break out of mind manipulation like when she was able to shake off an ability of Ms. Question’s, which was an ability that could force people to confess their deepest darkest secrets (Season 3, Episode 8, 21:40 - 22:52)
Electricity: Thanks to her high density in her molecular structure and her full-charged bio-electric aura, she is able to tank extreme energy forces, including the likes of the Energy Monster’s raw electric strikes (Season 4, Episode 6, 2:41) and beams of electricity (Season 4, Episode 8, 7:58) on multiple occasions
Drowning: Wordgirl has been shown to not need to hold her breath when she’s underwater, such as the time when Tobey’s robots grabbed her and dragged her underwater.
Radiation: Wordgirl (as Becky) was unaffected by the Boxford’s new Radiator Microwave 9000 which had let out enough radiation to not only cook a potato within seconds but also cook every other potato outside of the microwave. Even the skeletons of them all could be seen with the sudden burst of radiation.
Limited Time Manipulation: Wordgirl was able to resist, albeit still be affected by, close contact with Two Brains’ time stopping machine which was actively shooting out time-stopping rays. Supers on her level such as Kid Math were shown to be affected by the Time Stopping Ray immediately, making it clear that Wordgirl is special in this regard.
Experiment Physiology
The nature of Underdog’s powers isn’t exactly explained in the original cartoon itself but the movie acts as a sort of origin story for Underdog, giving us an answer as to where his powers derived from. He starts out as a regular dog but he is then supplemented by one of Bat Sinister’s chemical experiments, turning him into the super dog that everyone recognizes today. The powers given to him through this experimentation include the overall boost in physical stats, with those stats being described as giving him “the speed of a cheetah”, “the flight of an eagle”, “the strength of an elephant”, etc. He also gains a bunch of other abilities that will promptly be explained below.
When the people cry for the superhero Underdog, average citizen Shoeshine Boy can run to his nearest telephone booth and BOOM! He not only explodes the very telephone booth he’s in (and proceeds to not pay for the damage later) but he completely transforms into Underdog with the outfit and everything. It seems like he’s able to manifest the suit out of nowhere as he never carries it with him or is implied to have changed with his super speed.
Super Hearing
Like every other dog in the world, Underdog comes prepackaged with senses much more effective than your average human. When he was turned into Underdog however, his senses go far beyond an average dog’s as he not only gets enhanced versions of those senses but other abilities associated with those senses. When it comes to hearing specifically, he has a ton of hearing abilities such as his general enhanced hearing which lets Underdog hear anyone calling for his name no matter where he’s located. This hearing is specific enough for him to be able to distinguish between voice recordings and the real deal after he had been tricked for a while (5:07 - 7:18/8:03 - 10:39). Even if the sounds are as small as a lock being broken across the city, a shrunken Polly calling for help, or telegraphed messages sent to him via a radio tower (5:31 - 6:10), he’ll always be able to pick up those sounds and be there lickety-split.
Speaking of Polly, Underdog has heard Polly cries for help from the craziest of distances, whether it’d be…
Hearing her cries from miles away on multiple occasions (Both 0:33 - 1:08 and 13:04 - 14:56)
When she was in the middle of the South Atlantic ocean while Underdog was elsewhere (6:22 - 7:27)
Hearing her from halfway around the world (Both 4:52 - 5:30 and 6:43 - 7:30)
When she was on a planet a trillion miles away from Earth (7:34 - 8:11)
When she was on a different planet a million light-years away from Earth (13:11 - 13:50)
Super Vision
Another enhanced sense of Underdog’s is that of vision as he’s able to see REALLY GOOD, and not just because he ate his carrots. He’s got multiple types of vision that put his eyes to great use, such as his x-ray vision that allows him to see through materials such as bricks, metal (15:26 - 15:41), and even bodies. Unlike your average X-ray vision however, it can also set things on fire (3:27 - 3:42). Whether it’d melting the Granite Gun (15:50 - 16:09), setting rooms on fire (9:50 - 10:09), or passively melting metal objects that touch his eyes (6:30 - 6:45), it’ll be sure to leave a burn mark on anything Underdog lays his eyes on.
He also has two other kinds of visions that aren’t used as often. His Atomizing Eyes acts similar to his X-ray vision, letting Underdog scan underground areas (10:54 - 11:08) and somehow make a stalactite fall on a minion (14:27 - 14:51). His other kind of vision is that of Cosmic Ray Vision, an invisible type of vision that was used to melt handcuff chains without anyone noticing (3:28 - 4:03).
As expected of a Superman-like hero, Underdog can freely fly from location to location whenever he wants. His theme song claims that he can fly at the speed of lightning, and this is reflected in the fact that he leaves a colorful blur wherever he flies along with numerous stars following behind. His ability to fly isn’t restricted to Earth either as he can fly freely into space and across entire light years’ worth of distance.
Super Brain
Underdog may be a superhero that’s more on the clumsy side of things but he does in fact have a super-intelligent brain under all that clumsiness. A lot of the feats relating to his brain were already elaborated on in the experience section for Underdog but it’s worth noting that this is indeed a separate ability of his.
Atomic Breath
With his atomic breath, Underdog can create large gusts of wind that blow away anything in its path. Whether it’d be blowing away fire, buildings (3:51 - 4:14), tornadoes (11:28 - 12:03), erupting volcanoes (1:16 - 1:47), several million feathers off the face of the Earth (16:53 - 17:01), or even Overcat himself (14:14 - 14:24), nothing has been able to withstand the sheer force of his roar of thunder. Blowing things away isn’t the only thing that his breath can do as he can whistle loud enough to shatter a specific type of glass for miles around the entire city (2:27 - 3:32), inhale hard enough to outvacuum a powerful vacuum gun suction (16:02 - 16:53), and blast heat hot enough to defrost targets of Simon’s snow gun (16:43 - 17:00)
Non-Physical Interaction
Underdog has shown no issue with being able to interact with intangible beings and untouchable weather formations. He’s been able to grab and bend lightning bolts (10:34 - 11:10), stretch and compress a cyclone during a typhoon (5:17 - 5:42), and shake hands with a ghost. He can interact with even more intangible beings with outside help such as being able to punch a fire monster with asbestos gloves and being able to interact with Cloudmen once he consumes his Energy Pill after being unable to prior (15:04 - 16:54).
Fourth Wall Breaking
Although fourth-wall breaking isn’t something that Underdog is particularly known for, that doesn’t mean that it’s entirely out of his league. He is aware of the nature of his world as he knows that he has an audience watching/reading him, going as far as to wink at the reader, comment on the fact that he was in a one page story, and directly speak to that audience in both his show and comic (3:56 - 4:10)(1:37 - 1:56)(5:53 - 6:09). He can also hear the narrator of his story which is something supported by other characters being able to hear the narrator as well like Riffe Raffe (1:56 - 2:04).
Ah yes, the ability associated with every classic cartoon in the 1900's. Underdog would not be an exception as he’s pulled plenty of his arsenal from out of the blue, like the rope and asbestos gloves derailed earlier in his arsenal His suit clearly has no compartments available in order to store anything so this is purely toon force at its finest.
Cosmic Awareness
Needing to defeat Surfer Steve when he was planning to plunder Earth of its riches, a mystic force would drag Underdog into space where he would meet a planetoid named Cosmic Benny Factor. Having watched Underdog’s defeat against Surfer Steve the first time around, Benny decides to grant Underdog the gift of cosmic knowledge. With this newfound info directed straight into his mind, he becomes aware of everything he didn’t know prior. This includes knowing how to speak in Surfer Steve’s alien language despite not even realizing the words he had just spoken and also figuring out how to beat him at his own surfing game.
While under the effects of his energy pill, Underdog can turn himself invisible by spinning around fast enough to appear as a blur. This effect is maintained until he spins himself back to turn himself visible again (14:35 - 16:58).
Radiant Heat
Underdog can give off enough heat from his body to melt out of the freezing effects of Simon’s Snow Gun. This is impressive when you consider that the Snow Gun’s effects couldn’t be melted even when grilled over a fire.
There’s only one case of Underdog being able to regenerate and that was when he popped himself back to normal after being flattened into paper.
When Underdog was forcefully de-aged into a puppy in order for Simon to get rid of his powers, Underdog did the only sensible thing to bring himself back to his prime. He thought really hard, thinking about the only thing that could bring him back to his proper age: modern-day issues! By worrying about pollution, war, inflation, etc., he was able to come back to his right age and stop Simon from robbing a bank.
Just like any other classic cartoon character, Underdog comes equipped with the power of transmutation anytime he’s punched anything inanimate. He can choose whether to turn the object into something completely different or not, and he’s used his transmutation powers to crush coal nto perfectly cut diamonds (10:23 - 12:01) as well as punch a giant bird hard enough to turn it into a cooked turkey (14:48 - 14:59).
Poison Manipulation
Asbestos is deadly.
Extreme Heat: The fire breath of the 2-Headed Dragon of Zot had no effect on Underdog, with him simply shrugging off the heat (15:14 - 15:26). This resistance does seem to have a limit however as he believes he’ll die if he’s doused in lava.
Electricity: In his base form, he’s completely fine after flying into power lines as well as Slippery Eel’s electric trap which can supposedly produce 1 “million billion” volts of electricity. With his pill, he is able to ignore the Electric Eel’s powers entirely (14:52 - 15:29).
Extreme Cold: Simon’s Snow Gun can freeze people into snowmen, and Underdog needed to be shot multiple times in order to be turned into a snowman (11:45 - 12:54). His radiant heat would break him out later on along with his heat breath helping others break out (16:43 - 17:00), and this is impressive considering that grilling it over a fire was unable to break it (12:03 - 15:15).
Vacuum of Space: Flying in space is something Underdog is very used to as he’s done it multiple times, especially when he has battles to fight on entirely different planets. During these instances, he’s had no problem breathing or talking in the middle of space as well (14:53 - 17:07) as being able to resist the freezing temperatures of space.
Drowning: Underdog has been able to fight and speak (both 1:01 - 1:19 and 5:00 - 5:18) while underwater (13:54 - 14:23).
Mind Manipulation: With the power of his super brain and his love for Polly, Underdog could resist the hypnosis effects of one of Simon’s machines despite being affected by it initially; he would hold this resistance up until the machine completely broke down (12:19 - 13:36). He could also resist the magic mind control of Simon in the comics and the hypnotic music of a villainous musician.
Transmutation: Even transmutation is something that a super dog like Underdog can resist and break out of later on with the help of his Energy Pill. He could concentrate hard enough to begin to break out of the Flying Sorcerers’ spell which had turned into a ball, and when he heard the screams of Sweet Polly, he could fully break out (7:51 - 13:49). He’s also resisted the Granite Gun, which turns people to stone, and helped other people break out of it with his punches (15:24 - 17:41), and he could stay sentient while being turned into a valentine (13:05 - 14:25). The Energy Pill let him break out of the valentine like glass and he could possibly even break out of it without the pill as seen in the comic version.
Body Control: He could somewhat break out of a Voodoo Doll spell casted on him by a Witch Doctor, and after taking his Energy Pill, he could fully overcome the spell which ended up destroying the doll.
Poison: Underdog directly carries asbestos gloves, meaning that he should’ve inhaled some micro strands from it which was supposed to cause asbestos poisoning. Despite it being especially effective against smaller creatures like dogs as well as fire (refer back to the fire creature) only making things worse, he comes out of it just fine.
Has been Earth’s greatest champion and mightiest hero for numerous years
Is somehow able to balance her normal and hero life on a daily basis
Knows the definition of almost every word in the dictionary
Was claimed to be “unbreakable” (Season 6, Episode 9, 24:25) by the narrator and “undefeated” by a super computer
Has apprehended villains at least 10,479 times
Defeated Two Brains, The Butcher, Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy, Tobey Mccalister, Energy Monster, Granny May, Mr. Big, Miss Power, etc.
Her punches creates star-shaped holes in walls (Season 6, Episode 8, 11:02)
Casually crumples steel girders and wraps villains in street lamps
Burns a star-shaped hole through a robot simply by flying through it (Season 6, Episode 5, 5:16)
Destroys Mr. Big’s stone monument with a few hits (Season 4, Episode 12, 23:07)
Obliterates a tall metal obelisk in one hit
Carries two giant city-sized bread slices and smashes them together to make it rain crumbs (Season 4, Episode 4, 10:08 - 10:13)
Casually destroys and tosses around Tobey’s robots
Splits a hole in the Learner’s energy bubble (Season 8, Episode 12, 22:04)
Holds back a punch from Tobey’s robot, Eileen’s punch, and Chuck’s giant sandwich press all at the same time (Season 7, Episode 2, 1:20)
Molds the Eiffel Tower back to its proper shape (Season 6, Episode 13, 11:39)
Throws Tobey’s robots from Earth to the Moon in 2 seconds (Season 5, Episode 11, 22:34 - 22:40)
TJ claims Wordgirl could lift an entire mountain with her pinky (Season 1, Episode 5, 13:52)
Grabs and carries meteors and comets (Season 6, Episode 11, 19:17) directly from outer space
Intercepts another meteor while it falls towards Earth (5.43 Kilotons - 200 Teratons, possibly 53.5 Zettatons)
Throws a bunch of Tobey’s robots from Earth to the sun (Season 3, Episode 10, 9:11 - 9:16)(574 Exatons - 5.06 Zettatons)
Bent an invention of Two Brains’ that was amplified with power that could release energy that could destroy a planet
Always moves at high speeds in the air, appearing as a streak of light
Assembles a dinosaur skeleton in an instant
Grabs every bolt from Tobey’s robot while flying in to confront Tobey (Season 5, Episode 10, both 9:43 - 9:46 and 11:03 - 11:14)
Speed reads a huge book in 4 seconds (Season 1, Episode 14, 11:34 - 11:39)
Catches a bus that’s thrown out of the city and almost into the ocean in a second (Season 1, Episode 1, 8:37 - 8:42)
Flies across the city in a few moments
Her theme song claims she can fly at the speed of sound
Dodges Whammer’s sonic blast waves on numerous occasions
Cleans some cars really fast (Mach 48)
Can easily dodge electricity from the Energy Monster
Outflew security lasers that were already being shot out (Season 3, Episode 10, 22:18 - 22:22)
Flies from her house to Two Brains’ lair, ties him up, and returns to her home within the span of 1 second multiple times (Season 3, Episode 11, 7:04 - 7:21)
Travels from her city to Paris in 2 seconds (Season 2, Episode 25, 8:14 - 8:16)
Can zip from Earth to outer space and vice versa in an instant
She’s even done this by accident before! (Season 2, Episode 25, 14:26)
Flew from Earth to the moon in a few seconds (Season 2, Episode 20, 20:39 - 20:44, 22:17)
Flew to the moon in 2 seconds with all her dirty clothes (Season 7, Episode 8, 4:17 - 4:22)
Flies around the world 5 times before Huggy could hit the ground while falling from the height of a skyscraper (Season 5, Episode 6, 4:51 - 5:14) (26.73c)
Fixes the moon in 1 second after Tobey had made a carving on it earlier (Season 6, Episode 13, 11:43)
Threw Tobey’s robots into the Sun from Earth (293.53c)
Flies from the Moon to the Sun in 1.44 seconds while carrying one of Mr. Big’s machines (Season 2, Episode 20, 22:48) (347.46c)
Flew close and hard enough towards Two Brains’ Time-Stopping Ray, which was actively releasing beams that were stopping time on Earth, that she was able to reach the switch on the machine and turn it off (Season 8, Episode 8, 9:31 - 10:11)(see Before the Verdict)
Is fine after being blown away by a shockwave from Nocan’s sword (Season 8, Episode 11, 21:57 - 22:00)
The Whammer’s WHAMS do no damage to her (Season 2, Episode 17, 19:49)
She’s tanks those same WHAMS fine despite being weakened with Lexonite (Season 5, Episode 4, 17:32)
Was fine after Tobey’s robot punched her high into the air (Season 7, Episode 4, 6:28 - 6:32)
Tanked a stomp from Tobey’s robot
Withstood a slap from the Tobey-Bot 9000
Was also fine when she was sent flying by another robot of Tobey’s (Season 1, Episode 18, 8:32 - 8:35)
Fine after being thrown from the city into the Eiffel Tower (Season 6, Episode 4, 18:56)
Survived getting smashed by a incoming meteor (Season 2, Episode 20, 1:56) (1.48 Megatons)
Takes hits from her robotic equivalent (Season 4, Episode 12, 7:27)
Stops crime all around the world and even across the entire universe
Can take entire armies all by himself
Took down a giant monster that both the army and navy couldn’t stop (14:35 - 17:39)
Single-handedly stopped a war between 2 neighboring countries (quite literally) (5:36 - 6:33)
Stated to be the strongest, fastest, bravest, and smartest hero by Sweet Polly (11:27 - 11:39)
Backed up multiple other times (both 0:27 - 0:45 and 7:01 - 7:15)
Defeated Simon Bar Sinister, Riffe Raffe, Fearo, the Flying Sorcerers, the Witch of Pickyoon, Overcat, etc.
Always destroys a telephone booth by simply turning into Underdog
Bent a vault as if it were rubber bands
Whistled loud enough to shatter all the glass in the entire city (2:32 - 3:31)
Could swing and throw around a large monster while he was Shoeshine Boy
Jackhammered through a 10-story tall robot and tore it to pieces (1:32 - 2:19)
Shook and lifted entire buildings
Stopped two trains from colliding with by halting each with one hand (15:17 - 15:37)
Lifts an entire bridge
Destroys all of Simon’s machines with little effort
Using a power line, sewed an earthquake that completely shattered a mountain over the United States shut (2:23 - 2:57)
Caught and threw back shots from the Zot ships, defeating the entire army of ships all on his own
Dove through thousands of feet of solid rock within seconds
A Magic Mirror claimed he was “unlimited in strength” and that his only weakness was Polly (2:10 - 2:56)
Shook the Magnet Men’s planet upon landing on it (14:42 - 15:55)(1 Teraton)
Pushed the Earth back to its correct place after it had been pulled away from the sun (16:04 - 16:45) (2.57 Ronnatons of TNT)
Also manages to tilt it back to its correct axis as well (529.58 Ronnatons)
Rapidly rebuilt a building from debris
Dodges bullets and cannon fire (10:07 - 10:09)
Stated to fly at the speed of lightning
Reacts to Eel’s electricity attacks
The narrator claims that Underdog was dodging at the speed of light
Bounces back Simon’s camera flash with a mirror well after Simon had taken the picture (3:00 - 3:23)
The rays were stated to be rays by Simon and the story, along with it coming from a camera and Underdog being able to bounce it back with a mirror
Stated to fly at the speed of light multiple times (both 5:38 - 5:56 and 16:05 - 16:27)
Appeared in multiple places at once with his super speed to fool Riff Raff
Blitzes Overcat (15:41 - 16:07)
Flew across the world in seconds (6:29 - 7:00)
Punched a skyscraper sized alien back to his planet 32 million miles away in 10 seconds (17:27 - 17:37)(17.1782c)
Loves to fly from Earth to very very far away planets
Flew to Planet X at the speed of light
Flew to the home planet of the Flying Sorcerers in seconds
Flew to the planet Felina in minutes (8,946 - 89,469c)
Flew to Zot (12:05 - 12:26) in a very short time frame (372,274 - 210.433 Billion × FTL)(see Before the Verdict)
His trip back to Earth happened in an even shorter timeframe (16:53 - 17:02)
Flew to the Flying Sorcerers’ planet (13:50 - 14:05) in another short timeframe (2.104 Trillion × FTL)
Could possibly scale to Beowulf’s slingshot which doubles as a time machine, with him stating that the slingshot could “shoot you into the air so fast you’ll fly right into the future” (see Before the Verdict)
Simon and Cad were hit with the momentum of Underdog and Polly flying through time with the machine and were only knocked out
Is fine after flying through numerous brick walls
Bullets bounce off of him as if he were made of rubber (both 0:17 - 0:29 and 0:25 - 0:36)
Pistols, machine guns (16:01 - 16:06), tank shells (14:11 - 14:24), and even Zot Cannon shots (1:17 - 1:21) can’t do anything to him
Tanked a grenade that blew up right next to him and he didn’t even notice it
An industrial wick cutter splits when he puts his hand below it
Simply walked off a point-blank Nitro explosion
Fine after being stomped on by a giant Stegosaurus
Could take a great beating from Overcat before defeating him
Tanked a blow from his robotic copy
The Inventors
Wordgirl tends to not only destroy every plan that her city’s villains try to pull off but she also has destroyed countless inventions that the likes of Mr Big, Tobey, and Two Brains had created. There are a few cases where specific inventions of theirs have managed to match or even overpower Wordgirl but for the most part she should physically upscale a majority of their weaponry.
Tobey’s robots always knock over buildings and smash pavement when they walk
Tobey’s robots have lasers that can completely shatter stone
Tobey’s robot could fly from Earth to Mars and back in about 3 seconds, having enough time to take a picture of itself holding a flag (Season 1, Episode 25, 17:12)(500c)
Tobey’s Wordgirl-themed robotic super suit could carve out a giant drawing on the moon, with the drawing being visible from Earth (Season 6, Episode 13, 10:27 - 10:34)
One of Mr. Big’s hypnosis machines could mind control on a planet-level scale (Season 2, Episode 20, 22:03 - 22:15)
That same hypnosis machine reached from the Moon to Earth in seconds (Season 2, Episode 20, 21:58 - 22:02)
Two Brains’ quickly solves a maze (Season 1, Episode 2, 15:17)
Two Brains’ has an even bigger cheese ray that can turn the entire city into cheese (Season 3, Episode 11, 8:27 - 8:32)
Two Brains’ rigged a mountain so that it could function like a giant cheese volcano
Two Brains’ Cheese Seizer was also able to halt an asteroid made of goat cheese (Season 6, Episode 5, 10:40 - 10:54)
The asteroid was going to destroy half of Fair City (9:56)
The machine sent the asteroid out of the atmosphere and back into space within seconds
Two Brains’ could stop time on the entirety of Earth with his Time Stopping Ray (Season 8, Episode 8, 2:58 - 3:15)
One of Two Brains’ cheese rays, amplified with the Energy Monster’s electricity, could turn a giant Saturn-like planet entirely into cheese in an instant (51.31 Yottatons at the bare minimum)(see Before the Verdict)
Said ray shot out a laser that at least traveled from Earth to Saturn within 2 seconds (2,379c)
Two Brains’ Tractor Beam Ray not only brought the Moon close to the Earth very slowly, but it’s able to send the Moon from its close position to Earth back to its original position within a second (784 Ronnatons)(see Before the Verdict)
Rogues Gallery
Based off of Wordgirl’s track record, she’s been able to defeat every one of her villains on multiple occasions with a combination of her super strength, speed, and smarts. This naturally means that she should upscale literally everyone she’s ever faced.
The Whammer could lift a Ferris Wheel and throw it into the air
The Whammer’s sonic blast waves, or WHAMS, are very powerful as they can…
Destroy trees (Season 7, Episode 11, 17:22 - 17:28)
Split rocks (Season 1, Episode 15, 2:02)
Destroy parts of a building (Season 2, Episode 13, 15:03)(Season 5, Episode 4, 13:55)
Destroy an armored truck (Season 2, Episode 17, 20:00 - 20:04)
Send Huggy, on a playground rocketship, into space within a short time frame (Season 2, Episode 23, 7:55, 8:28)
Shake the city and tip over multiple buildings (Season 4, Episode 6, 20:26 - 20:29)
Travel from Earth to outer space within 2-3 seconds and destroy a satellite in its path (Season 4, Episode 6, 22:38 - 22:46)
The Whammer has a ship that could individually wham “every city on the planet” (Season 5, Episode 4, 22:09 - 22:15)
Chuck could crush the entirety of City Hall with his giant Sandwich Press (Season 1, Episode 2, 2:48 - 2:59)
It’s also able to lift an entire grocery store (Season 6, Episode 4, 8:01)
Chuck could have crushed the city by squishing it in between two giant pieces of bread on wheels (Season 4, Episode 4, 7:52 - 7:56)
The Butcher could expand a meatball to the size of a building within seconds (Season 1, Episode 16, 10:50 - 10:59)
The Butcher stops a police car with his meat barrage (Season 8, Episode 3,14:10)
Granny may had a remote-controlled mech that could grab an entire bank and fly away with it (Season 5, Episode 11, 6:04 - 6:11)
The Energy Monster is made of the city’s entire electricity supply
The Energy Monster knocks over giant red power poles
Nocan digs a giant chasm from the sea to the middle of the city in a short time frame (Season 8, Episode 11, both 18:06 - 18:18 and 19:14 - 19:17)
Rhyme creates an ice slide that reaches the height of surrounding skyscrapers (Season 8, Episode 13, 20:10 - 20:16)
Miss Power
As yet another powerful super from the far reaches of outer space, Miss Power acts like the Omni Man to Wordgirl’s Invincible. Not only could story parallels make this comparison understandable but Miss Power was simply a force that even Wordgirl couldn’t take down… at least initially. Through the studying of her planet’s secret superhero moves, Wordgirl’s able to force Miss Power to flee through her faster speeds and invincibility of Miss Power’s insults, meaning that Wordgirl should be comparable to her by the end of the movie.
Huggy Face
Wordgirl’s trusty sidekick. He may seem like your average chimp from Earth but his expertise in piloting, his martial arts knowhow, and his enormous appetite make him quite the formidable foe despite not being close to Wordgirl’s level. Speaking of, Wordgirl’s been shown to be far, FAR superior in every vital aspect when compared to Huggyface, making her much more powerful and faster than anything Huggy’s accomplished.
Explodes a giant loaf of bread from the inside with his burp (Season 1, Episode 5, 10:52 - 11:02)
Climbed an entire mountain and still had enough stamina to finish playing checkers (Season 2, Episode 12, 19:36 - 19:44)
Set up an entire slippery slide around the Boxford house in a short time frame (Season 4, Episode 10, both 9:43 - 9:46 and 10:15 - 10:28)
Creates afterimages with his movements (Season 6, Episode 3, 6:35 - 6:38)
Piloted a playground rocket ship with the propulsion of a soda bottle, allowing him to travel from the Moon’s range to Earth within a short time frame (Season 2, Episode 23, 9:15 - 9:28)
Dodges a laser from one of Kid Potato’s machines (Season 5, Episode 9, 2:22 - 2:24)
Can pilot his ship from a “galaxy far away” to Earth, and when he accidentally hits a meteor somewhere in between Lexicon and Earth, he’s able to react fast enough to crash land onto the closest planet which was Earth
We’ll be assuming that Lexicon is located in the galaxy “Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte” as it’s not too close but also not too far from our own galaxy
We’re also getting this calc from the traveling speed of the ship and not when Huggy crashes into the meteor and is forced to land on Earth within a short time period (9 Billion x FTL)
Huggy scales to this in reaction speed since the ship is not only driven manually and not with autopilot, but in this dire situation, he was still crashing at these speeds (and possibly faster) and had to react accordingly in order to crash land safely
Ate ALL the meat in the Meaty Dimension, a pocket dimension made of entirely meat (Season 5, Episode 2, 10:24 - 10:32) (see Before the Verdict)
Ate the portal, which looks like a normal slab of meat, which connected the main universe with the Meaty Dimension (Season 5, Episode 2, 10:38 - 10:53) (see Before the Verdict)
Simon Bar Sinister
The most infamous villain of Underdog’s rogue gallery. Underdog should absolutely be able to upscale this mad scientist and all his inventions as he’s not only horrifically blitzed both Simon and Cad without breaking a sweat (15:50 - 15:53), but he’s frequently overpowered and destroyed his best machines. It’s even made fun of in the show as Simon points out that every one of his plans end up failing because of Underdog.
His Cloud Machine created a storm that covered Capital City (14:23 - 14:33)
His Weather Machine instantly made large storm clouds, with it being intended to wipe out the world with many tornadoes, hurricanes, and lots of flooding (1:40 - 2:39)
A later flashback has Simon claim that he would’ve “flooded the whole world” (25.51 Exatons, likely much higher)
Could pilot a spaceship that could make it to the moon in a short timeframe (15:21 - 15:31)
Made a machine that could suck up all the water in the world and put the entire Atlantic Ocean in a jar smaller than his hand (1:28 - 1:55)
The Bubbleheads
They may not look all that threatening at first but these underwater enemies had a machine that could create several ecological disasters in order to hold the Earth hostage and get whatever they wanted. Underdog would soon stop all these weather phenomena by hand and eventually destroy the machine that created them all, automatically scaling him above it.
It was capable of wiping out the surface world (25.51 Exatons, likely much higher)
Both Polly and the narrator stated later on that the machine would wipe out the Earth and dry up the land (13:59 - 14:21)
The Magnet Men (Debatable)
These metal men were some of the first aliens that Underdog had to face, and in their first confrontation, they used their Gravity Gun against Underdog and Earth as a whole. Underdog would eventually be able to destroy the machine and his pill-boosted self could possibly upscale the machine since the pill lets him overpower anything in his verse (see Before the Verdict).
The Gravity Gun pulled people out of orbit
The Gravity Gun was used to pull Earth out of its original position and away from the sun at high speeds (12:47 - 13:47) (30 Ronnatons of TNT)
The original intent was to pull the Earth to their own planet
It caused numerous rapid shifts in the Earth (12:47 - 13:47) (483.13 Ronnatons)
It also created massive tremors that spanned across the entire planet (17 Foe)
Underdog fixing and rotating the Earth achieved the same environmental effects (16:04 - 16:35)
The Flying Sorcerers
Being an infamous duo of alien brothers, the Flying Sorcerers initially went to Earth to get a good cake for their father in Zot, a faraway planet. When they confronted Underdog at first, they both had him beat and ran circles around him during their fight, but once Underdog took his pills, he absolutely swept the two brothers up.
Flew between the Magnet Men planet and Zot within a short time frame, throwing a capsule back to their planet in a similar timeframe (1:16 - 1:49)(see Before the Verdict)
They later went to Earth (4:22 - 4:49) within seconds (5.2608 Trillion × FTL)
They also threw Polly that same distance and got back in a short timeframe, stopping to fight Underdog along the way (5:46 - 7:43)
Underdog could catch up to their flight even without his pill
Being the true final boss and the strongest warrior in the entire universe, Overcat would give Underdog the battle of a lifetime when he fought him live on TV with the stakes being the very fate of Earth itself. After a hard-fought battle, Underdog would ultimately take the victory, forcing Overcat to retreat and admit defeat. With this in mind, Underdog should definitely scale to and way above this fearsome feline.
Walked through the wall of a house Kool-Aid Man style (1:17 - 1:36)
Stated to be as strong and possibly stronger than Underdog by Polly (12:39 - 12:52)
Would threaten to “wipe out the Earth with his superpowers” (both 4:16 - 4:37 and 11:56 - 12:58), with his later message confirming that he was going to directly attack the Earth (likely Planet Level)
For being quite the powerhouse at such a young age, Wordgirl does have some notable flaws that need to be checked. The most obvious one from her own show is that of Lexonite, a material from the planet Lexicon that can drain her powers and intelligence if she’s too close to it.
Besides her natural weakness, Wordgirl can’t help herself when she gets the chance to define words in the middle of a battle. Villains have taken advantage of this in order to make a move while she isn’t looking so a smart enough opponent could figure out how to take advantage of this opening. Other issues include her big ego, her obsession with everything Pretty Princess and unicorn related, and her more objective perspective making her unable to do well in anything painting, dancing, or poetry related. She can even still catch colds and hiccups, meaning that she can be affected by anything disease/sickness wise.
Underdog may be one of the mightiest canines the world has ever seen but he still comes with many imperfections that hold him back from being truly unstoppable. He tends to be very clumsy in his fights and with his general superhero business as he’s caused huge amounts of damage to the city property. This clumsiness is also what tends to let people jump him before he can make a move. He can’t even see what’s in front of him sometimes despite having super vision, leading to him crashing into anything in his path.
There’s also the fact that he does still have weaknesses despite his invincible nature. It’s been shown that things such as amnesia (9:26 - 10:19) and electricity that can freeze (3:58 - 6:15) or trap him (7:22 - 14:22) have worked on him in the past along with the fact that he does still need to breathe normally as not doing so makes him pass out (10:10 - 12:36). One of his biggest weaknesses however would have to be his dependency on his Energy Pills since if he were not to take one for less than a few days, he’ll start to weaken and lose his powers until he gets his hands on a new pill (16:59 - 17:30).
Before the Verdict
Why does Wordgirl have inconsistent strength?
I’ve yet to bring this point up until now but throughout the show, Wordgirl has been seen struggling to escape things that should be well below her strength range. Whether it’d be metal cages, entire piles of meat, sticky piles of whatever condiment Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy shoots at her, or a literal pile of tires, Wordgirl doesn’t immediately break out of these and either needs help from Huggy or needs to come up with a plan to get out.
Luckily for us the viewer, Wordgirl gives an in-universe reason as to why she tends to struggle with traps on a smaller scale. In the episode that introduces us to Kid Math, Wordgirl explains to him that he needed to stay trapped inside the metal cage he was inside of in order to “build suspense for the audience”. By easily breaking out of or destroying everything that her villains throw at her immediately, it would remove a lot of the appeal of her fights.
This was actually proven very early in the show during Season 1 Episode 2 where Wordgirl had easily defeated Two Brains’ but due to the narrator needing to prolong the half-episode for entertainment sakes, Two Brains’ defeat would ultimately be delayed until the half-episode reached the right runtime. Along with many other mentions of a script by the narrator, it showcases that every episode is in fact scripted in a sense, at least in whatever dimension the Narrator is on. Wordgirl recognizes this scripted format and follows along, often letting herself stay put in these situations in favor of having an interesting plot. If she were to fight in a different world that was a sort of middleground between her and her opponent, she’d be able to go all out with little issue.
Universal Wordgirl?
The Meaty Dimension is an interesting thing to analyze because despite it only appearing in a single episode (and making a cameo a few seasons later), it has a lot of implications for the verse as a whole. As such, we’ll essentially be talking about one aspect of the overall cosmology (yes there is one unfortunately) that exists within Wordgirl and how she could possibly scale to it thanks to her donkey sidekick.
The first thing we should ask is how big the dimension is exactly so let’s figure that out right now. There’s practically no hints about the sheer size of the Meaty Dimension outside of two things:
The Meaty Dimension has a limited size considering that Huggy could not only eat all the meat within the dimension in a short time frame but the Butcher can run out of meat due to this as seen in the episode
While the Butcher recognizes it as a “dimension”, he has also referred to it as his own “world” (Season 5, Episode 2, 7:22 - 7:25) where he reigns supreme, and while the word can have numerous other meanings, it seems like the Butcher is literally describing it as a world, or in this case, a planet-sized dimension.
There’s a possibility you could argue for higher than planet but due to the lack of any form of star in the dimension, it’d be hard to say that it’s anywhere near the size of a solar system. With this, we can't assume that Huggyface ate a planet’s worth of meat in about 54 seconds based on the episode timeframe (Season 5, Episode 2, 9:00 - 9:54). While this in of itself is impressive, it’s not anywhere close to universal. However, there’s something that might get to that level: the meat portal. The meat portal was casually created by the Butcher clasping his hands together and releasing enough energy to create a physical getaway between the real world and the Meaty Dimension. This same energy is responsible for the original portals that let the Butcher shoot out meat from his hands, meaning that it should technically be the same amount of power put into both, and since the power is what’s opening a door between the two worlds, it should mean that the meat is also empowered to this level. This is significant since Huggy eats the very steak that doubles as the portal and is just fine afterwards (Season 5, Episode 12, 10:38 - 10:53).
If Huggy were able to scale to the portal, then he would very much scale to at least Universal+ which Wordgirl would then consequently upscale from. The thing about attempting to scale Huggy to the portal is that the portal would most likely have been created through the ability of the Butcher’s rather than through pure power alone since it was highlighted near the beginning of the same episode that this was a power that the Butcher got. The Butcher has never been implied to use physical power in order to create these gateways between the two worlds but it’s simply how his ability works, making it all but debunked that these portals are created through strength alone. If this seems off, just remember that the supposed portal to the Meaty Dimension and back is just a steak with funny powers. As hilarious as it would’ve been, I don’t think a steak can be universal. Universal Wordgirl won’t be a thing here.
Shouldn’t it be impossible to calculate Two Brains’ transmutation?
In most cases, transmutation is usually considered to be incalculable for AP-related results, even if it’s on a larger scale as seen with Two Brains’ turning an entire distant planet into cheese. However, a special case can be made for this feat as it’s unlike anything else that Two Brains’ has turned into cheese.
Two Brain’s specifically stated that the ray was able to turn smaller things into cheese without any struggle but when it came to transmuting much larger things, he would need a lot more power to do so. In the very same episode, he utilizes the Energy Monster’s entire electric power supply to power the ray to be able to do exactly what I mentioned before, with Wordgirl being able to bend the ray when it’s charged up with all this power. With this amplified power, Two Brains’ essentially dispersed the material of the planet with his ray and replaced it with cheese; on another instance, there was a sort of combustion effect present when Two Brains’ struck the moon with similar technology (Season 5, Episode 7, 6:23 - 6:28), which would further prove this idea since it’s on a similar scale. With this in mind, we can calculate the dispersion of the planet to get a result well into the yottatons range.
Even if this calc didn’t have any legs to stand on, it at the very least stays consistent with other feats that are on a planetary scale (Wordgirl throwing robots into the sun, Mr Big hypnotizing the entire planet, etc.)
Are the end scenes of Wordgirl canon?
When I say “end scenes”, I’m referring to the scenes that cap off the end of every half episode by having Wordgirl either wave goodbye to the audience, hold a cool pose, or some… other weird shenanigans. With that last point specifically, there are a few instances where Wordgirl has been turned into inanimate objects such as a snowman and chocolate out of nowhere. She can not only fly while transformed into these objects but she comes back fine by the next episode presumably. If these scenes were to actually be usable from a versus perspective, then she’d be able to resist transmutation which is vital to a matchup like this.
Looking into it further however, there are some hiccups with these scenes that should be talked about. Now I will say that every one of these end scenes are in fact canon considering that they not only tie-in to the events of the episode in some way but due to the usual gag-like nature of her verse, it can’t exactly be chalked up as joke scenes. They don’t even interfere with the main plot given that they’re always at the end of every episode. You can look at the Wordgirl trailers and shorts if you’re not convinced but would that mean Wordgirl does have transmutation resistance?
Simply put, nope. In most cases it would be acceptable but with the two scenes which i specifically mentioned, it wouldn’t make sense given that the episode’s ending has her be with her family/friends, to which she presumably flies away and turns into inanimate objects for no reason. We don’t even know what turns her into these objects or why she becomes them to begin with; it leans more into the gag side of things that can’t even be logically explained.
Cheesing the Moon
This mainly relates to Two Brains’ machine pretty much instantly zapping the moon back to its original position. The formula for this is simple with kinetic energy, which lands an impressive 784 Ronnatons. Therein lies a potential problem with it. Going frame by frame to gauge the speed of the moon has it going faster than light, which makes sense, as simply going to the moon in a second gets 1.28 × FTL, and the moon here crossed it in even less. For kinetic energy, you can't exactly calculate faster than light movement as in real life that's just impossible, and nothing is faster than light in reality. For arguments sake and because it wasn't several thousand times FTL or anything like that, we decided to simply lower its speed to lightspeed (which can be calculated for kinetic energy purposes) and used it thus. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine as well, as there are several ways this can be interpreted.
Underdog Space Feats
Throughout the show, Underdog or characters he can scale to have flown vast interstellar distances with no major issues, which ties into all of the best speed feats. The planets in question are Zot, Felina (Overcat’s home), and the Flying Sorcerers planet. Starting with Zot, this was stated to be “a million million miles away” or 1,000,000,000,000 miles (1:40-1:50); about 0.1700680272 light-years. However, given context, it is likely much farther away. Zot's scientists were specifically noted to search their entire galaxy for the strongest warrior (long story) and only after that, turn their gaze past it to the greater universe (3:58 - 4:55). Therefore, Zot is at minimum outside the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Zot Saucers can fly this distance in a short time frame rather casually on (3:50 - 6:17) several (6:41 - 6:57) occasions (7:11 - 7:59) throughout (8:11 - 10:17) the (11:07 - 11:54) saga. Moving to Felina, this was also stated to be a trillion miles away (2:04 - 2:09), which does make some sense given the nearest planet Overcat tried going to was Earth (3:51 - 4:00). Finally, we have the planet of the Flying Sorcerers, which is a little more complicated.
For context, the Flying Sorcerers, Brick and Back, flew across space to different planets for the purpose of bringing back a baker for their father. They traveled to several of the above and otherwise mentioned planets, like that of the Magnet Men and the Zot. While doing this, we are shown a map of them being in the general area (1:13 - 5:14). This is important because we are directly told by both Underdog and the narrator that the Sorcerer's Planet is a million light-years away from Earth (0:16 - 0:37). Therefore, the Magnet Planet and Zot should likely be around their location; a million light-years away.
TLDR: two of the planets are somewhat stated a trillion miles away, but given their mostly close proximity to the million light-years away Sorcerer planet, are likely much farther, which makes sense given the Zot planet is outside Earth's Galaxy. At minimum you can apply the trillion mile distance, but also use the million light-year end for the Sorcerers planet or outside the galaxy for the Zot.
The Great Gravity Gun
For those who have seen the show, scaling Underdog to the Great Gravity Gun might seem like a bit of a stretch, but we believe it to be logical. For context, the Gun pulls metal mostly, and was what moved the Earth away from the sun before Underdog shoved it back. When it was used on him, it pulled his Ring, and stuck him to the object, from which he couldn't get unstuck until they turned the machine off. It was outright said he was helpless against it as well. Seems pretty straightforward in that he wouldn't scale right? Well, it's doubtful at his best he couldn't overpower it.
We are told several times that Underdog is the strongest hero/being in the universe, and that his only weakness is Sweet Polly. He is narratively meant to be the strongest there is, especially when he consumes his Pill, which is a massive Stat Boost. To put into perspective how much this is, it is stated several times to draw out all his possible strength, and Underdog himself stated this puts his strength at its very peak. It's ability has let him solidly outmatch foes like Fearo and the Flying Sorcerers, both of whom were capable of ragdolling his base self rather easily, similar to the Great Gravity Gun. It even restored his powers to their best after he had been weakened to the point where he could not lift a gun. Speaking of the Pill, he didn't consume it in the saga (he left the ring on earth so he wouldn't be weak to their magnetism) even when he had to move the entire Earth; nor did he get very tired from doing that mind you. That Pill has enabled him to stop every single threat he has come up against, so it would be a little bit silly if he couldn't scale to it after consuming it.
TLDR: Underdog is narratively the strongest character and proven such in-story, especially with the Pill. He would logically be superior to the Gun, especially considering he has also moved the Earth without needing to consume his pill or becoming tired.
Immeasurable Wordgirl AND Underdog?
Surprise surprise, both Wordgirl AND Underdog have some plausible arguments for immeasurable speeds. It’s quite fitting that the two Superman-based characters could reach these speeds but how valid are these feats/scaling? Well let’s discuss that right now.
In Wordgirl’s case, she was able to fly towards and somewhat be able to resist the time-stopping rays from Two Brains’ Time-Stopping Ray for a good minute or so. These rays were being constantly released from the machine and the closer that Wordgirl got to the machine, the slower she became as she started to freeze in time. Despite being affected by the Time-Stopping Ray however, she is still able to build up enough momentum to push through the time stoppage just enough to push the lever that deactivates the machine. Even supers comparable to Wordgirl such as Kid Math were immediately affected by the effects of the Time-Stopping Ray (Season 8, Episode 8, 5:21), either meaning that Wordgirl specifically is able to resist time stopping to an extent or she’s fast enough to keep her momentum going even when time was actively pausing right in her face.
Not only does the Time-Stopping Ray pause time the exact moment it’s on full throttle (which is pretty much instantly) but it can affect the Narrator himself (Season 8, Episode 8, 3:03 - 3:12). This may not seem too impressive initially but recall that the Narrator basically exists as a being with no physical body that lives on a plane of existence that is well above Wordgirl’s own universe, or in other words, a whole other dimension. That’s right, not even this verse is safe from cosmology shenanigans. Now of course, the range of Two Brains’ Time-Stopping Ray is still confined to the boundaries of Earth but even when the camera cuts to Wordgirl which the narrator is always attached to, the Narrator is still frozen in time in outer space as Wordgirl notices that he’s not reacting to her destroying meteors (Season 8, Episode 8, 3:35 - 3:48). Since Wordgirl was able to slightly resist these time stopping rays right in her face, even if it was brief, she does somehow scale to this multi-dimensional time stopping but not in speed.
After all, it’s much easier to make an argument that Wordgirl can simply resist time stopping briefly rather than her getting immeasurable speeds from this feat. If she really did have immeasurable speeds, she would’ve blitzed straight through the time-stopping rays and destroyed that thing with her bare fists. She may have resisted enough to be able to speak out her own narration and just about press the switch but scaling her fully to the machine has no foundation behind it.
Now, for Underdog, this concerns a comic feat with time travel where Simon Bar Sinister stranded Underdog and Polly in the past with no time travel methods to get home. Here, they met Beowulf (who is an actual wolf in the story) who just so happened to have a “time travel device” to return them home. What is this device? A regular old slingshot. Beowulf would go on to pull the slingshot and have them be shot fast enough to make it back to the future (which is Underdog’s and Polly’s present day), making it a possible immeasurable/infinite feat on its own. As for actually scaling Underdog to this, he would logically be stronger than Beowulf, who pulled the contraption, and both Simon and Cad were directly hit by Underdog/Polly landing in the present with the velocity of their flight.
With a feat like this, there are some easy arguments you could make against this. One would be “If Underdog can move at those speeds, why didn't he time travel back himself?” and the other would be “Was this not an ability of the slingshot itself?” The first argument does have some merit to it since Underdog directly claims that they would need a time machine in order to return to the future. Upscaling him from Beowulf would make it theoretically possible for him to go back to the future without any machine but the story never acknowledges anything like that. It might just be a case where Underdog simply just doesn’t have the ability to time travel even with immeasurable speeds and it doesn’t take away from the nature of the feat either way.
The second argument is where this feat starts to fall apart from a logical sense. Beowulf claims that the slingshot is “able to shoot you into the air so fast you’ll fly into the future” and he himself is the one pulling back the slingshot but there are a lot of logical loopholes with this. Now of course the slingshot isn’t a “time machine” like the one Simon used earlier in the chapter since it’s from primitive times but just because it isn’t technology based doesn’t count it out from it being the main reason why Beowulf was able to send them forward in time. Whether it’d be through magic or simply cartoon shenanigans, the vagueness of the scene would make it seem more like the slingshot is what’s sending them flying into the future and not Beowulf instead. Besides, if Beowulf was the one providing the speed, he wouldn’t have needed to make the slingshot to begin with. In fact, he could’ve very well just thrown Underdog and Polly into the future and it would’ve achieved the same effect. Finally, Underdog simply upscaling the slingshot via his deux ex machina pill is something that cannot be answered here as the pill isn’t even present here, but since it’d be a shaky assumption in this instance, we’ll be assuming the pill doesn’t get Underdog that high either.
Since both Wordgirl and Underdog have great contention against their supposed “immeasurable” feats, the best we could do for both is equalize them in speed if we really wanted to highball it. As for a low-mid ball, both of these instances should be disproven and not needed for the overall debate; any further context will be elaborated on in the verdict.
Experience and Smarts
Intelligence and experience seems to be a high strength for these two as they’ve shown plenty of times that they are some of the smartest beings in their verse.
Wordgirl is very well known for her love of everything words and writing in general, having memorized an entire dictionary’s worth of words and being able to define them on the spot. She’s also won plenty of spelling bees and writing contests, with her winning the latter so often that she had to be banned from entering. Her knowledge of technology and ancient languages highlights how superior she is to any 10 year old and she doesn’t slack when it comes to fighting either. Within the span of her capturing villains 10,479+ times, she can easily deal with and corner a majority of what her villains throw at her and has even come up with 999 Emergency Plans/Moves in order to ensure victory. She can even fight people on her level who have plenty of experience themselves such as Miss Power.
As for Underdog, he’s also faced his fair share of unique villains whether they are from his home planet of Earth or from far beyond his home galaxy. A lot of the people he faces such as the mad scientist Simon are highly intelligent in their own right and yet they can easily be tricked by Underdog more often than not. He’s gone on to develop fighting skills like his sword fighting abilities and his numerous named moves along with being able to think of ways to defeat opponents on the spot with his super brain. Handling entire armies worth of enemies and top tier warriors is something Underdog can do without even using his pill and his newer gift of cosmic awareness lets him tap into information that even he isn’t fully aware of.
Comparing the two in general smarts, they are both relatively on the same level and don’t have anything that makes them inherently smarter than the other. With experience however, Underdog would get the edge in this since he’s not only fought a wider array of foes from both inside and outside of Earth but he’s been a hero for longer since he’s much older than Wordgirl. Fighting skill would be a similar case as Underdog has fought on a grander scale while Wordgirl tends to fight against only a few villains at the same time. The thing that puts the final nail in the coffin is the combo of both Underdog’s super brain and cosmic awareness, making it very likely that he could figure out Wordgirl’s weaknesses and use them to his advantage.
Experience and smarts should go to Underdog.
Every good superhero comes equipped with a useful arsenal and abilities at their disposal and it’s no different here. They both have a lot of miscellaneous items that wouldn’t be too useful in a fight but there are a few things that are worth mentioning. Wordgirl’s got a shield to protect herself, Seymour’s teeth whitener which can easily blind Underdog, and other assorted weapons such as Violet’s invention and her giant needle. Underdog has a giant magnet that can pull Wordgirl in, asbestos gloves that can poison Wordgirl over time (although it wouldn’t make sense for him to whip them out immediately or at all), and a gun for some reason (instant wincon of course /j). While both of their arsenals are useful to some capacity, Underdog also has his Super Energy Pill which is one of his most vital win con for this fight (refer to stats after this section) so with that in mind, Underdog would take the general arsenal.
As for abilities, this is where the lines start to blur because they not only share a lot of the same abilities but they should be able to resist a majority of those same abilities for the most part. They both have exceptional senses, flight, and more toon-force-esque abilities such as fourth wall breaking and hammerspace. Underdog would be able to break out of Wordgirl freezing him with her ice breath, Wordgirl would get back up after being blown away by Underdog’s atomic breath, Wordgirl would shake off the fire from Underdog’s x-ray eyes, they’d both match each other’s sound based attacks, Wordgirl would be able to deal with an invisible Underdog since she’s fought invisible opponents before, etc. The biggest things that should be talked about here are their ability to transmute and a few other specific hax they both have.
First off, Wordgirl and Underdog both have shown to break the fourth wall but Wordgirl not only does it more often but she’s managed to use it in fights as well. Assuming that she doesn’t even get the narrator, Wordgirl can take advantage of screen transitions to figure out where Underdog is and stay ahead of him even when he has the upper hand. They’ve both been shown to use a form of transmutation that can put the other in an immobile state but the thing is that Underdog can resist transmutation with and without the pill. Wordgirl doesn’t share the same resistance as she’s not shown any proper resistance to it and the show makes it seem like she could be a victim of Two Brain’s Cheese Ray which turns things into cheese. However, Wordgirl does have her own way of bypassing Underdog’s durability with straight-up disintegration; Underdog may have shown one instance of regeneration but there’s no evidence to suggest that his regen could take him that far, making the battle ultimately come down to who can one shot the other hero first.
Ultimately, Wordgirl should have the upper hand in abilities. A lot of Underdog’s abilities are very useful but Wordgirl has a lot of those same abilities as well, evening things out in that regard. Her fourth wall breaking is superior to Underdog’s and is combat-applicable and Underdog’s regeneration wouldn’t ultimately matter since Wordgirl does have a way to bypass it. As for everything else that Underdog has, she’s already faced a lot of those abilities in her own verse, meaning that she could eventually find a way to get past it.
Now we arrive at stats, where both are MUCH higher than you'd expect for these kinds of cartoons. Starting with Wordgirl, she has achieved several high Exatons to low Zettaton feats, like higher ends of stopping a Meteor and throwing robots into the sun. She should also be superior to other weapons throughout the show; particularly, the creations of Two-Brains that have affected entire celestial beings. This includes transmuting a Saturn look-alike (51 Yottatons+) and instantly moving the moon back to its rightful place, which gets nearly 800 Ronnatons.
Moving on to Underdog, he's far stronger than several other machines similar to Wordgirl’s examples, with exaton values ranging into destroying the world, like both examples of flooding the earth and Simon's threat to destroy the world. He's also defeated Overcat, who is likely Planet Level given his threat to attack and “wipe out” the earth. Even more impressive is Underdog moving the earth, which gets several ronnaton values, but the most impressive result is rapidly shifting its Axis, which gets a little over 500 Ronnatons.
Comparing them directly, Underdog generally has the edge, but not entirely. His lower feats reach the planet range while Wordgirl only gets a few Zettatons, but surprisingly, she would have the power advantage. Two-Brains machine moving the moon gets nearly 800 Ronnatons as opposed to his earth move getting 500, so Wordgirl would be a bit stronger. This is the most we can reliably grant her, as we'll explain a bit later. So, let's move on to speed to see if Underdog can deal with her strength advantage.
Wordgirl has constantly flown in Space at hundreds of times FTL, deflected blasts moving thousands of times FTL, and should scale past her best bud Captain Huggyface who can pilot a ship to Earth from the planet Lexicon. This matters because the planet was distinctly noted as in a galaxy far away from Earth, and Huggyface piloting it like so would get over 9 billion x FTL. Moving to Underdog, he's consistently flown at the Speed of Light, thousands and hundreds of thousands of times faster, to even flying to places like Zot and the planet of the Flying Sorcerers. The latter matters because it was stated a million light-years away, and Underdog flew there in seconds, getting over 2 Trillion x FTL. That is easily over 200 times faster than Wordgirl scaling to Huggyface, and thus she can never reliably tag him to utilize her strength edge.
You could highball Huggyface's flight by assuming he flew directly from the far away galaxy in seconds, which would get higher into trillions than Underdog…but it's a very sketchy method to say the absolute least. Even if we did this, Underdog gets the same standard with far better results. See, the Zot planet is implied at bare minimum outside the galaxy, and if we extrapolate Wordgirl's feat to higher numbers, this leads to us saying Underdog has similar distance to hers, and he has traveled in equally short times. So, while Wordgirl is slightly stronger, Underdog is much faster, and she simply doesn't have the means to counter that.
Frankly, even if you tried to vastly upscale her from both this speed example and Two-Brains moon feat, it would ultimately be in vain, because this entire conversation was base Underdog. After taking his drugs ex machina Underdog undergoes a massive Stat Boost that has consistently allowed him to outmatch foes capable of easily beating him earlier, such as the Flying Sorcerers. This would make any stat advantage you could unreasonably push Wordgirl to meaningless, like how it would make him the strongest in his verse, even compared to the Great Gravity Gun causing earthquakes across the entire planet. This gets a ridiculous amount of energy that is more powerful than a sun detonating, and Wordgirl has no comparable counter to this.
All in all, while in base Wordgirl is stronger, Underdog is always much faster, has counters to any higher stat argument you can push for her, and just erases any gap to statstomp her after consuming his Pill.
Stronger than Underdog in base
Her arsenal has more useful items
Transmutation would prevent Underdog from being able to move…
Can potentially one shot with her disintegration ability
Fourth wall breaking would let her predict where Underdog would strike next
Shares a lot of the same or very similar powers with Underdog
Can resist a majority of everything he throws at her
Should be equal in terms of fighting smarts
Much slower
Doesn’t have as much experience and skill due to being younger
Can be distracted when she defines words mid-battle
Has no counters against the Super Pill
…but Underdog can break out of it with and without his pill
She has no resistance to transmutation herself
Not immune to asbestos
Much faster
Has more experience and skill simply due to his age
Takes the entire stat trinity once he takes the pill
Resists transmutation with and without the pill
Invisibility would let him get the jump on Wordgirl
Cosmic awareness and his super brain would let him take advantage of Wordgirl’s weaknesses
Asbestos kills
Shares a lot of the same or very similar powers with Wordgirl
Can resist a majority of everything she throws at him
Should be equal in terms of fighting smarts
Weaker in base form
Has no counter to straight up disintegration
Tends to be on the clumsy side
His fourth wall breaking isn’t as useful
This may be the first time that I’ve made a blog for a matchup that I essentially made up but there’s a first time for everything. Despite it being freshly baked out of the oven, I think Wordgirl vs Underdog has some great potential behind it that I want to share with y’all.
Connections wouldn’t be the strongest thing here but to be fair, we’re talking about Wordgirl and Underdog, both of whom have notable matchups with very little connections beyond the things you can spot with your eye. Since every good matchup still needs connections apparently, I’ll just give you the basics. Wordgirl and Underdog are both Superman parodies that are noticeably beings seemingly not like your average person (Wordgirl is an alien from Lexicon despite looking like a 10 year old girl while Underdog is one of the few humanoid dogs that lives among humans on Ea rth), living double lives as both their normal identity (Becky and Shoeshine Boy) and their superhero identity. They both fell in love with a news reporter that has allied with them on numerous occasions (Scoops and Polly), they both have a wide array of Saturday morning cartoon-esque characters including mad scientists, normal guys that try to make bank off their crimes, and forces hailing from outer space, and they both had to face their ultimate opponent who was an antithesis of everything they stood for (Miss Power and Overcat). Their general home series tend to be more on the gag-like and goofy side of things while also having narrators that maintain the drama within and between every episode. In general, they are regarded as the most powerful hero on their planet and possibly even the universe, overcoming everything in their way and being constantly praised within their home cities. Despite all this fame to their name, they maintain their humble ways and always do the right thing to make sure justice is maintained across the city, the entire world, and beyond.
They would also mesh well against each other in a fight as they are both not only Superman-like in appearance but in powers as well. Due to their overlap in a majority of their powers along with a wide arsenal at their disposal, the dynamic for the fight would fit so well for them both. It’s easy to imagine them flying around the city, the world, and even space, with them throwing everything they have at each other and being confused as to why a majority of their tactics aren’t working against the other. When Wordgirl tries to tie Underdog up with a street lamp, Underdog can easily break out of it. When Underdog tries to use his sledgehammer fist on Wordgirl, she immediately gets back up. Grabbing and throwing meteors, utilizing trees as baseball bats, whipping out hand to hand combat if needed, the list goes on and on. On top of everything in their arsenal, there would be a lot to work with for a fight.
The setup would be pretty easy to create as it would be Wordgirl flying into the scene of Underdog defeating a villain and accidentally destroying the surrounding property as a result. Wordgirl would mistake him for a villain and Underdog would think that she would pose a threat to the city’s peace with her instigation. The banter would be pretty gold as well with how Underdog always rhymes when he talks and Wordgirl would most likely try to be the smart one and define words whenever she can. Their confidence as heroes would result in bold remarks thrown at the other, turning the fight from catching the other to proving they are the ultimate hero. Throw a narrator in the mix too and they’d both have a lot more to say about their circumstances. It would be sad to see either of them die but if they went the Saitama vs Popeye kind of route then I’d be all for it regardless, especially if they do their own spin of the silly transmutation death which both Wordgirl and Underdog can do since they come with their own transmutation powers. Hell, you could even have them respect each other as heroes and yet still go in for the final blow simply to entertain the audience that they’re aware of.
Debatewise, this is probably the closest a debate could ever be for both Wordgirl and Underdog. The verdict may have made it seem like it would’ve been a full on stomp in Underdog’s favor but it’s not like Wordgirl was falling too far behind. These two verses’ are very interesting ones to analyze from a versus perspective as well as they both have a lot of out-there things to calculate and argue its validity on. I went into this blog expecting the 1960’s cartoon to have some crazy feats and scaling but I never expected the PBS Kids show of all things to actually get as high as it did. It really does help that it’s essentially confirmed that Wordgirl and Underdog are the most powerful beings in their respective worlds.
Finally in terms of music potential, I think it’s quite clear cut what they would pull for a potential track for this song. Since these two have some absolutely catchy theme songs, why not mesh them both together to get a result that’s absolutely peak?
Wordgirl and Underdog (the shows) also have numerous background action songs that could further add onto this but all you really need are those themes. It’d be all the more better if it came with lyrics too since the vocals from these tracks are absolutely smooth. The general tone of this potential track would be action-packed but on the more lighthearted and snappy side of things as it would further add flair to this fight of supers.
Regardless of who you think is best for either, this matchup has a lot to hold it up and make it both of their best matchups. It helps that I watched the entirety of Wordgirl for this blog (which was an absolute blast) and I’ve also been intrigued with Underdog after seeing it late one summer night on TV. Wordgirl vs Underdog encompasses what I like about both characters and I hope this becomes an episode somehow.
Final Tally
Wordgirl (2) - Necrostar, Kars
Underdog (3) - Supermonye, Round 1, Toxin
The winner is Underdog.
Next Time
I hope y'all enjoyed this blog and we're just one blog away before I reach the end of Wave 1 of my blog! With that being said, I hope you'll enjoy what's coming next!
Next time on Toxin’s DB Corner…
Coming soon to a blog near you…
This blog is great, i didn't know my goat WordGirl was so strong.
ReplyDeleteOri VS The Knight is so fucking based!
ReplyDeleteI think ik what the theme/score for this might be; "Under my Word" or "Under our Word".
ReplyDeleteIk it's technically the same thing, but yeah-