Carmen Sandiego vs Mr. Wolf (... vs The Bad Guys)
(Fenic V)
“When you steal for yourself, that makes you a thief. But when you steal for someone else, that makes you a hero.” - Robin Hood
Carmen Sandiego, the Scarlet Superthief hiding Somewhere in the World.
Mr. Wolf, the Big Bad Good Guy of The Bad Guys.
Robbery usually tends to be an open-and-shut case of corrupt morals but these two expert thieves have much more depth than meets the eye. Often blurring the lines between heroism and villainy, their robberies are committed through an urge to feel thrill in their lives, often playing tricks on their pursuers of justice to come out on top. In a fight between these two ultimate thieves however, will the Red Riding Hood be able to prove herself as the top dog of the criminal world or will the Big Bad Wolf manage to find her and blow away her entire career? Only one way to find out!
Before we get started…
Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way, we will not be focusing on either the 2019 Carmen Sandiego show or the more recent Bad Guys movie franchise that came out of Dreamworks, at least by themselves. What we’re gonna be doing here is soft-compositing them into a version that has access to items or abilities from both their original counterparts and their more recent versions. There will be a main focus on their original counterparts but supporting material from seemingly disconnected variants of them will be taken into consideration. This is mainly because their modern versions aren’t actually all that impressive by themselves, and with how much of their arsenal is shared between both the og and the new material, it would be fair to assume that their og versions could just access everything the new versions get, even anything new that they get their hands onto.
As for the set up of this fight, it may seem tricky to make Mr. Wolf fights given that (spoilers) he does end up turning good in both the books and his movie. Well, despite turning good, Wolf is still willing to throw hands and he’s still gone on to steal items, albeit for good reasons rather than bad. A setup that would work best here is that both Carmen and Mr. Wolf have to steal a priceless artifact that could very well change the fate of the world, resulting in their meetup and clash as they try to get their hands on the item for their own purposes. Think of it like Lupin vs Sly but with a more morally-gray tone behind it. It should also be mentioned that we won’t be giving them a majority of their allies with the exception of their closest tech buddies. Since Carmen and Mr. Wolf are mainly tech-focused characters, it would make sense to include both of their respective allies who specialize in hacking and such.
Now as for the final rule, they will be given EVERYTHING. No matter if their possessions are stolen or if they lose access to certain forms and abilities, they will be given access to anything that they’ve used even once. If they’ve touched it, then it’s usable for the most part. The only things that won’t be allowed are items that their allies have used rather than they themself have used. With all of this out of the way, it’s about time that we get right into this Heist of the Century.
Media List
The media that will be used for both is a rather… tricky thing to figure out. More specifically, Carmen’s media sources come with a lot of hiccups in terms of research since there’s not only almost 40 years of Carmen shows, books, games, etc, but there’s a lot of lost media within the “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” franchise, some of which could possibly never be found again. As a disclaimer, we’ll try our best to dig up what we can find but there’s no guarantee that we covered Carmen fully simply because of how difficult it can be to research her. At the very least, “The Bad Guys” franchise doesn’t have the same issues as well as a smaller pool of media so we covered all fronts there.
For Carmen, we will be using…
- The original Carmen Sandiego 90's cartoon
- The 2019 Carmen Sandiego Netflix show
- Carmen Sandiego: To Steal or Not to Steal
- All the Carmen Sandiego books
- The Carmen Sandiego game shows (yes there are 2 of them)
- The entire Carmen Sandiego video game series (and all their manuals)
- The Carmen Sandiego 4-Issue Comic
- The Carmen Sandiego Planetarium Show (or at least what we can find of it)
For Mr. Wolf, we will be using…
- The original Bad Guys books
- The Bad Guys movie
- The Bad Guys 2 trailers
- The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday
- The Bad Guys: Haunted Heist
- All The Bad Guys commercials
- Cat on the Run book series
- Dreamworks All Star Racing
- We’ll only be using the items that are from “The Bad Guys” movie so you won’t be seeing any Trolls or other Dreamworks items
“Rest assured, Nine, you don’t know all of my secrets. I’ll always be one step ahead of ACME.”
The year is 1983, location: our very real world. Broderbond Studios is looking to release yet another successful PC game, although this new one was met with a bit of skepticism on their end. This new title would focus on a player in the shoes of a detective, working for the justice-motivated organization known as ACME. This secret agency would be focused on undoing the crimes of thieves around the world, bringing justice by saving civilians while also stopping those same robberies. Their main focus, however, would always be directed towards a certain figure. She would be someone so elusive and mysterious in her thieving ways that no amount of pursuing would ever be able to capture her and lock her away for good. I’m of course talking about Carmen Sandiego, the notorious red-clothed thief located somewhere in the world.
You might expect someone like the ultimate thief to have a sad backstory, and you’d be kind of right as she would grow up an orphan, until eventually being adopted into the ACME detective organization and becoming a detective in the process, she was considered the absolute best among the best of the organization for many years, being able to solve every case that came her way with minimal effort. You might think that would be a very good thing for society as a whole, which you’d be right, but in her eyes, it was all… boring. The thrill she seeked for when she joined the agency had vanished, and one day, she would decide that instead of waiting for a challenge to come to her, she’d become the challenge herself.
Carmen would set off to the country of Monaco, starting off small as a spy to their intelligence service, but soon enough, she would end up double-crossing that very same country. She would then move on to the next country and do the same, and then do it again, and then do it again, and then do it again! With enough time, the number of countries she double-crossed were in the numerical range to be considered countless, and even still she was not satisfied. This longing for a challenge would eventually lead to her creating the rival organization to ACME: The Villains International League of Evil, or V.I.L.E for short, which gathered some of nastiest crooks that the world has ever seen. With Carmen overseeing their operations, she would give both ACME and the world the challenge she deserved: try and stop her from stealing everything.
It would be up to the detectives at ACME, as well as help from the player, to use their detective, and geography skills to track down the ultimate criminal of their world. Carmen would not make things easy as she would always steal anything from historical structures to key items from historical events to even entire celestial bodies, leave behind an obvious clue just so that they could have a fighting chance, and then immediately disappear whenever ACME do get close to catching her. Even when ACME does catch her on occasions, she always manages to slip her way through their clutches and escape, making this game of cat-and-mouse an especially tricky one for ACME to win. At the end of the day however, she is never in it for the riches or the fame but rather to keep that level of excitement in her life. She’s always been seeking the highest thrills and chasing the greatest prize just for the hell of it, with her escapades having lived for as long as 40+ years. Yeah, that first game sold really well huh?
Being a part of everything from video games, books, educational game shows, and so on, Carmen has certainly left her mark on the real world alongside her own. She may seem villainous in nature, and honestly with everything she’s stolen she may as well be, but in truth she’ll always be stealing and running away for the thrill of it, leaving everyone to ask “where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?”
Wait a second…
Carmen Sandiego’s a good guy?
Yeah… the events of the 2019 Carmen Sandiego show happened and gave her a more redemptive story but that show could very well fill up its own background section with how it’s filled to the brim with LORE (and I mean a LOT of lore) so it won’t be mentioned here. Just to keep things simple, all you need to know is that Carmen is yet again stuck in the morally gray area and will always be that way for years to come.
Mr. Wolf
“We may be bad, but we’re so good at it!”
What does it mean to be bad? What does it mean to be good? These two questions may seem like they have clear-cut answers, and on some occasions the answer can be extremely obvious, but in truth there’s always gonna be more than meets the eye, especially in this universe where criminals are always on the loose. A universe where anthropomorphic animals live alongside humans, and while some animals managed to gain the respect of humans, many of them are exceedingly feared simply because they stand out from everyone else. Cut to Los Angeles, California, a city where crime is at its highest even with its especially strong and determined police force. If you were to ever live in the streets of Los Angeles however, you’d definitely catch wind of the city being home to THE ultimate crime group in the entire world: the BAD GUYS. The group is made up of only the most skilled animals, as you have the expert lock-picker Mr. Snake, the disguise master Mr. Shark, the hacking specialist Ms. Tarantula, the strong Mr. Piranha, and the leader and founder of the entire group, Moe Wolf, otherwise known as Mr. Wolf.
His life as a criminal would start due to his father being emotionally abusive towards Wolf, being the main reason as to why Wolf decided to turn to crime, and even when he was in middle school, he was doing seemingly bad things such as scaring away Snake’s bullies, although this moment would prove to be crucial in a good way since this was the moment he met Snake, to which they would become best buds in the near future. They would start off their life of crime by doing minor robberies of things like TV’s and cars, but they would soon hit it big once Wolf’s father had died from a heart attack, and as the one leading his wide-ranging underworld empire, that mantle would be passed down to Wolf. Now having the resources necessary, he would create the Bad Guys after recruiting his other friends, making a name for himself as the “Big Bad Wolf” of crime as well kickstarting a newfound wave of crime across the world. Breaking into the most secure of institutions, stealing the most priceless of treasures, and securing his spot as one of the most dangerous beings in the world. All seemed to be great but then one day, something strange would happen. Something very strange.
To celebrate his 21st robbery in a row, he and Snake would go to a diner but he would have a weird encounter with… HIS FUTURE SELF?? (dun dun dun). Leaving an ominous message towards present day Wolf that he has to turn good or the universe will be destroyed, Wolf would all of a sudden have a change of heart, now striving to prove to himself and everyone across the world that even a bad guy like him can do good. His friends would not initially be approved of this but Wolf was still confident that he could turn the Bad Guys into the Kind-of-Awesome-League-Of-Good-Guys-Guys (yes this is an actual name they try to use) by carrying out good deeds across the city. It would initially start with saving a cat from a tree but things would rapidly escalate as the gang would be going up against zombie kittens (called Zittens), terrifying dinosaurs, and even aliens with butt hands, eventually leading to them traveling across the multiverse in order to stop The Dreaded Overlord Splaarghön (basically Satan) from controlling the multiverse.
Through all the confusion and the interdimensional shenanigans, Mr Wolf was still trying his best to be the good guy he knew that he wanted to be, something that proved difficult when he would soon be forced to fight an incarnation of the devil himself, but he would manage to live through it all, especially after he met a fox named Ellen. She was not only a badass agent hero but she was what kept the Bad Guys together so that they could do good, and through it all, Mr. Wolf and Ellen Fox would share a close bond together. She would soon be forced to reveal her true self as “The One”, the ultimate being and the multiverse’s only way of defeating the aforementioned Satan. Unfortunately, their escapades would lead to her death as she would be crushed by Satan, but as turns out, she wasn’t actually “The One”.
It would be revealed that it was all an elaborate plan to hide The One’s true identity from Satan, Rhonda. She was a Tasmanian Devil introduced earlier on in the story but once she told Wolf everything and even lended him some of her power, Wolf would have one final task to carry out: kill Satan. It would not only prove difficult because of his overwhelming power but because of the fact that he tricked Wolf’s original best friend, Snake, into working with him. Eventually, Wolf would soon admit that he’s had many regrets as a criminal, acknowledging that he had been a bad influence on Snake thanks to his corruption of his morals along with taking the blame for everything that occurred throughout the entire series. Despite his regrets however, Wolf does in fact believe that he can redeem himself and fix everything he’s done. Even though Snake was stubborn in changing his ways and gave Wolf the battle of his life, Wolf eventually managed to both free him and kill Satan for real. From there, Wolf would now serve a new purpose as The One’s apprentice, going on to tell his past self to turn good as well as accept his new role as protector of the multiverse alongside Rhonda. For as strange as the journey was, he truly did prove that he wasn’t that bad of a guy after all.
…What do you mean the movie completely deviated from the books?
Well, it’s hard to tell what exactly the movie is gonna do with the story so I won’t be bringing up that specific story here. All you need to know is that it generally keeps story bits from books 1-4 and it’s upcoming sequel is using bits of the later books. Otherwise, it has an entirely new plot and new take on characters while still ending with them becoming good guys. I hope none of this was confusing lol.
All things considered, Carmen is nothing less than an indisputably brilliant thief. As mentioned in her background section, even during her time at ACME, she was an especially capable investigator as she was able to solve every case thrown her way with incredible ease. By age 17, she solved more cases at ACME than every other detective in the organization’s history. She’s proven herself to be quite an adept talker as she can lie her way out of many situations where she would have otherwise been cornered, both during her time as a detective and especially her time as a thief. Besides her smarts, she also became adept at combat as she would also be trained under several masters of their crafts such as Detective Sahara, and Shadowsan. When she did decide to bite the bullet and leave ACME to become a full fledged criminal, she was even more brilliant than ever before and became especially well-known for stealing just about anything she can put her mind to.
Whether it was famous jewels, entire monuments, or any other bit of legendary loot that she could find, she always manages to carry out the robbery successfully and get away with it. She’s been able to steal an entire island while the most sophisticated security system in the world was trying to stop her, broken into and managed to almost cripple ACME’s entire computer system (which is stated to be the most advanced supercomputer in the world), helped create an ACME device that allows for immediate time travel in an handheld deivce, and even establish V.I.L.E, the most powerful crime syndicate in history. V.I.L.E. has been able to recruit some of the most infamous criminals in the world like Sarah Bellum, Detective Lee Jordan, and even criminals from other galaxies! Not even the barrier of time can stop her kleptomania considering she has developed several time machines to carry out heists all throughout time and space!
Looking at Carmen’s career path, she has crossed quite the number of dangerous people who want her gone and yet she’s been able to fight off all of them. She’s been able to fight with the deadly Shadowsan, Coach Brunt, Paper Star, a Robey the Robot, and other V.I.L.E. and A.C.M.E. operatives. She also has only ever been arrested only a handful of times, one of these was done by a different Detective Lee Jordan, who chased her down for three months straight, before escaping police custody and continuing her worldwide crime spree.
Mr. Wolf
Mr. Wolf is certainly not a slacker when it comes to crime, especially when he works together with his gang to carry out the most despicable of robberies, larceny, wire fraud, mail fraud, extortion, and worst of all… tax evasion. Outside of robbing the most secure of places, Wolf is generally seen to be a good talker as he’s been able to persuade his opponents to get out of the trickiest of situations as well as put himself in spots where he has the advantage. Combined with his expertise as the leader of the Bad Guys, he’s been able to lead his team to victory on numerous occasions, and even when he’s cornered into a tough spot, Wolf can still turn the situation around and create a good situation out of it. The most prominent example of this occurring is when the Bad Guys got caught by the police after stealing the Golden Dolphin and Mr. Wolf was able to talk his way out of them going to jail, coming up with a plan for them all to pretend to go good and then betray the city later. There’s also the instance where Mr. Wolf was able to come up with a plan to defeat Marmalade despite a) being stuck on the moon, b) starting to run out of air, and c) is trapped in by Pirahna’s fart due to him being in the suit, a truly weird situation that he shouldn’t have survived but just, did somehow.
Speaking of plans, Mr. Wolf’s quite the planner himself as he’s not only created that plan, which was created on the spot, but also created the original multi-step plan that allowed him to get his hands on the Golden Dolphin. Had his tail not given away his identity, he would’ve successfully stolen it and gotten away with it, which in of itself is impressive given that almost every other criminal in the entire world was unsuccessful in stealing it. The only other criminal that was able to get close to stealing it was the Crimson Paw, who in of herself is considered to be queen of cons, and both her and Wolf are generally comparable to each other in skill. It doesn’t take long for Mr. Wolf figures out things either since after hearing Marmalade, the guy who was “helping” the Bad Guys become good, call him a “good boy”, he immediately figured out Marmalade’s entire plan that had set them up for failure since the beginning.
On top of everything else, he’s robbed 21 banks in a row for 21 days without getting caught, is good at picking locks, both uncuffed himself and slipped out of the police chief’s grip despite being logically unable to free himself, and he and his gang are even at the top of the FBI’s most wanted list, albeit he isn’t number 1 when he is shown since Princess Beautiful had skyrocketed to the top by the time we do see the list. Story reasons aside however, Mr. Wolf and the rest of the Bad Guys would be at the top in any other instance. All in all, Mr. Wolf is one of the smartest people in his verse and has outsmarted many during his time as a criminal and even a hero.
Jacket and Hat
Wanting to stand out among every other criminal in her world, Carmen decided to don her signature bright red trench coat along with her matching fedora. It may seem silly to make herself stand out anywhere she runs off to but it’s a perfect outfit for her since her main motivation for doing crime is doing it for the thrill of it. It’s also implied that she keeps a bunch of important items and knick-knacks under her jacket, which is further supported by reboot Carmen showcasing this on screen.
Extendo Heels
By pressing a few select buttons on her high heels, they're able to extend at the heel in order to press buttons or flip levers from far away.
Carmen Sandiego Action Figure
Available at your local Toy Store for only $12.99.
In the case that she needs to go undercover, Carmen comes equipped with a plethora of disguises, ready to disguise herself in a moment’s notice. Disguises that she’s donned over the course of her career include the costume of an older lady, a chef, a movie star, a clown, a witch, Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (52:14), Detective Ivy, and many other fun costumes.
A standard rope that Carmen climbs to get in and out of places. It’s also been used to tie up people.
Grappling Hook
Your standard futuristic grappling hook that lets Carmen grab onto any ledge from far away and pull herself up on the rope. She’s become accustomed enough with her grappling hook to not only swing around as if she were Spider-Man but also use the grappling hook’s wire to trip enemies or grab things from far away.
Compact Mirrors
There’s nothing too special about her first compact mirror besides the fact that Carmen has used it to reflect and redirect lasers. Of course she also has a second compact mirror fit with an on board computer, zoom in capabilities, a GPS, and cameras so then her allies can always see what she’s seeing.
High tech binoculars that come with a zoom-in function, cameras, multi-spectrum mode, and even a molecular scanner that can identify the molecular structure of gemstones from miles away. She also has a second pair of binoculars in the original cartoon.
Handheld X-Ray
An X-Ray that Carmen can use to identify Metal Objects when she can’t see them.
Every thief’s got to have at least one blunt weapon on them for emergencies, and in Carmen’s case, she always carries a crowbar on her.
I dunno what you want me to say, it’s a wrench.
Gas Mask
A gas mask that protected Carmen from, what else, toxic gas.
Lipstick Flash Drive
Tricking opponents into thinking it’s just a regular lipstick, it is in truth a flash drive that allows for an easy way to hack into any computer or security system upon insertion.
A small device that allows Carmen to stun her opponents with electricity. This taser also allows Carmen to disable technology that she shocks with it, however she does need to actually touch the piece of tech with the taser to disable it.
Laser Cutter
This little device is able to cut through glass as well as any other material, doing all this while also being able to fit in your pocket.
Wrist-Mounted Laser Cutter
Another laser cutter that is attached to her wrist.
Comm-Link Earrings
Special earrings that have let Carmen remotely communicate with her allies.
Red Drone
This sphere-shaped drone can be piloted from a distance, usually with a remote control in the hands of either Player or Carmen herself. An advanced drone such as this one is not only able to send a live video feed to Player whenever she’s out and about but she also provides an easy way for Player to hack into security systems. It can also shoot out laser beams.
A Smart Phone
You know, like the thing you're reading this blog on.
It allows her to tap into the radios of other people and she can likely talk to other people using this radio.
Bo Staff
A wooden bo staff that Carmen has used while training under Coach Brunt.
The Crackle Rod
Invented by Sarah Bellum, it's a decently sized stick that can shoot out an electric shock from at range or up close with multiple different settings ,ranging from a directional EMP to a stun shock to even a lethal blast. Some versions of it come with fingerprint ID so that only its owner can use it. However, because Carmen is at the top V.I.L.E., she can use all of them with no problem.
Extendo Legs
Pretty self explanatory, they are metal stilts that attach to your legs and then you can extend them to reach any cookie jar no matter the height!
Holographic Technology
Used in V.I.L.E.’s training camp for new recruits, it can simulate anything that it scanned previously. It can also hide the entrances to secret V.I.L.E. Bases, although because it is made of light, a smart person can go right through it if they know it’s fake.
Scuba Suit
Pretty self explanatory, it allows her to breathe underwater; it even has a jetpack to let her zoom around under the sea.
Powerful Electromagnet
Stolen from over 1,000 years into the future, this magnet is said to be the strongest one ever made, which is impressive since the strongest electromagnet made today can only produce a power output of 41.5 Tesla (for reference the average magnet is only 1.5 Tesla strong). This magnet is also compact and light enough to be held in only one hand.
This portable keypad is able to remotely hack into combination locks and find any combination that could open the lock. Once it’s found an appropriate combo, it automatically inserts the code and opens whatever was attached to the lock. In this case, it opens a vault door that was securely locked behind an electronic keypad.
Key Replicating Device
A device that Carmen can stick into a lock before it then checks the inside to determine what kind of key that is needed to unlock it. The device then forges that key ready for you to unlock any keyhole.
Tracking Device
Shot from a custom gun of hers, this tracker sticks to any surface, including that of a vehicle’s. With this, Carmen can actively track vehicle from a distance.
Sticky Foam
Kept within a Fire Extinguisher for surprise attacks, it’s an incredibly sticky foam that can restrict the movements of whoever is sprayed by it and the foam solidifies quickly after being sprayed however the foam can be dissolved with a small amount of oil
Vacuum Gun
Akin to something like Luigi’s poltergeist (without the sucking up ghosts part), Carmen has a hold of a similar gadget that lets her suck up anything with its vacuum function. It’s only been used once to suck all the snow off of a tall mountain.
Rocket Boots
Stolen from Detective Ivy, these boots allow her to fly and even jump higher than she normally should be able to.
Camera System
Carmen’s love for the thrill of the chase had convinced her to get a camera system, which of it itself is pretty self-explanatory but it allows her to record messages that she leaves behind for ACME detectives to listen to. The most impressive part of this camera system is that it allows her to broadcast a message to the entire world, which would only be possible if she had access to…
All the Television Waves in the World
Being one of the first things she ever stole in the animated series, she gains access to every “television” wave that runs from satellites to your local TV. These are actually meant to be radio waves but the show decided to be weird and call them “television” waves. Anyways, having control of all radio waves in the world not only lets her broadcast that message but it means that she can freely manipulate them however she pleases.
Carmen Dummy
Disguises aren’t enough for Carmen as she can send out dummy versions of herself to send police forces on a wild goose chase. Combined with the autopilot functions on her ship, it’s hard to tell the difference between the fake and real Carmen while chasing her in the air. She’s also used a dummy made of straw to trick Ivy and Zack into attempting to ambush her while she was seemingly in Russia.
Smoke Grenades
Smoke grenades let Carmen either conceal her exit or let her throw them at enemies to disorient them and allow her to make an escape. In the reboot, we even see Carmen has grenades in her coat pocket; however, she never uses them so we’re unsure if they are regular, flash, or smoke grenades.
Daisho Sword
Originally stolen from a museum by Shadowsan, this legendary long katana of Matsumoto Castle was considered one of two precious artifacts that was separated from its short counterpart. When Carmen would have to retrieve the long sword right before Dokuso could steal it, she unsheathes and holds the short katana up, ready to fight with it.
It’s like a spear because it is one.
It’s like a spear but with three points instead of one.
Dean-a-me-te? Huh, must be French.
Bombs with Detonators
These remote-controlled bad boys pack a major punch when activated so Carmen needs to be at a safe distance before she sets them off.
These may be normal cannons but aside from cannonballs, they can also shoot out devices that malfunction technology once they cling onto its target, as seen when she uses this on a submarine.
Flying Umbrella
Modeled after Mary Poppins’ own umbrella, this bad boy allows the holder to fly into the sky with incredible speed.
Needing to protect herself from a bunch of arrows flying at her, Carmen grabs a nearby medieval shield and manages to stop the arrows before they hit her. Judging by the fact that arrows managed to get stuck in the shield, it’s safe to assume that the shield is made of wood.
Glider Backpack
A standard hang glider that pops out of a small backpack that Carmen can wear. It is fittingly designed with the colors of red and black in mind and it lets her cross great horizontal distances when she gets enough height to utilize it.
Having infiltrated a vault owned by V.I.L.E, Carmen successfully stole a futuristic jetpack that was created by a top tech company for Sarah Bellum. Being some of the best tech the organization got their hands on, Carmen can gain height and distance in the air just like your usual jetpack.
She also has another jetpack in the 90s show that pops out on command.
Time Machines
In order to go back in time and steal the most valuable of treasures from past times, she and her henchmen broke into a secret laboratory to steal their latest time machine. How rude! As expected of a time machine, it allows Carmen to travel back in time or even back to the future with seemingly little repercussions.
As if one time machine wasn’t enough, Carmen managed to get her hands on yet another time machine, another two in the original cartoon (one is a car similar to the Dolorian from Back to the Future and the other is a pod), and her henchmen also gained access to a bunch of portable time machines, meaning that if she loses the first time machine, then she’ll always have a backup.
Wrist-Fired Knock-Out Gas
Using a wrist-based deceive, Carmen can shoot knock-out gas that’ll knock anyone hit by it out cold.
Mechanical Bird
A mechanical bird that allows Carmen to take to the skies in style.
Having stolen it at the beginning of the game “Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?”, this stolen ACME device allows Carmen to traverse the past, present, and future with the simple push of a button. It was an invention that had actually been made by Carmen when she used to be an ACME agent, and as she states, it’s able to travel through time by tunneling through it, effectively letting anyone use it to go to any place and time in the past near-instantaneously
The only downside with using the Chronoskimmer is that after it’s been used, it leaves open that same time tunnel and allows anyone else to follow through to wherever the user went.
Time-Stealing Clock
By combining a stolen atomic clock and the Beijing sundial with some strange form of mechanism, Carmen had created a special kind of clock that was able to steal time as if she were King Crimson. Just like the Jojo stand, the properties of this clock are extremely vague and we never get a proper explanation as to what occurred but by activating the machine, Carmen is seemingly able to steal entire moments in time, allowing her to effectively “erase” events and make it seem like they never happened to begin with.
The one time we see her use this clock is when she stole the event of Evan Sawyer, an ACME detective, capturing her which would soon lead to his fame as the one who caught Carmen. The memory of the event seems to be intact as Evan could vaguely remember it occurring and it needs to stay stationary in its location of Greenwich, England (aka, a town in the prime time zone, or zero degree longitude) in order to function. This version of the clock is also not at its most powerful since it needed a replacement part for the wheel of time, something that Carmen or the henchmen never proceeded to get; if it did get that extra part, it’s implied that the Time Clock could’ve had the ability to travel back in time.
It’s unclear whether she had to have her henchmen use the clock while she was still captured or if she broke out later and used the clock to erase that embarrassing event but it seems to sway towards the latter. After all, Carmen was the one to instruct the stealing of the items to begin with, and if she was fully captured and had her items taken, then she had to have broken out first to take such actions.
Skill Stealing Blanket
Appearing as a seemingly normal blanket, aside from the large machinery on it, this blanket will actually start to steal certain skills of yours that have become muscle memory once you have it on for an extended period of time. The stolen skills can then be given to other people so not even being good at something is safe from Carmen. She has used this to steal the musical talents of several musicians and give them to some henchmen of hers but the blanket can steal any skill from anyone as long as it is placed on top of them.
Quantum Crystalizer
Need to steal an entire landmark that should feasibly be impossible to move and carry around? Well, Carmen, and V.I.L.E as a whole, thought up and created the Quantum Crystalizer, the latest invention in their growing gallery. Upon the insertion of a special crystal along with its target being pinpointed, the machine automatically shoots a beam towards the target and physically drags the landmark out of its original location, moving it directly into the crystal as a miniaturized version of itself. The process can even be reversed if the user so wishes, doing the opposite as it zips the target from the crystal back to their location.
The machine itself doesn’t seem to be movable but she does usually have easy access to it since it’s located in a V.I.L.E base.
Info Beam
In the “Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?” game show, Carmen would summon a henchman of hers and send them on a mission to go steal the object of the day. As a way to make sure that her henchman’s gotten all the details about its location and time period, Carmen starts typing on her keyboard and summons a holographic machine that sends a beam into their head, directly feeding them all the necessary info.
In order for her and her henchmen to steal some of the most unconventional items across space and time, Carmen got her hands on these mysterious balls of energy known as Cyberspheres. Choosing to entrust these Cyberspheres with her henchmen rather than use them herself, they’re able to contain and seal things that shouldn’t be possible to hold, let alone steal. Varying from stars to time periods to languages to entire concepts, a lot of notable items have been stolen with these spheres but at the end of every episode, they can easily be stolen from the henchman’s grasp and have their contents released with
- Hover bike
- A drone with a dummy and able to be piloted remotely
- Hovercrafts
- A small buggy with jet boosters
- Raft
- A sports car
- 4 Russian MIL 6s
- A helicopter that doubles as a rocket ship
- A speedboat that doubles as a plane
- Some very well trained white horses
- The Orient Express
- A handcar that doubles as a flyingmajig
- Catherine the Great’s coronation coach (she also attached jet boosters to it)
- A train car that can attach to a submarine
- A DaVinci wing suit model
- The DaVinci flying machine
- A spaceship
- A space car
- A car that doubles as a plane
- Motorcycle that doubles as a speedboat
- A snowmobile with a rocket booster
- The Boston Tea Party ships
- A submarine that can freeze over an entire lake
- A snow tank
- A scooter
- A horse coach
- A truck that doubles as a speedboat
- A pirate ship
- A sea rocket
- A small helicopter with an onboard computer
- Elvis’ pink lambo that she turned into a speedboat
- Elvis’ plane
- Helicopter with a claw to pick up coal
- Volcano crane that doubles as a helicopter
- A blimp
- A motorcycle that doubles as a plane
- A viking longboat
- A drill
- A dumpster bin that turns into a car
Mr. Wolf
Sunglasses and A Cowboy Hat
Some sunglasses and a cowboy hat that Wolf wears when he wants to look cool.
As someone considered to be the “big bad wolf” himself, it’d only be appropriate to have numerous disguises on him so that he could blend in. The original book had him sport disguises such as that of a grandma and the movie had him dress up in a gentleman’s outfit to rob the Golden Dolphin.
This sweet ride has everything that the Bad Guys need to traverse the city and make their getaway from robberies, being a fuel-based 200-horsepower “chariot of flaming coolness”. The car comes with numerous features such as a powerful V8 engine, huge wheels, and ejector seats for both emergencies and pranks. The movie version of his car differs from the book counterpart, mainly being sleeker with smaller wheels, but it generally carries out the same purpose.
Later, Ms. Tarantula upgraded the car to have monster truck tires and even a jet engine. Above everything else, however… this car looks sick as hell.
A nifty motorcycle that Mr. Wolf steals from Marmalade’s lab, using it as a getaway from the building’s supposed self-destruction.
Wall Clingers
A handy rope that Wolf took from Diane’s weapon collection, which he and Diane used to slide down into the room where the meteorite was located.
Grappling Hook
Mr. Wolf always carries a grappling hook on him at all times in the case that he and his gang need to make an emergency escape. Unfortunately for him, the grappling hook failed him the first two times when he needed it most, but the grappling hook did manage to redeem itself in the final act.
Wingsuit with Goggles & Parachute
A standard wingsuit with goggles & a parachute that lets Wolf glide over long distances and even divebomb from a high enough distance, comes with goggles to protect his eyes & a parachute so he can land safely.
Spacesuit with a Jetpack
When Mr. Wolf had to go to space to stop the source of the Zittens, he had to don a space suit with a jetpack attached to it, originally planning to stop the giant machine creating the Zittens on the moon. It’d also turn out that Piranha was stuck inside the suit with Wolf, creating the problem of Wolf almost suffocating in his farts while in the suit.
Knight Armor with Axe
Although Mr. Wolf hasn’t used this in combat, he has used it to give his friends a good scare on Halloween, this armor was originally from Reginald Scary’s mansion.
Yarn Balls
They’re not exactly worth noting at first glance but these yarn balls are actually covered in a zombie antidote made by Granny Gumbo. Upon consuming the substance on the yarn, Zittens were transformed from their zombie versions back into regular kitty cats. Mr. Wolf not only throws a few of these yarn balls himself but he uses Snake as a catapult to launch them even further.
A cup-hilted rapier that Mr. Wolf picks up from one of the walls of Reginald’s E. Scary’s mansion. He gives this sword to Piranha so that he could distract the seemingly-possessed knight armor while Mr. Wolf found a way to shut it down.
Lipstick Blowtorch
What was thought to be lipstick by Mr. Wolf turned out to be a blowtorch in disguise, which he would almost learn the hard way as he almost burned his face off with it. Later on in the movie, he used it to try and burn down the chain that was connecting their car to Marmalade’s helicopter.
CGI Clones
When the other Bad Guys members wanted to get back at Mr. Wolf for always pranking them every Halloween, Ms. Tarantula would create CGI clones of themselves in order to trick Wolf into thinking that they had succumbed to death by the hands of Reginald E. Scary.
Little do they know, Mr. Wolf had been eavesdropping on the whole planning phase of their master idea, and when everyone else had left to give Mr. Wolf some space, he took advantage of the situation and went to Ms. Tarantula’s laptop. It is there where he would learn “the complexities of CGI holograms” within only a few hours and successfully make a CGI clone of himself. He would use this CGI clone to trick the gang into thinking he fell for their trap but he’d then fake his own death and trick them as a result.
These CGI clones are somehow able to interact with the physical world as the glass cover that was keeping the amulet safe in the mansion was able to be picked up by Mr. Wolf as well as the CGI clone being able to interact with the ground rather than phase through it. The CGI clone could even drive around in Mr. Wolf’s car which it itself wasn’t a hologram since the other Bad Guys members were riding in it.
Maginitzied Cross-Circuit Interceptor
These small metal disks can be attached to any metal surface they touch, and if they happen to be attached to a piece of technology, then it gives Ms. Tarantula the ability to hack into it directly, showcased when she used them to override the navigation systems of 13 trucks. The disks do have to be physically placed onto a piece of technology but on the bright side, it works on any weapon or vehicle that is mainly composed of tech, even if it’s not connected to anything.
Mind Control Helmet
Wolf may have not used the helmet in the movie but his crossover appearance in Dreamworks All Star Racing sees him wielding its power in other strange ways. In fact, he wields two powers that have never been seen before with the mind control helmet, that being of the ability to reduce the speed of ALL opponents’ as well as remove one of their stored items. This item can prove to be useful in a friendly game of racing but when applied to a 1v1 fight like this, it allows for a wide-ranged speed debuff and randomly lets Wolf get ahold of one of his opponent’s items.
Besides the racing game abilities, wearing the helmet allows the user to, surprise surprise, control minds. However it seems like it was made with the only purpose of mind controlling guinea pigs so it’s not exactly useful in that regard.
Meteor Lamp
It would be revealed in the Bad Guys movie that the meteorite that the Bad Guys had stolen was a fake all along as Snake had swapped the real meteor with this lookalike. It doesn’t usually have any function outside of looking pretty and being automatically turned on and off with a clap but Dreamworks All Star Racing once again gives it a purpose.
This purpose isn’t as notable however as it’s basically a rip off Koopa Shell from Mario Kart. When the item is activated, a smaller version of the lamp is shot out and it flies straight forward, bouncing off any walls it comes into contact with and knocks opponents for a spin. It can also hit Mr. Wolf if he isn’t careful.
Giant Robot Santa
When the time came to save Christmas so that their plans of Christmas robbery could come into fruition, one idea, which appropriately came from Ms. Tarantula, was to create a giant mech suit that resembled Santa. The purpose of the suit was that it was supposed to be the replacement for the Santa balloon that the Bad Guys had popped but it failed in that regard. Fortunately, it redeemed itself when it was used to stop the out-of-control ice machine and calm down the snowfall.
Although Tarantula can somewhat control the robot remotely, Mr. Wolf needed to pilot the mech from the inside to get it to move. It uses brute force to get past anything in its way, proven when it could punch through a layer of thick ice with its bare fist. It even has a flamethrower attached to its left arm, ready to set fire to anything it sprays! It sure doesn’t seem to be the fastest mech out there but it can certainly take a beating, proving itself to be able to walk through a snow tornado and tank all the debris thrown at it.
Pickpocketing Skills
As you’d likely guessed Carmen is an expert pickpocket, although expert is an understatement. Carmen has showcased many impressive instances of pickpocketing, whether it’d be through her original self or her 2019 self. She’s managed to pickpocket Detective Chase Devineaux while backflipping off of him, steal from Tigress while they were both charging at each other, and stole from Chase once again by only wrapping a tapestry around him.
Pressure Points
Directly copying Shadowsan’s own pressure point technique during their brawl, she uses this technique herself by striking Shadowsan in the ribcage three times, effectively causing him to fall back due to the impact. Shadowsan himself was able to knock out a guard and a V.I.L.E. operative using a different technique by only touching their necks for a few seconds. Shadowsan has also taught this technique to Zack so Carmen also likely knows how to do this.
Extrasensory Perception
Despite having her back turned, Carmen is always able to sense when she is being watched at all times.
Instinctive Action
Without needing to do as much as think about her next action, Carmen can act on instinct alone, working in cases such as when she had to save a dog from a thrown axe.
Broadway Force
When a bunch of people start to sing her theme song, broadway force hijinks ensue as the entire world proceeds to sing their hearts out as they recite the catchy lyrics. Both Zack and Ivy were able to escape their cell by singing the theme which distracts the guards long enough for them to not only get out but also lock the guards in their cell.
Carmen has used plenty of fake versions of herself to trick any unsuspecting ACME detective into thinking that they’re right on her trail. As mentioned before, she’s used dummy versions of herself to trick both the police and ACME in the original cartoon but she’s also used a bunch of penguins in a red coat to trick this young detective into thinking it was her.
This kind of ability is one that every robber would die to get access to, and unfortunately for them, Carmen Sandiego of all thieves happened to be that lucky robber. Teleportation has allowed Carmen to seemingly escape from plain sight, being jumped in one location and then immediately being safe in a whole other location (as seen in the gif above). Teleportation seems to be a common ability of hers since she’s also done it numerous times in the 2019 show, only needing to have her figure completely disappear from view or to be covered in darkness to disappear from the scene. There is of course the possibility that this had all been done through pure speed but regardless of how it’s done, she has many ways of disappearing right in front of her opponents.
Warp Drive
Being an ability that Carmen mysteriously gained while in prison at Jail House Rock, she can now use warp drive on herself to cross interstellar distances at speeds faster than light. She basically has the same capabilities as other spaceships in fiction such as the Millenium Falcon or the USS Enterprise, although she herself doesn’t seem to need a ship in order to activate it.
Fourth Wall Manipulation
Originally being a character that started off with video games, it would only make sense that she can interact with the very audience that plays her games. She often messes with the players of her games by sending them messages to try and goad them into finding her, letting her cyberbully all the small children on the other side of the screen. The original 90s cartoon also prominently had Carmen interact with the player at the beginning and end of every episode, often making small talk with them after the players would try to taunt her about her skill as a criminal. It does seem like Carmen does have to have her hands free in order to send messages since there have been a few instances where she couldn’t send messages due to being captured/having her hands tied.
In that same series, Carmen has even been able to force one of the player’s computers to turn off without any input from the player’s end, leaving the player utterly surprised and confused as to how she could do so to begin with. This also leaves some interesting implications of Carmen being able to turn off her entire digital universe (see Before the Verdict) as if she were the Monika of her world.
What does a thief do best? Steal of course.
Carmen is considered the best of the best when it comes to stealing any and all valuable goods and treasures, only failing on occasions due to the interference of ACME. Having the ability to steal isn’t impressive by itself, but unlike regular robbers that only steal basic things such as shiny jewelry and fat stacks of cash, Carmen has stolen way, WAY more than just the riches. In fact, she’s gone above and beyond in order to leave her mark on the world as the greatest thief of all time, so we’ll be listing all the notable things she’s stolen over the years and what abilities they would give her.
Before we begin however, it’s worth mentioning that in the live action game shows, a lot of her henchmen are the ones stealing for the majority of the episodes. Despite that however, it’s very much plausible that Carmen could steal everything that her henchmen could since they not only share the same resources (in fact Carmen is the one giving her henchmen the items) but thinking about it logically, Carmen has enough trust in her henchmen for them to steal the object and get away with it. It could also be the case that the game shows needed more variety in their content, hence why they only save Carmen for the season finales; nonetheless, if her henchmen have stolen anything, then Carmen can replicate it. The same also applies to her video games.
Non-Physical Interaction
Even non-physical objects aren’t safe from being stolen by Carmen as she’s gotten her hands on things she never should’ve been able to grab, let alone take away. Some of these things she and her henchmen have stolen were done physically with their bare hands but other things, especially the grander steals, seem to have been done with the help of magic/technology such as the Cyberspheres.
The things they’ve stolen include…
- Light from a flashlight (as seen above)
- Bermuda Triangle
- (Season 1 Episode 35 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The Van Allen Radiation Belt
- (Season 2 Episode 23 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The belt is basically a field of charged particles
- The face of George Washington off of all 1 dollar bills
- (Season 2 Episode 28 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Voices of the Vienna Boys’ Choir
- (Season 2 Episode 56 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Trinidad and Tobago Carnival
- (Season 2 Episode 62 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- As in the actual event
- Aborigines' song lines
- (Season 3 Episode 14 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Portuguese language
- (Season 3 Episode 23 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- International Date Line
- (Season 3 Episode 41 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Airport signals and signs
- (Season 3 Episode 42 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Ozone layer
- (Season 3 Episode 61 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The Iguazu Falls rainbow from Argentina
- (Season 5 Episode 4 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Internet
- (Season 5 Episode 20 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Shadow puppets
- (Season 1 Episode 12 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Radio waves
- (Season 1 Episode 46 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Television waves
- Aurora Borealis
Concept Manipulation
For something a bit more metaphysical, Carmen and her henchmen have gone out of their way to steal entire concepts from specific people or the world as a whole, often rendering those concepts inaccessible to everyone until ACME is able to retrieve the stolen concepts from these henchmen. It’s questionable if Carmen or anyone at V.I.L.E could physically scale to these concepts (see Before the Verdict) but it’s pretty clear cut that they can affect these concepts regardless. Even without comparing her to her henchmen, Carmen is still able to steal concepts with Cyberspheres.
The things they’ve stolen include…
- Tango
- (Season 2 Episode 13 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Aborigines’ song lines
- (Season 3 Episode 14 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Portuguese language
- (Season 3 Episode 23 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Blues music
- (Season 3 Episode 55 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- West Africa’s Juju music
- (Season 3 Episode 56 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Chinese writing
- (Season 4 Episode 38 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Mardi Grad
- (Season 5 Episode 14 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- South Korea’s alphabet
- (Season 5 Episode 16 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The Spanish letter “ñ”
- (Season 5 Episode 35 of “Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The “Greatest Show on Earth” Slogan
- (Season 1 Episode 1 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Baseball rules
- (Season 1 Episode 3 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Egyptian postal system
- (Season 1 Episode 6 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The First Atomic Theory
- (Season 1 Episode 7 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Bernoulli's Theorem
- (Season 1 Episode 20 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Navajo language
- (Season 1 Episode 30 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Compulsory Education Law
- (Season 1 Episode 51 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Hippocratic Oath
- (Season 1 Episode 52 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The Secret Ballot
- (Season 1 Episode 53 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Movable Type
- (Season 1 Episode 58 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Zero
- (Season 1 Episode 63 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- As in the literal concept of zero
- The canning process
- (Season 2 Episode 4 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Maypole Dancing Routine
- (Season 2 Episode 6 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- The Federalist Party
- (Season 2 Episode 7 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Jazz
- (Season 2 Episode 13 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Archimedes' Pulley System
- (Season 2 Episode 26 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- 14th Amendment
- (Season 2 Episode 47 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- All the colors from Arizona’s painted desert
- (Color Me Criminal (Carmen Sandiego Mystery))
Time Manipulation
Entire moments in time can be swiped by Carmen/her henchmen using either her Time-Stealing Clock or, more relevant here, her Cyberspheres.
The things they’ve stolen include…
- World's Columbian Exposition
- (Season 1 Episode 33 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- A show on Broadway
- The history of medicine
It may seem like Cyberspheres can only steal non-living things but in truth, living beings can be sealed within these spheres just like any other object or concept. Whether they’re alive or not is a hard thing to figure out but there’s a possibility that they’re put in a sort of stasis until their Cybersphere is opened.
The people they’ve stolen include…
- Don Quixote
- (Season 1 Episode 43 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
- (Season 2 Episode 16 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Entire armies
- (Season 2 Episode 30 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Gilgamesh
- (Season 2 Episode 36 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Sherlock Holmes
- (Season 2 Episode 36 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
- Roman gladiators
- (Season 2 Episode 39 of “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (game show)”)
Reality Warping
As a weird side effect of her stealing non-physical items, she can also manipulate their properties to fit her needs. This is seen when Carmen uses a spotlight to her advantage as she creates a hole where the light hits the ground, making the woman chasing her fall down the hole as if she were in Looney Tunes.
- Limited Sleep Manipulation: Carmen could still fight even when under the effects of sleeping gas that can knock other people out instantly and even chloroform, although she was slowly struggling to keep her stamina up
Mr. Wolf
Wolf Physiology
If you couldn’t tell by the name, Mr. Wolf is an anthropomorphic wolf feared by many in his world alongside the rest of the Bad Guys. He’s got all your usual wolf features such as big pointy teeth and razor sharp claws, and considering that wolves generally have a good sense of smell, he should also have the same.
Pickpocketing Skills
Being the sly dog that he is, Mr. Wolf has no issue when it comes to pickpocketing vital items from others, especially when he needs to do so to complete his robbery. He’s subtle enough to the point of only bumping into the chief police officer and managing to swipe her ID despite not making the motion to do so. In comparison to other pickpockets of his world, he has always been the absolute best at his job, even more so than his buddy Snake who managed to swap Marmalade’s special meteor with a lamp look alike while tricking him into thinking they were working together.
Driving Skills
As the main driver of the Bad Guys gang, Wolf is someone to be trusted behind the wheel, especially when he gets to drive his favorite car. Mr. Wolf has managed to outmaneuver multiple police cars chasing him at once and always came out on top every time he had to escape a triumphant robbery. He would even have to swerve around and on top of hundreds of mind-controlled guinea pigs later on in the movie, and those guinea pigs proved to be a problem since there were enough of them to fill the road completely and they were constantly trying to attack the car. Snake would also remark how good of a driver his buddy Wolf is.
The books only make his driving skills even more impressive as he instantly figured out how to drive a motorcycle despite never using one before. He does lose a bit of control at first but he gets the hang of it rather quickly. He even gets to drive through a difficult obstacle course in the video game version of that scene.
Fourth Wall Awareness
A prominent trait of his carried over from the books to the movie, Wolf is fully aware of his story being fictional and often looks towards the screen to talk to the reader/watcher directly. The movie simply had Mr. Wolf give exposition to the audience, explaining the deal with himself and his friends while in the middle of a car chase. No one else in his world seems to be aware that he’s talking to the audience, and the books further support this… with the exception of Rhonda.
Speaking of the books, Wolf not only talks to the readers in the same way as the movies but he goes a step further and pokes fun at the author himself, pointing out how his name begins with a double A despite no one else knowing what he’s talking about. He constantly refers to events that take place between different books as their literal book number, going as far as to noting the page number on some occasions. He can also fully understand what Rhonda talks about when she compares the events of the series to that of books, saying lines such as “let’s imagine your life is a book series” and such. She also takes the time to poke fun at the critics by pointing out how much they’ve complained about the series taking such a wild and drastic turn, and once Wolf fully becomes Rhonda’s apprentice, he brings up how his life would become a successful book series in the future (and perhaps even a movie!). He said all this to his past self by the way, something that I’m sure would’ve been very confusing had his mind not been wiped.
Technology Manipulation
During the ad campaign for the first Bad Guys movie, the Bad Guys were seen stealing items and logos of different companies and these weren’t too notable until the ad that featured Mr Beast of all people. What happened was that Jimmy was doing a TikTok teaching you how to get tens of millions of views on YouTube until Mr Wolf and Mr Snake burst in and stole the video right off of your For You Page. This means that Wolf can steal the very code that your stuff runs on. We know that this isn’t the work of Tarantula either given that we see Mr Wolf and Mr Snake physically steal the entire video rather than any sign of Tarantula hacking her way into the system.
- Aging: The One, along with every user of The One’s energy, has been able to live out a lifetime of trillions of years without physically aging
- Vacuum of Space: Milton, while using The One’s powers, can fly into space without freezing or needing to breathe
- Mind Manipulation/Corruption: “The One” users are naturally resistant to the mind manipulating effects of Snake’s energy as he can’t affect Piranha or Fox with his powers. Mr. Wolf, and a bunch of other “The One” users, can push back the Underlord’s energy attacks which have the capability of corrupting others' minds which in turns creates more beast-like versions of themselves.
Once a normal 11 year old with nothing remarkable happening in his life, he would soon become a proficient hacker that would work for Carmen and be capable of hacking into the most secure places in V.I.L.E, A.C.M.E, and every other organization in the world. It all started when he used his newfound hacking skills to try and find his father after he had run away from Player’s family, spending months trying to track down his location. He would develop computer-hacking abilities that would prove to be useful later once he met Carmen, which he did when he was casually hacking into V.I.L.E’s security. Quickly becoming friends once they met, Player would hack whatever Carmen needed in order for her to succeed, always determined that he can break into any and every technological defense.
Having skills that far surpassed his years, he’s hacked into several high profile places, whether those places are museums, the London Tower, or most impressively, V.I.L.E Academy. In fact, the first time he hacked into the academy, he got through all 27 layers of encryption with little effort, something that shouldn’t have been possible for any other hacker to do. He’s even hacked into the systems of “The Troll”, who was V.I.L.E’s own expert hacker that was described as Player’s equal; despite Troll’s best efforts, Player would manage to outsmart him every time, such as when Troll would try to pinpoint Carmen’s location in London only for Player to create many many fake versions of her to throw him off.
His biggest advantage when it comes to hacking however is that he’s able to assist Carmen no matter wherever in the world she is, meaning that Player can access any bit of technology from anywhere in the world while staying in his safe home in Canada. Bridge systems, any surveillance camera from around the globe, and even entire traffic networks are susceptible to Player’s hacking ability, and despite his usual setup consisting of 4 advanced PC computers, he can work remotely thanks to his laptop, which has saved him on occasions such as when he needed to be Carmen’s mission control from his school’s supply closet.
Mr. Wolf
Ms. Tarantula
She may seem harmless as an itty bitty tarantula but while she isn’t exactly capable in combat, there is one area where she especially excels at: hacking! Learning everything she could about hacking through Youtube tutorials, she would soon join the Bad Guys through unknown means and become one of their most vital members. This is how events played out in the movie at least; in the original books, Ms. Tarantula is not only a guy but was also recruited into the team when the Bad Guys wanted to break into a maximum security chicken farm. That being said, we’ll stick with the movie version of Webs since she would embody traits from both her book and movie selves.
The things that Webs has hacked into is impressive in their introduction alone since they could hack into Mr. Snake’s police file in a few seconds, a feat that should’ve been impossible given that the police have one of the toughest systems out there. She’s hacked into multiple traffic lights, the police dispatch, blurred satellite imaging systems, grounded helicopters, rerouted moving trucks, created numerous complex CGI holograms, created huge snow storms out of an ice machine, hacked rockets, and even created tech such as a giant mech. On top of it all however, Webs has even operated and hacked into out-of-this-world tech such as an entire alien mothership and their machinery, as well as a literal time portal that could send them through time.
Even in situations where they can’t hack into systems from far away and need the gang to physically plug in flash drives into computers, such as with the chicken farm, Ms. Tarantula is very capable of hacking into anything with plenty of speed and precision, especially when she has her laptop on hand. The laptop itself isn’t special beyond the fact that it’s small enough to fit her size and it can retract multiple keyboards so that she can multitask like a boss.
The books make Tarantula even crazier as they eventually get the powers of The One, enabling them to live for at least an eon and explore the infinite multiverse using their time travel and wormholes (both of which will be explained in Forms). Abilities aside, Tarantula has become an especially experienced warrior and hacker given how much time they had to learn the absolute best, making them quite the formidable opponent in the brains department.
Drat, Carmen Sandiego has stolen her very own forms section! I guess we’re never getting that back huh.
Mr. Wolf
Superpowered Form
Thanks to time-traveling shenanigans from the past to the present & Piranha's accidental press of a button, every member of the Bad Guys (except Tarantula) is exposed to enough cosmic energy to give each of them their unique superpower! In Mr. Wolf’s case, he was the one to get super strength, turning into a buff version of himself as seen above. He doesn’t really get to show off his powers before being zapped by Marmalade but this would presumably make him stronger than all the other Bad Guys with superpowers, which would include Mr. Snake being able to telekinetically lift a car.
Kaiju Form
Being the effects of both his current strength-based superpower and getting shot by a special laser from Marmalade, Mr. Wolf would turn into a giant version of himself that tears through the city in an anger-filled rampage. Growing up to the size of a football stadium, he seems to be unstoppable as he knocks down entire skyscrapers and tries to eat whatever gets in his way. Unfortunately for anyone else in the vicinity, Mr. Wolf has no control over himself as he lacks any real thoughts, and the only way to turn Mr. Wolf back to normal is by directly taking his powers away from him, proven when Marmalade hit him with a beam that caused him to lose his superpowers.
“The One” Form
Before Mr. Snake could vaporize Mr. Wolf when no one was protecting him, it was revealed that during Book 18, he was lended some of The One’s powers to fight back against his friend-turned-enemy Mr. Snake and Dread Overlord Splaarghön, the most feared being in the entire multiverse and an absolute powerhouse that could only be opposed by his natural counter of The One. This is mainly due to The One representing all things considered “good” in the multiverse while Splaarghön represents everything “evil”. In order for someone to wield The One’s powers, they have to prove themselves to be good hearted individuals as anyone else who doesn’t fit the bill and tries to wield the power for themselves would be physically destroyed.
While in this state, Mr. Wolf has only shown to use energy-based attacks among a few other unique abilities, but he could potentially share the same powers that other wielders have shown over the course of the story. For example, Ellen Fox was The One’s first apprentice and she has used plenty of abilities that The One claims to have trained her in, and those same similarities in powers can be seen with characters such as Piranha, Piranha’s dad, the rest of Shadow Squad G, and even within the many personalities that The One split up into. Since they all share the same exact power source, it gives Wolf access to everyone else’s abilities as well, and since he is not only aware of a majority of these abilities plus his presumed training that came after he became The One’s apprentice, he would know how to use them to their fullest extent.
Purification/Power Removal
One prominent trait shared amongst every being with The One’s powers is that they are able to purify the evil out of anyone by releasing their magical energy waves and engulfing the evil entity within it. The most prominent example of this is when Mr. Wolf was able to purify Mr. Snake to the point of freeing him from Splaarghön’s control. Even weaker wielders of The One’s powers, such as Milton the dinosaur, could fully purify one of the Underlords and strip him of his powers alongside the purification. As a matter of fact, all the original Underlords would have their powers removed once the same energy beams had engulfed them in the final fight.
It’s worth noting that the success of a purification beam is dependent on the user’s physical strength, a factor that is proven when Agent Fox realizes that Snake getting stronger over time could mean that he could eventually override Fox’s capability to purify the others should Snake try to corrupt them.
Every user of The One’s power has been shown to have some degree of levitation, whether it’d be Agent Fox being able to levitate herself through the car roof or multiple members of the B-team being able to fly around empty space while fending off Splaarghön’s minions.
Energy Beams
With the newfound gift of The One’s powers, one of the first abilities that Wolf showcases during his fight against Snake and the other Underlords is that of strong energy beams.
Users of The One’s powers can cause massive explosions like with Ellen when she used it when Mr. Wolf almost got turned evil from Mr. Snake & when Pam got hurt by Underlord Shaard, hitting everyone in the area, but she passed out after using the ability.
Force Fields
All wielders of The One’s power were able to create force-fields that, when one was inside, would leave all immune to becoming corrupted. The size can vary, and it’s capable of holding all of Shadow Squad G inside. Said power can also be changed into a massive explosive blast, as shown above.
Agent Fox has used telekinesis to stop a bunch of spinning blades from moving so that the rest of Shadow Squad G would be able to get to the wormhole on the other side. It does seem to put a physical strain on the user as Agent Fox could only hold the blades in place until her stamina gave out.
Wormhole Creation
The one advantage that The One (Rhonda) had over Splaarghön for the longest time was her innate ability to bypass the barriers between space and time to travel anywhere in the past, present, and future with little issue. Wormholes are something The One can create wherever and whenever she pleases, taking the form of doors that open to a physical tunnel carved into the universe, eventually ending wherever the next universe lays. These doors let her “glide through space and time” without having to worry about being bounded by either distance or time. Although these wormholes are only one-way entrances and exits into a universe or dimension, they can be forcefully opened if a being is powerful enough to do so, seen when Splaarghön found out about these wormholes and could use all his power to open these doors.
Mr. Wolf has yet to use the power on page but due to users of “The One’s” power sharing the same abilities along with Wolf becoming the new apprentice of The One, he should be just as capable to travel across the timeline and the multiverse in the same manner.
Time Travel
Rhonda doesn’t even need wormholes to travel through time as she can just poof other people and objects, alongside herself, to a different time period without warning. It was how she transported the B-Team (and their butt shaped ship) to a different time period and also the way in which Wolf is able to time travel with Rhonda instantly without a wormhole present (multiple times).
This is showcased by Abe after Mr. Wolf had looked inside of the Ornate Box that The Underlord Ghaâstly was holding. The box itself contained the most frightening thing in the entire multiverse, giving Wolf a heart attack strong enough for him to die on the spot. Fortunately, Abe was able to tap into his ability to revive via a beam from the mouth, being able to fully resurrect Wolf from the dead. Despite retaining all his memories when he came back, Wolf would end up forgetting what was inside the box.
Memory Manipulation/Projection
Still learning about the many powers that he gained from The One, Mr. Wolf decides to see what would happen if he tapped his finger onto his past self. As a result, his past self would immediately be overflown by all the memories of future Mr. Wolf, fully experiencing the events of all 20 books in a moment’s notice.
In a different instance, Milton used The One’s power to project the memories of a living spoon he was firmly holding onto, letting the rest of B Team see and hear the spoon’s backstory. It seems like the memories were directly projected into the others minds as the effect that surrounds the memories is that of the bumpy edges one would see in flashbacks.
Danger could easily be lurking around the corner in the Bad Guys multiverse, especially with a being like Splaarghön. In order to prepare herself for any inevitable threat that could seize the multiverse, The One gets visions of the future directly feeded into her brain. Calling these visions “prophecies”, it was possible for her to see multiple visions at once as she could not only see her giant battle with Splaarghön but she could also see the events of Mr. Snake betraying everyone and letting Splaarghön into the final realm.
Using Piranha as her messenger, The One relays her own messages from her unknown location to Piranha which forces him to speak out whatever that message was. It is later revealed that Piranha had the special role of being “The Oracle” but it doesn’t entirely mean that Piranha was the only one she could’ve used. In fact, The One mentions that she gave her own power to Pirahna to make this possible, and it’s further confirmed when Milton gets The One’s powers by eating Pirahna’s dad (who got his “The One” powers from Piranha on accident).
Fourth Wall Manipulation
As showcased by Rhonda herself while explaining that Mr. Wolf, Rhonda can freely manipulate the pages of the book without breaking as much of a sweat. She exclaims that the current time period they were in no longer constitutes as a flashback due to weird timeline-changing shenanigans, so she turns the bumpy edges of the panel’s frame into that of the regular smooth edge with a swipe of her hand.
- Became recognized as an iconic character in the real world
- Founded the largest Criminal Syndicate in her world
- Robbed the most valuable of items alongside her henchmen
- Stole 9,736 paper clip factories and filled the Grand Canyon with paperclips
- Couldn’t be found even after weeks of searching by ACME
- Defeated both ACME and VILE as a whole, Zack and Ivy, Tigress, Paper Star
- Is in every Wendy’s Kids meal (DAMN IT CARMEN, I JUST WANT MY FRIES LADY)
- Blows a room up (1,010,000 Joules)
- Stole Saturn’s rings with only a rope (106.28 Gigatons)
- Threatens to steal stars
- Stole a literal black hole from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (Carmen Sandiego planetarium show)
- Turns off her entire digitized universe?? (see Before the Verdict)
With machinery:
- Her Crackle Rod can make a flaming dent in a stone wall
- A submarine was able to freeze over a lake
- Her helicopter can lift the entirety of the Astronomical Clock
- A different flying ship could carry an entire abandoned orphanage off the ground (18:29)
- Having prepared a machine overnight, it could cause the Roman Colosseum to lift off the ground (52:24)
- Stole Mont-Saint-Michel (an entire island) by having her henchmen put rafts with jet boosters underneath it
- Moved a painting in half a second
- Dodges shurikens (Mach 0.10)
- Has spaceships that travel this fast (Mach 10)
- Puts ear plugs into her ears to block out a command after it had been spoken
- Stole a violin in the few seconds the lights were turned off
- Redirects a laser with a compact mirror
- Stole the Golden Gate Bridge in the time that it took someone to snap a picture
- Managed to recruit criminals from every galaxy within a short time frame (103 Quadrillion x FTL - 723 Quadrillion x FTL)
- She did this physically since we see her leave her home and physically travel to every galaxy herself
- Survived falling onto Inspector Chase’s Car (as seen above)
- Survived an entire volcanic eruption unscathed (673.85 Kilotons)
- Survived an avalanche said to consist of over 1 Million Tons of snow
Mr. Wolf
- Became feared among everyone as the biggest criminal in the world
- Created one of the most successful gangs
- Proved to the world that even bad guys can become good
- Saved the planet and then the multiverse
- Was finally recognized as a hero by the public
- Defeated Chief Misty Luggins, Marmalade, Dread Overlord Splaarghön
- Canonically blew down all the houses of the Three Little Pigs, including the brick house
- Is strong enough to contend with the chief officer’s strength
- Broke through a wall with his car
- Stole the Dreamworks moon alongside Mr. Shark
- Can trade blows with Mr. Snake
In his Kaiju Form…
- Throws buses
- Knocks down entire skyscrapers
- Lifts an entire subway train
- Grabs onto and manages to hold onto an alien spaceship
In his “The One” Form…
- Traded blows with Mr. Snake while using the One’s powers
- Survived being blasted by the full force of the Underlords
- One shots Splaarghön with an energy beam
- Outran velociraptors
- Jumped out of the way of incoming flames
- Runs fast enough to keep up with the ascension of a space shuttle that looks similar to the SpaceX Falcon 9
- The top speed of the space shuttle in question (Mach 35)
- Escaped an explosion using a grappling hook
- Avoided a laser on accident
- Dodges a laser in the movie
- Dodges lasers from aliens in suits
- Can perceive blasts from Splaarghön’s henchmen
- Has fallen from large heights and survived
- Gets hit by a truck and lives (1,427,451 Joules)
- Survived being electrocuted
- Flinged around by velociraptors
- Was fine after being smashed through a wall due to Shortfuse swinging a bee soldier into him
- Survived being inside the Command Capsule after it crashed into the moon
- Survived a night in a sharp dimension where Mr Wolf got stabbed with sharp objects alongside everyone else
- Tanked an explosion caused by Ellen’s usage of “The One” powers
- This explosion did knock him out for a brief period of time however
Carmen Sandiego
V.I.L.E. Faculty (2019 Show)
Being the top dogs of the V.I.L.E organization in the 2019 Carmen Sandiego show, they are the ones in charge of every crime that the group performs, often stepping in and taking full reign when necessary. They not only sit in their special chairs to look down on everyone else but they also partake in fights, especially against the red-clothed enemy that is Carmen. Carmen has managed to trade blows with a majority of the members on many occasions, so she should absolutely scale to them all.
- Coach Brunt breaks a stone table (288,742.65 Joules)
- Coach Brunt crushes a car (1,337.48 Kilojoules)
- Coach Brunt busts through a Viking Ship (3.34 Megajoules)
- Coach Brunt collapsed an entire Ice Cave
- Professor Sarah Bellum was able to survive Robey the Robot blowing up in her face
- Robey the Robot survived getting hit by a car
- Shadowsan takes hits from Coach Brunt
- Shadowsan dodges a thrown knife
- Shadowsan throws someone hard enough into a wooden table to snap it in half
- Shadowsan has beaten a dozen rivals with only chopsticks
V.I.L.E. Henchmen
As strange as these people look and act along with all of their names being puns, they all make up the organization of V.I.L.E and are always there to help carry out their part in yet another one of Carmen’s world-breaking crimes. It’s safe to say that as the leader of the organization in most adaptations, Carmen should generally upscale every one of her henchmen both in skill and in physicality. This has even been supported by manuals since one official manual states that she’s more elusive and smarter than any of them, so scaling her above everyone she recruits is only fair.
- Heidi physically stole the Leaning Tower of Pisa
- Kneemoi steals all the salt from Earth’s oceans
- In fact, a bunch of henchmen have stolen landmarks and features of the world both physically and with the help of inventions, including…
- Steel Phantom Roller Coaster
- The Liberty Bell
- Gateway Arch
- Bermuda Triangle
- Alcatraz (as in the island)
- Ngorongoro Crater
- Caspian Sea
- Statue of Liberty
- Grand Canyon
- Big Ben
- Eiffel Tower
- The Nile River
- Headwaters of the Amazon
- Mount Everest
- The Great Barrier Reef
- Great Wall of China
- Volcán Atitlán
- Gobi Desert
- If you can think of a landmark, V.I.L.E has stolen it before
- She then proceeds to quickly drag the same tectonic plate away with a giant hook
- Wonder Rat carries the sun from New Mexico to Ireland in a short timeframe (14.18 Quettatons)
- Kneemoi was able to push the Earth’s Core to her Home Planet in 0.55 seconds (49.15 TeraFoe)(241 Million x FTL)
- Robocrook tanked a galaxy blowing up in his face (366.26 ZettaFOE)
- There is also the speed in which the vacuum sucks up the galaxy (2.69 Trillion x FTL)
- With Cyberspheres, henchmen have sealed things as big as stars
- Carmen used Liebsen Bounz as a getaway vehicle
Being the very organization that opposes everything Carmen stands for, they struggle for long periods of time to even get their hands on her, let alone put her behind bars without her eventually escaping. Considering how it takes them weeks, months, and even years for them to just track her, along with Carmen previously being THE best ACME agent before turning to crime, Carmen not only upscales every agent but also every bit of tech thrown at her and her henchmen.
- They’ve also been shown to have an impossible number of camera feeds just about everywhere in the world
- ACME has also claimed to have the most advanced Computers and Systems in the World
- One ACME agent tanked a chandelier falling onto them
- Chase survived falling from the roof of a building onto the front of his car
- Chase kept pace with a Speed Boat
- Their probes can fly from outer space to a planet’s surface to apprehend culprits within seconds (Mach 97.18)
- Zack and Ivy survived a plane crash
- Zack and Ivy survived an underwater hotel blowing up
- Ivy dodged a camera flash
- Both Zack and Ivy jump out of the way of Carmen’s time machine
- This specific time machine was stated to be able to travel through time by going faster than the speed of light
- ACME Agents can pilot a ship powered by the Chromoskimmer in the "Where in Time" game show
- The Chromoskimmer is able to send people to the present time physically without the use of portals or time warps (Immeasurable)(see Before the Verdict)
- Benjamin Franklin reacts to lightning being shot down his kite
- A Random Indian Guy was able to Pedal his bike faster than a group of Russian MIL Helicopters
- Lee Jordan pushes a large boulder
- Some supermodels punch holes into the floor
- Carmine survives a small mouse bomb blowing up in their face
Mr. Wolf
Note: Before we get to Mr Wolf’s scaling, keep in mind that the more grounded characters of the series are what base Mr. Wolf scales to, but with The One’s powers, Mr. Wolf should massively upscale everything that aren’t the Underlords, Splaarghön, or Rhonda.
Other Bad Guys Members
Mr. Wolf couldn’t have done all of the stealing and doing good deeds without his friends, Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark, Mr. Piranha & Ms. Tarantula, and together, they make up the gang known as the Bad Guys. Seeing as how Mr Wolf is the leader of the group and how all the members are generally comparable to each other, Mr. Wolf should be able to scale to everything they’ve done.
- Snake managed to figure out how to use an alien space mech despite its instructions being written in an alien language
- Mr. Piranha knocks 6 men into the air with a single punch
- Shark throws a rabbit’s foot hard enough to break a chain holding up a chandelier (Bad Guys Haunted)
- Shark is fine after a car falls onto him
- Shark takes a bunch of glass shards being stabbed into his back
- Tarantula manages to swerve a rocket around some lasers, although the ship would get hit eventually
- Tarantula jumped from a car one millisecond before it was blown to pieces by a laser
- Tarantula alters a shaved ice machine that creates a snowstorm above Los Angeles
- Both Piranha and Tarantula survived an escape pod exploding in their face
Marmalade (and his species)
Marmalade was once thought to be a normal, albeit psychotic, guinea pig that wanted to destroy the world with the help of zombies. In spite of that, the Bad Guys would find out that Marmalade was in fact not a power-hungry guinea pig but instead a power-hungry alien that was the prince of the faraway planet :( (yes that is what it's called, don’t ask how to pronounce it). He isn’t alone in his conquest of Earth as he would be followed along by his entire alien army and their ships, and despite the odds against them, the Bad Guys and the International League of Heroes were able to hold their own
- A bunch of guinea pigs mind-controlled by Marmalade could create giant fists that destroyed multiple parts of a road as well as a tunnel
- Marmalade uses a ray that zaps the entire planet, turning every cute animal into a zombie version
- The aliens have access to ships that can destroy cities
- Smaller ships of that same armada can cover 91,999,981 light years within 3 days (11.2 Billion x FTL)
- Tarantula pilots one of these ships and dodges lasers from other alien ships
- Other aliens also pilot these ships which the main cast would scale to
A random assortment of characters/items that Mr. Wolf can scale to physically in both his base form and his “The One” form.
- (Base) Agent Kitty Kat tanks her alien ship exploding in her face
- (Base) Agent Kitty Kat manages to grab Snake and slam him into the ground
- (Base) Princess Beautiful survived a prison bus accident that not only has the bus flip multiple times off a cliff but onto 10,000 gallons of high-octane fuel (6.59 Kilotons)(see Before the Verdict)
- The explosion also caused the destruction of a giant portion of the mountain
- (Base) Princess Beautiful pedals her bike fast enough to outpace missiles
- (With The One’s powers) A meteorite from outer space creates this massive explosion
The One (and it’s users)
We’ve mentioned her plenty of times during the blog but you may be wondering who she is exactly. Well, she is THE One, otherwise known as Rhonda (Agent Shortfuse), and she is a being that has existed ever since the beginning of time, acting as the force of good that is meant to keep the multiverse safe from any and all evil. She’s seen it all, heard it all, and witnessed it all in the trillions of years that she’s been around, and she is THE most powerful being the series has ever seen to date. In fact, Rhonda’s powerful enough that she’s able to pass her power down to other mortals, and that small portion of energy alone puts them on her and Splaarghön’s level.
- Fox stops some giant blades from rotating
- Fox manages to block beams of sound as they’re being shot towards her
- Rhonda crosses galaxies in an unspecified time frame
- Rhonda kept Splaarghön at bay for a trillion years
- Space and time have absolutely no power over Rhonda (see Before the Verdict)
- Every member of the B Team went everywhere in the multiverse… literally (Infinite)(see Before the Verdict)
- Yes they do specify this after Mr. Wolf mentioned it was vague
Splaarghön + The Underlords
Despite being named the Bad Guys, even they wouldn’t be the baddest in the multiverse as there lurked a demonic centipede with the goal of taking over the multiverse by force: Splaarghön (heavy metal riff). Essentially being the Satan of the Bad Guys multiverse, he and his henchmen, also known as Underlords, wield an ultimate power that can only be countered by The One’s own power. Since there've been numerous instances where The One’s and the Underlords’ powers have clashed along with the fact that they can tank each other’s energy beams, then Mr. Wolf can indeed scale while using The One’s powers.
For a lot of the feats mentioned here, please refer to the Cosmology and Before the Verdict sections for more context.
- All the Underlords harness the power of the Nightmare Realm to wreak havoc on the multiverse
- Snake, while using Splaarghön’s power, could destroy parts of Pirahna’s home and the surrounding area with giant energy snakes
- Snake burns through a sword with his laser eyes
- Underlord Ghaâstly could create “bad weather”
- Splaarghön creates a giant crack in the ground with a single beam
- Snake focuses enough of his power into a single area to rip a hole in the universe (Universal)
- It’s implied that Splaarghön’s power could accomplish the same feat
- Splaarghön’s power could obliterate the universe (Debatable)
- Underlord Shaard’s attacks could physically rip through the panels of the book itself as if it were paper (Universal+)(Debatable)
Now I know what you must be asking. Carmen seems like the perfect thief, the best there ever was, so how can she have any weaknesses? Well she does have one notable weakness, which would actually be her title of the greatest thief. She’s very proud of this title and highly protective of it, meaning that if anyone comes along and threatens this title, she can get flustered and hyperfixate on proving that she’s the greatest thief. This can be seen when Ivy pretended to be the thief “The Tigress” and was stealing stuff that Carmen was going to steal before Carmen even got to the scene. Once this happened Carmen almost went insane tracking down The Tigress and her tunnel vision led to her being arrested (although she would later escape).
A similar case can be seen when Zack created a security system specifically designed to protect anything the system is hooked up to from Carmen. Carmen then obsessed over every little part of Zack’s life to find out about his inspirations for the security system and then create a virus that would destroy the system completely before it even went online. I suppose this just means that Carmen can never resist a good challenge whether or not it’s directed at her specifically.
Mr. Wolf
Mr. Wolf may be quite the charismatic thief but with a successful profile in crime comes many issues that can be taken advantage of in a fight. For one, Mr. Wolf strives to be the nicest being he can at all times but that niceness has been used against him on notable occasions such as when Marmalade tricked him into helping an old lady. Doing nice things also gives him a tingle that forces his tail to wag which can ruin any disguise he has on, although it seems to go away later on. Besides his going-good arc, he can occasionally be clumsy, ambitious, and tends to take charge in situations that he shouldn’t have to begin with. He also has a mean temper that occasionally comes out when he is truly angry about something, which while it lets out his inner wolf, it’s considered a setback to everything he’s been trying to do to turn good.
His “The One” form may seem invincible to most but since Mr. Wolf only has a portion of Rhonda’s power, it does have things holding it back from being perfect. Mr. Wolf does need his hands free to use his magic so restraining him is a good way to keep his power at bay.
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
The world of Carmen Sandiego is one filled with wacky hijinks caused by Carmen herself, only being kept under control by ACME with their worldwide surveillance of her presence. However, there’s way more beyond the boundaries of planet Earth at play, as Carmen has not only gone into the far reaches of space to commit the most heinous of intergalactic crimes but she’s gone into the past, present, and future to make matters even more complicated. Throughout all 40 years of her franchise, her series has delved into some wild territory but before we can get to all that, there is a bigger question to solve first.
What is going on with the many continuities of Carmen?
(yes this is an official image by the way)
For as cool as it is that Carmen Sandiego has appeared in multiple forms of media over the years such as TV shows, video games, and cartoons, it does make it that much more difficult to try and figure out what is connected and what is completely disconnected from what’s considered the “main” version of Carmen. This ultimately won’t matter for the verdict generally-speaking since we’re assuming a sort of composite version for both her and Mr. Wolf but it’s worth diving into nonetheless (especially since it’ll be important for a few explanations later down the blog).
To get the simplest part out of the way, the 2019 cartoon version of Carmen Sandiego and her world is a completely separate continuity from everything we’ve seen previously. It does incorporate elements from all the original Carmen media into the show in clever ways (look to the opening of the show for reference) but it’s safe to say that this Carmen has and will be doing its own thing.
Now, onto the more confusing part of this section, both of the live action game shows (Where in the World and Where in Time) would seem to take place in the same universe. Why is that? Well, the main connection that keeps these two together is that of the Chief, who remains the exact same between both shows despite the drastic change in setting. There isn’t anything else within canon that creates a noteworthy connection but thinking about it from a meta perspective, these two shows aired on PBS and Where in Time was always meant to be the sequel to Where in the World after it had blown up in popularity. There’s enough of a connection to where you could say they’re part of the same universe and it makes sense.
Further adding onto this universe, the events of all the PC games are not only connected with each other but they are directly connected to the game shows. With the game “Carmen Sandiego’s Great Chase Through Time”, it’s implied that game Carmen and game show Carmen are the exact same person due to them both sharing the same Chief as well as the many henchmen of V.I.L.E that originated from the game show. The books also have a connection to the game shows as the Chief from the books is the same Chief as the one that’s in the game shows. Even the original 90s cartoon is a part of this connected universe as all the events of the series canonically take place within the code of a video game, opened up by the real-life player at the beginning of the episode. In fact, the player is a vital part of the show as they’re the one often in direct contact with Carmen through private messages sent to one another. All in all, most fictional versions of Carmen mentioned here should all be part of one big old continuity, no matter if the series drastically changes Carmen’s backstory, motivations, or even personality.
However, there exists another layer above this original incarnation. You see, it’s important that I emphasize that everything I mentioned above is that of the “fictional” version of Carmen. You may be asking “why is this important to clarify?” but you see, there exists a Carmen Sandiego comic that ran from June of 1996 to January of 1997 that spanned over 4 issues. There isn’t anything too special about this comic generally speaking as it just fleshes out the Carmen Sandiego world with more grounded cases and even a few space escapades but there is one offhand comment mentioned in Issue 3 that adds a whole new layer to our continuity talk. You see, Misty Larkin, a little girl working for ACME, was caught disguising as the Chief by the Chief (who is completely different from the game show counterpart), and while the Chief and Misty are arguing about her position in ACME, they bring up both the Carmen Sandiego game show and the computer game.
This may seem like a fun little nod to Carmen’s other media appearances but the thing about this is that as we established earlier, game show Carmen and computer game Carmen are a part of the same universe, and computer game Carmen specifically has shown to not only be aware of the real world but also control the simulation of her game, or otherwise control her entire universe as if it were a game. Now slap a fictional label onto that because it’s clarified one issue later that all this Carmen media is actually a ruse created by ACME to make the public believe that Carmen is a fictional character so that a worldwide panic doesn’t occur. Carmen in this comic is considered to be the “real” Carmen and everything else would simply be fiction, meaning that specifically the comic version of Carmen would transcend her fictional self, and since we’re compositing Carmen, this means that Carmen in general would be transcending that original universe established with the game shows, video games, the books, and the 90s cartoon.
Now onto the actual cosmology…
Moving onto the actual info we have on the Carmen Sandiego verse, things such as the reboot have no talk about timelines, universes and such (for obvious reasons). The comics don’t mention anything about cosmology beyond the standard universe and the fact that black holes could possibly send Carmen back in time if she were to go through one. That aside however, the most prominent features of Carmen’s universe seem to stem from that original universe that Carmen and her henchmen mess with on occasions, so let’s start there.
The “Where in Time” game show establishes that every time that Carmen travels back in time and steals something, the new past events in the timeline would eventually overwrite the events of the present and the future, hence why ACME urges its agents to go and retrieve the item in the first place. Time paradoxes are also alluded to in the show as the host Kevin claims that the 1939’s World Fair event being stolen would lead to the erasure of the history of all television due to it becoming popular there, which in turn would cause the actual game show to be erased as a result.
Of course, the most obvious thing we have to mention in regards to timelines is that Carmen and the rest of V.I.L.E love to travel back in time or into the future to steal whatever priceless artifacts are present during those years. This isn’t just a one or two time thing either since the amount of times they’ve time traveled in the 90s cartoon alone is 9 times. The “Where in Time” game show had henchmen travel back in time at least once every episode, giving a total of 65 times. The entire premise of the video game “Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?” surrounds time travel, and with there being 80 total criminals time travelling, 4 time periods to visit, and 12 locations they could go to, it’d make for a whopping 3,840 timelines that were created through time travel. You could potentially get even higher with the timeline count through the books and such but if changing the past created an alternate universe every time then that’d make the cosmology that much bigger.
If it did.
You see, due to the aforementioned existence of time paradoxes every time a change in the past occurred, this means that these extra timelines are unable to exist through normal means. This is simply because changing the past doesn’t create that new timeline and instead modifies the original timeline to the point of erasing any future events that don’t line up with the new set of events. Some more supporting evidence to back this up is that the Chief always claims at the beginning of every “Where in Time” episode that the agents have a limited amount of time to get the stolen item back before history is, and I quote, “changed forever” (1:29). If new timelines can’t coexist alongside the main one, then it’s unlikely that these are new timelines to begin with and simply anomalies that could potentially erase future events altogether.
Parallel Universes
Bringing the “Where in Time” game show back into this, parallel universes are also at play here thanks to a scene where the ACME crew get sucked into an parallel universe while they’re travelling through time. This second universe mirrors that of the original due to the Chief, who is usually portrayed as good, now being an evil space queen along with a version of Carmen that had turned good. There isn’t much else that we know about this alternate universe because of the early departure but it can be safely assumed that it’s the exact same universe as the og with the exception of switching some of the character roles around.
With the existence of one parallel universe alongside the original, it would mean that two universes would make up the verse. However, there is an important question to be asked. If parallel universes can exist, then what’s stopping them from being a third parallel universe? A fourth universe? An entire multiverse worth of universes? Well there’s one simple matter to keep in mind from before, and it’s the fact that due to how timelines work in this universe, there can’t be an infinite number of universes created by timelines. There is always the possibility of other parallel universes alongside the two we’ve already seen but the problem is that it leads to a bunch of assumptions with no solid foundation to keep it credible.
Besides what’s been discussed, there’s just a lack of anything relating to universes, dimensions, or anything within that vein throughout the Carmen franchise. It does make sense considering that Carmen Sandiego is meant to be an educational series (for the most part, looking at you 2019 show) at the end of the day, so including such things in the lore would seem all but nonsensical in the sort of “why mention it?” way.
To sum up everything in Carmen Sandiego’s cosmology, there are no other timelines that exist beyond the main one, there is no mention of dimensions, and there is only a singular alternate universe attached to the verse. Every incarnation of Carmen from the game shows, PC games, books, and 90s cartoon are all part of a single fictional universe that is implied to have been created digitally, and comic Carmen would simply transcend it all due to existing in the “real” world. As for the 2019 show, there is always the possibility that it could be an alternate universe itself but it seems fairly, if not, completely disconnected from any continuity to the point that it might as well be its own thing which would not change anything.
The Bad Guys
Despite starting out as a story about a local crime gang turning good, it would soon become anything but as zombies, superpowers, aliens, and a ton of other weird things would be introduced into the story. However, none of it comes as close to peculiar as how the series introduced an entire multiverse and made it the primary focus with the latter half of the books. Everything would soon tie together so that the inclusion of universe shenanigans didn’t feel too out of place but with how much the greater multiverse has been talked about along with other cosmology-related topics, there’s a lot to work with just the books alone. The movies have yet to introduce anything close to a multiverse but it’s not entirely impossible if Dreamworks keeps making films for the franchise. Speaking of the movie…
The Thing About Book Wolf and Movie Wolf
For starters, let’s clarify again that Book Wolf and Movie Wolf are not the same being whatsoever. Given how drastically different the movie is compared to the books, whether it’d be in the story beats, how the characters look and what their lore is, and the general tone that the movie series tries to go for this time around, there are plenty of similarities between the two but many more differences present. The movie verse has yet to introduce the more wacky stuff the books have and it’s unknown whether those aspects will be introduced at all.
Obvious aside, how the movie connects to the book series will be talked about later but keep in mind that the book and movie versions of the Bad Guys universe are completely different.
Introduced in the last few pages of Book 6 and elaborated in Book 7, Wolf and the gang accidently enter a space pod on Marmalade's station that sends them back in time to the Crestacuous Era 65 million years ago. The space pod in question uses speed to make sure that the place they would’ve landed in the original timeline is the same as the one in another timeline and it’s also equipped with a time-travel drive that is responsible for actually sending them through time. The method in which the pod travels will be elaborated on in the next section but let’s talk about how these timelines work to begin with.
Going to the beginning of Book 7, Ellen and the rest of the members of the International League of Heroes are dealing with the consequences of the Bad Guys from the previous book as Marmalade’s alien army would be attacking their home city. Ellen would come face to face with one of the aliens wearing a mech suit, and once she realizes that it’s over for her, she gets vaporized into dust by the mech’s laser. This is the timeline where she should’ve died. Luckily for her, once the Bad Guys make their way back to the main timeline by using the leftover space pod parts, Ellen’s supposed death would actually not occur due to the interference of the Bad Guys falling through their portals and knocking the alien in the mech suit into a nearby river.
In most cases, this should’ve caused a time paradox due to the events of the original timeline being disrupted by external forces, but since the world continues to go on like nothing happened, this gives the impression that multiple timelines are able to coexist with one another. With that, it could mean that the original timeline was one where Ellen did die but due to the Bad Guys’ time travel shenanigans, it created an alternate timeline where Ellen was still alive for the rest of the series. Thanks to this, we can discern that it’s possible for there to be infinite timelines within the Bad Guys universe if each timeline is created by an alternate decision made in the original timeline. It would basically be something akin to that of Avengers: Endgame, albeit with less headaches attached to it. We don’t get to see any other time travel beyond Book 7 but there may be supporting evidence with the existence of other universes (which I’ll get to).
Time travel may be possible in the Bad Guys universe but there does lie the question of how exactly it’s possible to begin with. To answer that question, we only need to turn our attention towards Tarantula as they directly witness a vortex that leads to a whole new dimension. Being opened up with the time-travel drive component of the space pod, it sends the pod through this dimension and out a different end to whatever time period the pod is set to. The pod isn’t necessary to send people (or animals) through time however as Tarantula would jump into the vortex themself and soon return to the future with enough time. It was even a peaceful experience for them!
As for the rest of the Bad Guys, well… Piranha accidentally pushes a button that opens a vortex to a much more unstable dimension. This second dimension is what Piranha, Shark, Wolf, Snake, and a random velociraptor go through in order for them to get back to the present, and while they do arrive at their destination as well, the dimension gave them some weird side effects. You see, any and every being subject to this dimension is affected by its constant reality-warping properties, resulting in those beings being shifted to the point of gaining supernatural powers with enough time.
The nature of either of these dimensions aren’t expanded on but we know that they exist outside of the main universe at the very least. This can be assumed because of the fact that the dimensions themselves are located in an area outside of the linear timeline which allows for travel to any period of time as long as the device needed is used to open a beginning and end point. That’s not to say that they exist outside of time entirely, it’s simply just a way to bypass the flow of time.
Other Universes + The Wider Multiverse
By going through these special doorways that are actually wormholes, Mr. Wolf and the rest of Shadow Squad G are able to traverse the multiverse one universe at a time, doing so with the intent of finding Splaarghön and taking him down once and for all before he could forcefully conquer the entire multiverse. The thing about this task is that while it may not seem hard at first, one of the bigger issues at play is that they needed to *find* the universe he’s in. Unfortunately for our heroes, the multiverse is a ginormous place that makes this task exceptionally difficult.
There is of course the main universe where the first half of the Bad Guys series takes place, which in of itself is home to life way beyond the solar system and even beyond the galaxy. The universe is big enough that it makes 92 million light years crossable and it potentially goes out even farther than that if we were to assume it’s the size of our own.
Beyond the normal universe, Shadow Squad G have traveled to many other universes in their search for Splaarghön, which includes…
- The shard universe
- The bee universe
- The doctor’s universe
- The spooky forest universe
- A universe consisting entirely of living utensils
- Splaarghön‘s arena
- The Nightmare Realm
One of the first few things established about these other universes is that each and every one of them have different ground rules and unique quirks that make it impossible for two to ever be the same. Despite this, a lot of the universes we see aren’t too special on their own as they’re just different locations that lack anything indicating that they’re much bigger than just the area itself. For example, we see the main tower in the universe of bees along with an area much farther out where Snake captures Shark and Hogwild but without any further visual proof, it’s unknown whether the universe only consists of a planet, a solar system, etc. The only universe that we know of that is the actual size of a universe is the main universe where Mr. Wolf and everyone else are from.
However, there is one universe in particular that sticks out compared to the others. There exists a Nightmare Realm deep in the trenches of the multiverse, a place that appears empty at first but is actually the birth location of any and all nightmares. If someone were to arrive there, the nightmares of that individual will start to show up as illusions and then immediately poof out of existence once they get close enough. It isn’t just a universe where it turns your nightmares real but it’s a place where the literal concepts that make up nightmares are created. As Snake himself states to wolf, the “idea” of freaks like them were born here, the mythology of monsters the world’s come to know was created in this very universe. This is the source of all nightmares, and it’s the very power used by Splaarghön and all his Underlords.
With all of these universes making up the wider multiverse, one has to wonder just exactly how many more universes are left unexplored in this verse, if any. To put it shortly, the multiverse is composed of infinite universes. For further explanation, let’s look at a quote directly said from the mouth of Splaarghön.
“Did you really think your universe was the only one? It is merely another layer of an infinite multiverse! Universe upon universe layered upon each other, separated only by doorways.”
This is the most direct confirmation that the series has given of how big the multiverse is supposed to be, and given that Splaarghön has been around for trillions of years and has traversed the majority of the multiverse, it’s safe to say that we can trust what he says here. After all, his main goal was to conquer the entire multiverse so he would certainly need to know how far the multiverse spread in order to take full control. His statement is further supported by how he thinks both planet Earth and even the main universe are puny compared to the multiverse, calling the universe a “crummy truck stop” compared to the “endless highway that leads to an infinite city of magnificence”. There are also the assumptions made by Ellen, where she’s not sure of how many universes her team has to travel across in order to find Splaarghön, implying that there could very well be a countless number of universes out there for all they know. All in all, the multiverse has been confirmed to be infinite in size.
Fourth Wall Shenanigans
Wolf’s ability to break the fourth wall was mentioned prior but how exactly does the fourth wall play a part in the Bad Guys cosmology? Well for starters, the pages/panels of the book series are implied to be something that exists in the universe, but at the same time, it’s not something that can be physically interacted with by most characters. If anything, it seems to act like a space that exists above the actual universe, something akin to say, a higher spatial dimension. It may seem like a wild take but considering that those panels and pages can be interacted with as if they existed in their own space (such examples include Rhonda morphing the surrounding panels and Underlord Shaard ripping through multiple pages with his spears) and only powerful beings have been able to affect the panels/pages at all, then it’s not too much of a stretch to say that it transcends the main universe entirely, meaning that the pages of the book could very well be 4D.
The scaling to this will be touched upon later but otherwise, Wolf shouldn’t scale to anything else fourth-wall related. Wolf is in fact aware of the real world through the fact that he knows he has an audience, he knows that his life is a book series, and he knows that his movie was successful. These are just usual things that people who can break the fourth wall do which doesn’t mean that it should contribute to the cosmology of scaling in any meaningful way right? Well, there’s one other thing we’ve yet to mention.
You see, to get back onto the topic of the Bad Guys movie, book 20 has Mr. Wolf, who by this point was Rhonda’s apprentice, references his potential successful movie alongside all the future events he tells his past self. This may just be a fun little nod to the movie but it does have wider implications as to how connected the continuities are. Since book Wolf usually breaks the fourth wall to talk about things from our own very real world, his mention of the movie means that the movie universe could very well transcend the book universe. That’s not to say that the movie verse exists in the same reality as ours (that’d be silly) but the movie exists at a level where Mr. Wolf would recognize it as a higher universe and not simply a part of the existing multiverse. Like we did with Carmen, comping Mr. Wolf would mean that he transcends his entire book verse simply by existing.
In short, the Bad Guys cosmology consists of at least two timelines (potentially an infinite number of timelines), two known dimensions that exist in the spaces between time, and an infinite number of universes that make up the whole multiverse. There are arguments for the pages of the book existing on a 4D plane, and due to how book Wolf references the movie as if it existed at a higher plane like how he does with the real world audience and such, then the movie version of Wolf would transcend the whole book verse.
Before the Verdict
Does Carmen actually scale to the things she steals?
The general consensus of Carmen Sandiego’s higher feats (especially those performed by her henchmen) are that Carmen will always be able to physically scale to anything she steals regardless of context. While it could have been the case where Carmen didn’t actually physically scale to a lot of the cosmic feats of her verse due to, it turns out that a majority of it does line up enough for it to be valid. For example, henchmen have been able to steal items that very well get into cosmic levels of power, such as Kneemoi moving the Earth’s core back to her home planet or Robocrook tanking the entire Milky Way Galaxy blowing up in his face. Being able to do these feats physically without the help of tech makes an especially good case for Carmen being able to scale to it in strength and durability.
Overall, given everything that V.I.L.E has physically stolen and scaled to, there should be no issue with giving Carmen those physical stats. The real question comes when we factor all the concepts stolen by V.I.L.E. While it’s impressive that V.I.L.E has managed to contain literal concepts, it’s only been shown to have done with either a special ability unique to certain henchmen (for example, Kneemoi could suck the talent out of dancers) or through the Cyberspheres, both of which are things that no one should scale to physically. Even if Carmen has been able to steal concepts directly herself, there’s nothing to suggest she can manipulate them outside of stealing them or destroying them, rendering any scaling to them impractical.
Universal Carmen?
So remember when we mentioned that Carmen turned off the computer that was simulating her entire reality? Yeah, let’s talk about that. So this comes from the end of Episode 19 of the 90’s series titled “Déjà Vu“, where she just turns off the computer of the player while she was talking to them. Now we know that this is not something that the player did because we can see them confused once the computer turned off and it isn’t the result of a power outage because we see that a lamp is still on in the player’s room, so Carmen must have done something to turn off the computer. This means that either this is an ability of her or she is strong enough to destroy her entire reality. We also know that her world is fully digital and that the computer of the player isn’t creating a gateway to some alternate reality because in multiple shots we can see the planet being loaded in piece by piece. We also don’t have a lot of context around this scene because this is the only time Carmen ever does something like this; however, we believe that this feat is only an ability that doesn’t scale to AP.
Later in the show, we can see one of Carmen’s henchmen, Mason Dixon, travels back in time to make himself the new leader of V.I.L.E. Once he does this, the player is no longer able to Carmen and they can only talk to Dixon. This implies that the fourth wall manipulation is a byproduct of being the leader of V.I.L.E, so Carmen being able to do things like turning off the computer wouldn’t be done through strength. Instead, it’s an ability that you gain from being the leader of V.I.L.E, meaning that this feat is not universal in terms of strength.
Does Mr. Wolf even scale to Princess Beautiful?
In short, it should be possible even without a proper interaction.
For a more proper explanation, Princess Beautiful is the main character of another one of Aaron’s books, titled Cat On The Run. The world does seem disconnected at first given that the story mainly focuses on Princess and her attempts at escaping the police after she was framed as a war criminal while making a Tiktok video (story of my life). However, this wouldn’t be an Aaron book without a sneaky reference to the Bad Guys, and low and behold, they do actually pop up in the form of cameos. The relevant instance in this case is when the FBI’s most wanted list is shown and all the members of the Bad Guys are listed right under Princess who currently is taking the #1 spot.
This implies that disregarding Princess, the Bad Guys would have been the biggest criminals on the list, which is important here given that although Princess is at the top of the list, she practically has no training or experience as a criminal and is generally considered to be a “normal person” in this world. Considering that the Bad Guys are physically superior to the regular folk of their world throughout the main series, this means that Mr. Wolf would naturally upscale anything Princess Beautiful has survived or dodged. This would not only include Princess being able to outpace missiles on her bike but also her surviving the huge mountain-toppling explosion, both of which Mr. Wolf then upscales.
Was Splaarghön really going to destroy the universe or even the multiverse?
The words “universe” and “multiverse” have been thrown around quite a bit in the book, especially when it comes to statements from the Underlords where the minions would rule over the entirety of their respective universes while Splaarghön had plans to forcefully rule over the entire multiverse. In general, it seemed like the Underlords’ physical power could match the domains they had control over but in truth, it takes more than “ruling the universe/multiverse” for them to scale. If there had been statements that those same Underlords could physically *destroy* the universe in a single attack (over time would not work here since the power value would dramatically decrease as a result), then it’d be a much easier case to argue for.
Despite this, there are other possible arguments for Universal AP with both the Underlords and, more importantly, users of The One’s powers such as Mr Wolf.
Case 1: Snake rips a hole in the universe
This one is the most straightforward case here as it simply focuses on a scene of Snake creating a doorway to another universe for the first time. For the full context, Snake is currently trying to figure out what he can do with his power out of boredom, the looming voice of Splaarghön starts encouraging him to keeping pushing his own power further despite the struggle, and it leads to Snake creating the same kind of doorway that’s used to traverse the multiverse by the rest of the main cast.
The way in which this ties back into The One and Splaarghön is that the method in which Snake creates this doorway is implied to be the same way that Rhonda creates her doorways. As a matter of fact, Snake managed to create this portal with the powers he gained from the *side effects* of Rhonda’s actual power. This means that creating the doorway while only having a mere slice of The One’s power means that anyone who is gifted a proper portion of The One’s power would automatically upscale Snake’s feat. Splaarghön and other Underlords would also upscale massively since Snake’s power increased dramatically once he got a portion of Splaarghön power after opening the door, becoming a full Underlord himself by that point. It’s not even mentioning the fact that Snake is gradually getting stronger the longer that he has Splaarghön’s power.
Now there is the obvious counterargument of “this was done through the hax to create wormholes and not through physical power, thus we can’t scale this for AP”, but while that’s usually the case in most instances, this scenario is different. Snake really had to push himself to create that wormhole as he was initially struggling to focus his power into that one spot, showing signs of physical strain while doing so. If the hole’s creation was truly just hax-based, then he wouldn’t have physically pushed himself as much as he did to make it appear, and with how Splaarghön reassures Snake’s comment of ripping a hole in the universe, then it can be assumed that it’s literal. The doors themselves even support this since they always open to a physical tunnel that leads from one universe to the next, with some entrances to certain universes showcasing those tunnels as being actual holes in the universe. Since The One users can effectively do the same thing with little effort, presumably including the likes of Mr. Wolf once he’s fully trained, then Mr. Wolf should upscale this.
Case 2: A portion of Splaarghön’s power, given to Marmalade’s species, was meant to cause a chain reaction that would obliterate the universe.
Vagueness be damned, there is a lot to consider with this next case. The context for this scene in particular is that Marmalade had come back to his home planet and is currently being lectured on how dangerous the weapons he used back on Earth were. He had been freely shooting cannons during his invasion and the Bad Guys would end up using his ship’s time travel equipment in Book 6, both of which Marmalade’s dad (king of their home planet) would go on to mention as being able to “...start a chain reaction that will obliterate our universe! Every living creature in every single galaxy will die a horrible, horrible death.” A wild claim like this seems pretty out there but further context on what this means is elaborated on in book 12 as Nathan would tell Shadow Squad G about how his species got that power to begin with. What happened was that Marmalade’s dad had come across a weird wormhole while traveling in his space cruiser, and in an attempt to absorb all the weird energy coming out of the wormhole, it caused his ship and every other piece of alien technology to freak out and gain new powers as a result. Unfortunately for the king, he also had a vision of Splaarghön wanting the aliens to use those powers to “rip open the doorway to our universe”, to which he and his henchmen would enter and destroy all living things.
Since we know that the king got a direct vision due to being exposed to this weird energy, we can assume that everything he’s saying is trustworthy since the energy’s implied to have been given by Splaarghön himself. He tends to give a portion of his power to those in the main universe so that they’re capable of opening the door for Splaarghön to their universe, best seen when he did that exact thing to Snake. If his word can be trusted, then the king’s comment of a creature being able to doom the entire universe should they get exposed to and try to use the power would be a valid source of info. Now comes the question of how we can apply this to AP and there’s two ways to go about this. One can either believe in “chain reaction obliterating the universe” and say that “The One” users automatically scale due to usually matching Splaarghön’s power, or one could believe in “Splaarghön’s power being able to forcefully rip open the doorway to the universe” which “The One” users would scale to using the same logic from earlier, both of which do have some merit to them.
For the former, mentioning the destruction of the universe through “a chain reaction” may come across as sketchy as it could very well not be the literal physical destruction of the whole thing. This is further pushed by the fact that Splaarghön had stated that he and his goons would simply “destroy all life”, with their goal being to take over the final significant universe in the wider multiverse. Looking on a broader scale in general shows us that the book had never reached that scale visually as well, so believing the statement of the universe’s obliteration seems to moreso be one that a villain would make to terrify those below them. Splaarghön would simply have killed all life and taken over the universe if the aliens managed to open that door and believing otherwise would not make sense narratively. Dooming the universe would also not equal universal AP as it could follow the same line of logic. You could make the argument that the showcase of ripping holes in the universes could actually prove that physically destroying the universe is possible with a powerful enough attack but it’s hard to say so confidently without further assumptions.
That aside, this entire series of events isn’t all unusable as the latter point adds yet another feat on the level of ripping a hole in the universe. In fact, it has to do with those same wormholes as it’s revealed in Book 12 that the doors are usually supposed to be one-way entrances and exits to other universes. However, the reason that Splaarghön gave a portion of his power to the aliens is that he wanted them to create a doorway to let him in, similar to what Snake accomplishes in Book 11. Considering that the creation of doorways is created through the same methods, this means that Splaarghön’s energy could get to the same level of power as Snake’s creation of the hole. With that, these universal levels of power seems to be consistent amongst those with Splaarghön’s power, especially when we look at the next case.
Case 3: Underlord Shaard’s blades could slice through the very pages of the book.
The context of this instance is self-explanatory as Underlord Shaard throws blades aimed towards the B-Team, and where these blades travel, they start ripping the pages of the book itself. It could be seen as a fun gag that’s meant to make the Underlords appear all the more powerful but the thing about the books is that there are not only numerous characters that are aware of the fact that they’re in a book series but powerful enough characters can even affect the book themselves. Obvious example here would be Rhonda changing the format of the surrounding panels in Book 20, so the actual interaction with the pages of the book isn’t something the series has shied away from.
With that being said, Shaard may be able to tear through the pages but would that actually mean that Shaard is essentially ripping the universe apart? Well, the first thing we can concur from this entire sequence is that the blades do physically rip through everything besides the pages. The first blade rips through a tree, one of the last blades cut off the tail of the getaway ship, and the other B-Team members are greatly concerned about being hit by the blades, thus the blades aren’t using any sort of special ability to slice through the pages. The blades are also inconsistent in what they slice through as some of them rip through the page and some don’t, although the benefit of the doubt could be given here since there are blades that accomplish the ripping regardless. Answering the biggest question here however, ripping the pages would not only just be a universal level feat but it could actually yield a way higher value, albeit to what degree is something that can’t be figured out.
As established in the Cosmology section, the pages can be considered to be 4D spaces that transcend the main universe with how despite being intangible to everyone else in the universe, stronger beings such as Rhonda and, relevantly, Shaard are able to interact with this higher space. Shaard physically ripping these pages apart could very well surpass the 4D space altogether, although by this point it should be noted that this is a very debatable feat to buy, let alone scale Wolf to. The post-timeskip B-Team do effortlessly defeat all the Underlords but that could be summed up to a combination of speed and purification and we never see Shaard throw these blades out after the first time they’re used; no one physically scales to the blades when they’re used either as everyone is obviously running away from the blades. The best argument you can make for scaling is that “The One” users and Underlords can generally match each other in physical power with how they can match each other blow for blow, which would include the blades since they’re the standard arsenal for Underlord Shaard. It does make for a lot of hoops to jump through but the scaling chain does still exist nonetheless, so for the purposes of this blog, it will be considered. If you disagree with the arguments made here then that’s completely understandable.
Carmen and Mr. Wolf Incalculable Speeds?
Aw hell nah, incalculable speed talk.
In Carmen’s case, we know that the Chronoskimmer physically sends people through time as we not only see an example of this in the game show but it’s further supported by the fact that every time it’s used, it leaves behind a time tunnel that anyone can physically travel through. In order to leave such a tunnel, the Chronoskimmer had to have to literally burrow through time to create it, so by nature of this feat, it certainly does get to immeasurable speed.
Now, the way in which Carmen scales to the ACME agents in the “Where in Time” game show is through the final minigame present in a handful of episodes. The minigame in question in one where the chosen ACME agent has to run around a set and press six buttons within a short time limit, and every time they press a button, they also have to answer a quick trivia question relating to, who could’ve guessed it, history. If the agent fails to press all six buttons before the time is up, then it means that Carmen has officially outran the agents and managed to slip out of ACME’s grasp once again. It’s very much implied with the nature of the minigame that Carmen is supposed to be physically outrunning the agents in question, and although there are cases where she does get caught if the agents win the minigame, in most cases she is able to make her grand escape. Considering that these agents are the same ones that can pilot the Chromoskimmer-powered spaceship, this means that Carmen is able to outrun and blitz these immeasurable children. In fact, we can go further and say this is supported by the fact that villains are able to keep up with the travel speed of the ship to land a surprise attack on them. All that being said, immeasurable Carmen Sandiego is very much real.
In Mr. Wolf’s case, the B-team had presumably been given a portion of The One’s powers in the short time frame between them delivering the other personalities of The One and the next time we see them in the story. Once given the power, they all spend a trillion years traversing the past and future and manage to explore the ENTIRE multiverse in that amount of time, being especially experienced warriors by the time that they come back. Traversing the multiverse isn’t too impressive in of itself since wormholes are used to travel to each universe but what makes it more noteworthy is that they specify that they quite literally went everywhere. As we established in the cosmology section, the Bad Guys multiverse is made of infinite universes. This means that in order to physically go to every universe in the infinite multiverse within a set period of time, they all must’ve been traveling at infinite speed in order to accomplish such a feat. We could then also apply to their reaction speed since the Underlords are able to keep up with them while fighting, to which “The One” users are able to fight back, meaning that they should end up scaling to their own travel speed for reaction speed. Since Mr. Wolf would be among these users, then he would end up getting infinite speed.
There is, however, one other major argument we’ve yet to bring up for Wolf. You see, Book 20 has both Mr. Wolf and Rhonda travel through to the past in order to get Wolf to create a paradox that guarantees him turning good in the future. While trying to get Wolf to understand the situation, Rhonda makes an interesting claim.
“Space and time have no power over me. I can go to any place. I can go to any time. And now… so can you.”
It’s the first part that’s the focus here as it could imply that Rhonda, as The One, is physically unbound by space and time, meaning that she would be going at immeasurable speeds. This may seem like a worthy buff to Rhonda and other users of “The One’s” powers but there are a few issues with assuming such. For one, the context of this quote is relating to the fact that Rhonda’s time travel ability lets her ignore the rules of space and time, allowing her to travel distances and across time periods that should otherwise be impossible for anyone else in the world to do. The other thing about this is that if Rhonda truly were immeasurable in speed, then it could be considered a massive outlier with how there’s nothing else to support that Rhonda can move independently of time. There’s no instance of her moving an immeasurable distance, her physically moving through time, or even her being immune to things such as spatial manipulation or time stops. It is only a statement that we have to work with, a statement that is meant to relate to how free Mr. Wolf is now that he had gotten The One’s powers. Hefty explanation aside, this statement doesn’t seem to be able to buff Mr. Wolf’s speeds without some huge question marks attached to it.
For as complicated as the debate turned out, we can split this battle into 7 important sections.
First up is intelligence, a category that is especially noteworthy for both thanks to their histories as master criminals. To keep things simple for the verdict, we’ll also be lumping the other categories of skill and experience with intelligence. Although those categories may not immediately be associated with intelligence, a lot of the expertise they gained in their time as thieves was ultimately molded by their own book and street smarts, with them having to learn a majority of their criminal behavior by themselves without further help… most of the time at least.
Mainly focusing on the timeline of the original Carmen Sandiego incarnation, Carmen was implied to have started her training as an ACME agent at a young age, soon after she had been orphaned as a child. There aren’t exact numbers to base her age off of with the original incarnation but if it’s anything compared to the 2019 show, then she would tend to be in her early to mid 20s, possibly late 20s to early 30s if basing it off the original cartoon. Comparing her to the likes of Mr. Wolf, he’s also been a criminal ever since he was a child, and although his original incarnation also doesn’t have a set age, based on his mugshot in the movie, he’s possibly in his early 30s if the movie was set the same year it was released in (2022). With both of those experience ranges in mind, they are usually comparable in their year count as criminals with Mr. Wolf possibly having the edge in age.
Despite the possibility of Mr. Wolf being older however, it’s safe to say that Carmen is generally a lot more skilled even if she’s younger. She spent those first few years being accustomed with ACME, training under the advanced organization and becoming one of the best detectives they ever had as a result. There was no case that she couldn’t solve, getting to the point of absolute boredom which led to her turn to crime and the creation of the organization VILE, an organization that could easily rival that of ACME. This is only supported in the 2019 show, even if Carmen’s backstory would change due to VILE already existing + her training as a criminal from the get go. Even on her own, she not only learned how to become a criminal all by herself but also became a profound leader and an especially slippery criminal that would always have plans upon plans to ensure her escape. Out of everything though, her track record of stealing entire monuments, locations, celestial bodies and everything beyond and managing to get away with it for long periods of time should be recognized as a skill that only she holds.
This isn’t to say that Mr. Wolf isn’t skilled himself, as he’s created his own multi-step plans, has shown himself to be an exceptional leader of the Bad Guys, and managed to gather all those high profile strangers-turned-criminals into a gang that pull off a majority of their crimes in a cinch. After all, he didn’t get on the top spot on the FBI’s most wanted list for nothing, but speaking on a broader scale, the crimes that Carmen has pulled off are of a much greater scale than anything Mr. Wolf has done during his own time as a criminal. Along with the fact that Carmen’s actually got training in hand-to-hand combat and has skills such as pressure point combat, she’s generally had better showcases of experience, skill, and intelligence as a whole. Mr. Wolf isn’t too far behind but this category will go to Carmen.
Moving on to stats, strength has a somewhat simple case to be made. To start off with the bare minimum, let’s compare their low end feats first. 2019 Carmen and movie Mr. Wolf are the weakest versions of these characters, only managing to get within the wall level ranges of strength. Mr. Wolf’s best feat would have to be him tanking a truck ramming into him at full speed, getting to a value of 1,427,451 Joules. Since the Bad Guys and other characters are capable of trading blows with Mr. Wolf, it’s safe to say that this can also apply to his physical strength. As for Carmen’s strength feats, she has bombs that can blow up entire rooms, albeit this only gets to 1,010,000 Joules. However, Carmen would get scaling to characters such as Coach Brunt, someone who could bust through a Viking Ship by charging through it. This feat would end up getting a yield of 3,340,000 Joules, a feat that is around 2.3 times stronger than Mr. Wolf’s best.
Luckily for Mr. Wolf, we’re looking at everything else beyond the modern adaptations, and to contrast the relatively low strength feats of these grounded universes, the original source material goes well and above. Giving Mr. Wolf scaling to Princess Beautiful, he should scale to her feat of walking off an explosion that managed to tip over this entire mountain which should get a yield of 6.59 Kilotons of TNT. It could be seen as an outlier if we’re being fair here but the thing is, even if we completely buy this, Carmen’s other feats dwarf this in comparison. Carmen herself has directly tanked an entire volcano eruption that produced 673.85 Kilotons worth of energy, an eruption about 44 times stronger than the output of the Hiroshima bomb. Stealing Saturn’s rings with only a rope gets her well into the gigatons range with 106.28 Gigatons of force behind the pull, she and her tech have often stole entire monuments and giant structures that shouldn’t be possible to carry to begin with, and scaling to her henchmen only gets her way higher as you have them sending tectonic plates into space, carrying the sun from New Mexico to Ireland (14.18 Quettatons), or even tanking an entire galaxy blowing up in their face (366.26 ZettaFOE).
With that all being said, it all pales in comparison to the scaling that Mr. Wolf can get with “The One” powers, which while it may be a huge jump from all the other values that Bad Guys characters have gotten, it’s entirely intentional since that kind of power is meant to be the kind of godly power meant to fight off Satan himself. In order for the doorways to other universes to be created, physical tunnels have to be carved from one universe to the other, so when Mr. Snake created that initial doorway by focusing enough of his power in one area, he was able to, as he described it, “rip a hole in the universe”. With such a feat, it would at the very least get to Universal+ levels of power and that’s without considering that his power had grown ever since he did that feat. This is further supported by the fact that a different Underlord could rip the very pages of the book with his blades, since due to the pages being a higher dimensional structure that can only usually be manipulated by the godly beings of the verse, it would also get to Universal+ attack power, possibly 4D depending on how you want to define the feat.
The only thing that Carmen has that is remotely comparable is her ability to turn off the entire simulated universe she was in, a feat that does make some level of sense given that the 90s show implies that this specific world of Carmen Sandiego is an entire digitized universe. As explained in its BTV section however, the feat isn’t something that can be used for attack power given that it’s a part of the fourth wall manipulation that she already has. With that, Mr. Wolf will be taking this category for himself!
Despite the fact that Mr. Wolf takes strength, speed is a whole other stat that we need to talk about. All things considered, this is probably the simplest category out of everything here so let’s start with finite ends.
On Carmen’s side, it’s safe to say that she very easily gets into the faster than sound to faster than light ranges with her lower speed feats. Even in the 2019 show, she’s capable of dodging shurikens, putting on ear plugs after a voice command had been spoken, and even redirecting lasers after they had already been fired. Her original counterpart only adds onto this as she can disappear with the Golden Gate bridge in the time that it took for a picture to be taken, and she consistently outpaces ACME agents in the game shows, games, and 90s cartoon. ACME agents are impressive in terms of speed as Ivy can dodge camera flashes as well and both Zack and Ivy jumped out of the way of a time-travelling car of Carmen’s, with this specific car abiding by the logic of “travelling faster than light = time travel”. This all pales in comparison to Carmen’s best speed feat however, as in the video game “Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego?” Carmen has visited every galaxy in the observable universe within a short time frame in order to recruit criminals for her intergalactic crime spree. Even with the lowball calc of the feat, it manages to get to 103 Quadrillion x FTL, and the highball gets to 723 Quadrillion x FTL, both of which are fitting finite results for a criminal like Carmen.
Looking at Mr. Wolf now, his movie version also gets surprisingly high as he can run fast enough to keep up with a space shuttle resembling the Space X, a spacecraft that travels at Mach 35 speeds to escape Earth’s orbit. He’s also dodged lasers on a few occasions in both the books and movies, with the books in particular giving him some better speed feats to scale to. The best example of this is with his scaling to Tarantula, who has two interesting avenues of scaling to look at. Tarantula has jumped out of the way of a laser a millisecond before it blew up a car they were in, and more impressively, they’re able to pilot alien ships that could cover almost 92 million light years of distance in 3 days, getting to speeds of 11 Billion x FTL. Looking at both finite ends, it’s clear that Carmen is way, WAY faster, with there being a 9 million times difference in speed between Mr. Wolf and Carmen.
Nevertheless, finite ends aren’t the only thing to look at here as there are also some interesting incalculable ends for both that shake up the debate. In terms of Mr. Wolf, he could perceive and possibly run fast enough to dodge the lasers of Splaarghön, with that same energy being able to tag users of “The One” powers’ and vice versa. Now, a lot of the speed feats that the “The One” users have done aren’t too impressive as characters such as Fox could intercept incoming sound beams and Rhonda crossing galaxies, feats that don’t exactly get to that incalculable range. Rather, there’s the feat of Team B, who had gained “The One” powers presumably soon after being forced to time travel, where each and every member managed to traverse the infinite multiverse and explore it all within the span of eons or longer, also visiting the entirety of the past, present, and future within that limited period of time. Even with the ability of time travel on hand, they would’ve had to cover an infinite amount of distance to find everything, thus meaning that they had to be moving at infinite speeds to do so. Surprisingly though, Carmen can move at even faster speeds thanks to her previous scaling to ACME agents, including the agents that pilot a ship powered by the physical time-travelling Chronoskimmer. By tending to outpace these same agents in the final minigame, this grants Carmen immeasurable speed, making her way faster than even Mr. Wolf’s incalculable speed ends.
Due to Carmen taking the advantage of speed in both the finite and incalculable areas, it’s safe to say that Carmen has stolen this category!
With how technology-based these two are when it comes to their onhand arsenal, the both of them having tech wizards for allies is gonna lend itself to be very useful in a fight. The best thing that both Player and Tarantula have going for them is that they can hack from a distance, effectively meaning that they don’t have to be too close to the actual fight at hand. In terms of range with their skills, Tarantula can at the very least hack from across the city in the movie, and since she has an Xfinity Mobile plan, her 5G cellular data can cover the entire nation of America. In contrast to that, Player can communicate with Carmen no matter where she is on the planet and can hack anything within Carmen’s surrounding area. It’s possible for Tarantula’s range to go even further but she needs external tech such as flash drives in order to hack away in say, a whole other country overseas. There is one strange advantage that Tarantula has above Player however, and that advantage would be in the form of mobility.
Player can definitely work remotely as he’s taken his laptop with him on a few occasions and he’ll always be able to keep an eye on Carmen while she’s on Earth with his red drone and other ways to peer into Carmen’s location. However, Tarantula was one of the few beings to get ahold of the powers of “The One”, enabling him to time travel and cross universes just like every other user. This means that if Carmen were to take Mr. Wolf to another time period or Mr. Wolf took Carmen to another universe, Tarantula would be able to follow them both and continue to use their hacking to mess with Carmen’s other weapons and even vehicles. In general, Tarantula has a lot of the same advantages that Player does but better; they can both hack remotely with their portable laptop, they’ve easily hacked into the tech of cities such as street lights and automatic bridges, and Tarantula could even take part in the fight with the other powers he gained. There is a big question of if they would get involved like that to begin with and if it’d be unfair if the fight essentially turned into a 2 vs 1 against Carmen but we’ll see that discussion for later in the verdict.
Not even Player’s skill as a hacker could be considered comparable to Tarantula’s, although let’s take the time to point out that Player managed to get through 27 layers of encryption as if it were another Tuesday, with all those layers of encryption belonging to an organization that stands above every other police force out there in terms of technology. VILE is impressive as a force and yet Player was able to break through their best defenses so casually, but when you look at Tarantula’s best hacking, they could immediately figure out how to hack into advanced alien technology without any guidance, having set up the space pod in a matter of seconds. The next book would have Tarantula tamper with that same space pod to find its time travel device and activate it separately, and this skill ceiling would only raise higher thanks to all the experience they gained in the eon that they traversed the multiverse with “The One” powers. Player is an impressive hacker in his own series but he would get outmatched by Tarantula in hacking skill, experience, and would probably be victim to disintegration if he tried to take part in a fight. With that, Mr. Wolf would have a much more reliable ally to fall back onto so he’ll also take this category.
Quite the arsenal these two have eh?
This is especially true on Carmen’s side but Mr. Wolf doesn’t fall too far behind all things considered. Since there’s gonna be a lot to cover in this section, let’s begin with a simple thing that these two always use as a getaway from their successful crimes: their vehicles. Mr. Wolf is certainly a talented driver as noted by Snake, and he goes on to prove this with how he is always the one behind the wheel of his slick ride. He is a master at swerving around everything that gets in his path and he’s gotten in plenty of car chases and always managed to escape home free. What makes Carmen an interesting challenge here though is that she has plenty of vehicles that not only traverse the roads but also the seas and the skies, something that Mr. Wolf is lacking in all things considered (at least with only vehicles). He does have access to other vehicles such as motorcycles as well as other mobility items such as spacesuits with jetpacks and wingsuits but Carmen counters that with her own gliders, rocket boots, and high-tech jetpacks that she’s used on numerous occasions to escape. Carmen’s choice in mobility is generally a lot more varied and they usually tend to be items she has stored away in her coat so she can access them anytime anywhere, so Mr. Wolf would overall have a hard time keeping up with Carmen with just his basic gear and vehicles.
Besides mobility, both have disguises to hide themselves among the common folk, which while Carmen can usually hide herself better by completely changing her appearance, Mr. Wolf does have a foolproof way to trick Carmen into following the wrong version of Mr. Wolf. With his CGI clones that can be controlled at a distance, they look enough like Wolf to the point where it’s virtually impossible for anyone to tell the difference between the real and the fake ones. Since the clones can even interact with the physical world, it’ll be hard for Carmen to immediately sense that something is wrong, leaving her open for a possible surprise attack when the real Mr. Wolf jumps her. That isn’t to say that the rest of Carmen’s tech would be enough to confuse Wolf, as she still has her hands on smoke grenades and dummy versions of herself to retaliate against any trickery against her.
Carmen’s best advantage here would be the number of weapons that she has on hand, with certain weapons being ones that she has trained with for longer periods of time. Bo staffs, bombs, crowbars, laser cutters, swords, spears, tridents, the list goes on and on. She even has potential battle enders if she were to land a good hit with them such as sticky foam to trap Mr. Wolf, knock out gas to put Mr. Wolf to sleep, and tasers that can not only shock Mr. Wolf but shut down any of his tech should it come into contact. The Crackle Rod does the exact same thing as her tasers but from a distance, which while the projectile can be avoided if dodged, that’s gonna be hard to do with the speed gap present between the two. Mr. Wolf does indeed have some weapons on him as he’s stolen swords before and use lipstick blow torches to burn through metal but they wouldn’t be enough to deal with the wide array of tech that Carmen tends to carry on her. Wolf’s Magnetized Cross-Circuit Interceptors (still a long af name lol) would serve the same purpose as the taser and Crackle Rod in the fact that it can disable tech upon contact but once again, that speed gap isn’t helping Mr. Wolf whatsoever.
For one last thing to cover with equipment, Carmen’s got her hands on too many time-related machines, whether that’d be the many time machines she and V.I.L.E have stolen or the time-stealing clock that she created out of the many stolen artifacts of the world. The time machines will be covered more in-depth with the Powers section but in regards to the time-stealing clock, this is a piece of tech so broken that Mr. Wolf has no counter to it even with “The One” powers. Acting similar to a being like King Crimson, it essentially erases an event from time to make sure that it never happened in the first place. Despite Carmen needing to physically visit Greenland, the location of the clock, in order to prepare it for usage, it shouldn’t too be unreasonable for her to do so given how many ways she has to slip out of the battle and cross that distance near instantly, letting her setup the erasure of the event of a fatal attack or even her death should it occur. You could even have Player be in Greenland and activate this clock if he were to see that Carmen was in a tough spot, and while “The One” powers let Mr. Wolf traverse time with ease, those powers have never resisted anything on the level of event erasure.
Lots of yapping here but basically, Carmen not only has the wider arsenal but the weapons and tech she has on hand is enough to overwhelm Mr. Wolf should he try to fight against them.
Now for the innate powers within Carmen and Mr. Wolf, the pool of abilities they have is somehow even crazier than all the tech that we just covered. If the comparison were to be between Carmen and base Mr. Wolf only however, Wolf would get absolutely washed in this regard. Being able to sense wherever your opponent is with intuition alone and using that same intuition to act without thinking are both overpowered abilities that make Carmen a beast in hand-to-hand, with pressure point combat possibly sealing the deal if Mr. Wolf got too close. Well, that’s if Mr. Wolf can get close to Carmen to begin with, as the combination of her usual fakeouts and teleportation make it especially hard to corner her or trap her in one spot. Clones would be very much needed here for Mr. Wolf since they would be able to take the damage for him (if digitized clones can take damage, which we don’t know of) and also keep Carmen distracted while he resorts to other options, but this teleportation is always gonna be an issue with how much faster Carmen is. She only gets faster when she uses her warp drive ability, making it all the more difficult for Mr. Wolf to have a chance in this fight. Fortunately for him, he’s got more up his sleeve than Carmen would ever expect.
Before we get to those cards however, let’s list the abilities that aren’t too useful for determining this verdict: fourth wall manipulation (it’s equalized if we consider “The One” form for Mr. Wolf), broadway force (since Mr. Wolf would be meeting Carmen for the first time, there’d be no realistic way for Carmen to get him stuck in broadway force shenanigans during a fight), and reality warping (Carmen being able to warp reality is noteworthy but the one time we see it doesn’t exactly mean that she can just do it willy nilly, and without further examples, it’s hard to determine if it’ll drastically change the fight). Stealing-based abilities won’t be mentioned here either as it’ll be covered in the final section.
For one card that Mr. Wolf can play, he’s gonna have to rely on being exposed to time-travel junk after latching onto one of Carmen’s time machines but with enough exposure, he gains superhuman strength that would let him toss around objects such as cars and trees towards Carmen, and with the strength, he could generally power through a lot of Carmen’s weaker equipment. That strength further increases with his kaiju form as well, although the chance that he gets to enter that form is close to zero. His biggest trump card however is gonna be when he activates that form of his that lets him tap into the powers of “The One”.
Flight lets Mr. Wolf easily keep up with Carmen’s airborne mobility, force fields provide a surefire way to defend against the toughest stuff in Carmen’s arsenal, and the many time machines in Carmen’s hands would become useless as Mr. Wolf can freely time travel wherever he pleases. Well, the Chromoskimmer already had the flaw of creating time tunnels that Mr. Wolf could also go through… but regardless, being able to traverse time and space instantly is the best way for Mr. Wolf to catch up with Carmen’s tendency to run off. Combining it with the future visions that “The One” users should have access to, it’s gonna make it very difficult for Carmen to stay hidden for long. Since Wolf is implied to become just as experienced with his powers as other “The One” users once he becomes Rhonda’s apprentice, he would use all his powers to their fullest extent, so the wincon of Mr. Wolf getting close enough to Carmen to mess with her mind is possible, and without any resistance towards such an ability, it’d be able to one shot.
Telekinesis would be hard to break out of, wormhole creation would just let Mr. Wolf take Carmen to other universes, and laser beams would be able to purify Carmen should she be engulfed. There’s a debate of whether you could consider Carmen to be entirely identified as a bad guy but considering her reputation as the most dangerous thief in the entire world, then even her actions during the 2019 show wouldn’t be enough to save her from being purified, forcefully removing all her innate abilities. Just generally speaking, Mr. Wolf has the better powers once he goes into his “The One” form, and although Carmen does have other notable abilities yet to be mentioned here, they’re moreso rooted in her equipment than actual powers that we know she has. When comparing and contrasting actual innate powers that these two have, Mr. Wolf would seem to have the better pool of powers overall.
The Steal
Now, for our final section, we have one of the most fitting yet one of the most important factors to determine the outcome: the steal. You may have noticed that we skipped a lot of significant equipment, powers, and skills the further that we’ve come along in this verdict but that was because we wanted to save it all for here. The basic gist of this category is that since both Carmen and Mr. Wolf have multiple ways to steal important items from one another, it’s best that we compare these methods of stealing to one another. They are both expert pickpockets that only need to do as much as come into physical contact with each other to take the other items, even if it logically doesn’t make sense for them to do so since they don’t make the motion of stealing. Now granted, the speed gap once again makes it difficult for Mr. Wolf to pickpocket Carmen while the opposite is true for Carmen but it’s worth pointing out nevertheless.
Starting off with items that are the least notable in this category, Carmen’s big electromagnet is an item that is useful for stealing anything and everything metal but the issue with it that it works on all metal items, meaning that Carmen’s equipment would also be caught up along with Mr. Wolf’s stuff. Given that the original purpose of the magnet was to be one part of a greater invention to steal the Roman Colosseum, it isn’t likely that she would use the magnet separately to begin with. Her skill stealing blanket also isn’t too useful in an active fight since a) Mr. Wolf would have to be knocked out so that Carmen could place it on top of him and b) even if it steals Mr. Wolf’s skills, it doesn’t remove anything else such as his innate powers so it wouldn’t be too helpful for Carmen when she could just go for a much faster wincon.
Just like the time-stealing clock, the quantum crystalizer has to be activated at a V.I.L.E base that Carmen has to physically visit. You could make the same case that she could run off and set it up but the issue with the crystalizer is that it’s unknown if it can trap people like how it traps monuments. It’s possible that Mr. Wolf could be shrunk and trapped inside of a crystal but there’s nothing to suggest that he couldn’t just break out by activating “The One” powers, making it seem like an invention that’s not worth going out of Carmen’s way to activate.
Now moving onto Mr. Wolf’s methods of stealing, his most notable item would be that of the mind control helmet. Even if it’s useless in mind controlling humans, using it grants Mr. Wolf the ability to reduce the speed of anyone in his vicinity while also forcing his opponent to have one of their items stolen and given to him. This helmet is something that can drastically turn the tides of the battle depending on the item it steals, but the unfortunate thing about this item stealing is that it’ll always choose the item based on chance. There’s no guarantee that Mr. Wolf can steal one of Carmen’s best wincons as it could be something as powerful as her knock out gas or simply just an action figure of herself that she carries around. The speed debuff might (?) also not matter since Carmen can scale to immeasurable speed and you can’t exactly slow down an immeasurable character, although if we’re assuming it just debuffs her speed regardless then the gap would certainly become smaller but she’d still be faster either way.
Another very useful way that Mr. Wolf can steal is simply by stealing technology itself. By this I don’t mean that he can steal the physical tech itself, but rather that he can steal the code that is behind certain technology. With the main example of that Beast video, we see that Mr. Wolf physically takes away the video despite it being, well… a video on the internet. With how Mr. Wolf has also stolen the logos of other companies, it’s consistent enough to where we can say this is usable for a fight. With the ability to steal code by getting ahold of a piece of technology, Mr. Wolf can fundamentally deactivate a majority of Carmen’s arsenal, leaving her vulnerable to Mr. Wolf attacks if he manages to turn off Carmen’s best stuff. Even if the world where they met were a simulation and Carmen used her fourth wall manipulation to turn off the whole thing, Mr. Wolf could steal the code required to depower the simulation to make sure that Carmen could never pull the same move twice. Despite all of Wolf’s best efforts however, there’s one thing that he practically has no answer to…
Enter Carmen’s final ace up her sleeve, the mystical Cyberspheres that can practically steal and contain anything within its barriers. The things that Cyberspheres can steal is especially impressive as listed earlier on in the blog but the area where we want to focus on is that the Cyberspheres can contain literal concepts within itself, with said concepts being unable to escape until someone from the outside opens it. If Carmen were to activate a Cybersphere within the vicinity of Mr. Wolf, then it would absolutely work given that the spheres have also trapped entire people within them, and Mr. Wolf wouldn’t be anywhere near strong enough to break out by himself.
To make a direct power comparison, Wolf has one-shotted Splaarghön with a strong energy beam, blowing him to pieces. Splaarghön’s general source of power was through the concepts created and maintained by the Nightmare Realm, but despite this, Mr. Wolf directly overpowered that concept-reliant pool of power to kill Splaarghön for good. However, this isn’t to say that Mr. Wolf had directly affected the concepts themselves. Using an example from a completely unrelated game, a villain who draws power from darkness in Kingdom Hearts would not immediately make them as powerful as the universally binding force that is darkness. Specific cases could be made with specific scenarios but in this case, there’s nothing to suggest that even Rhonda can match the power of concepts, let alone Mr. Wolf. Meanwhile with the Cyberspheres, they’re directly overpowering concepts and trapping them despite the nature of concepts being that they’re supposed to be a universal constant. If they can keep concepts within the spheres, then Mr. Wolf wouldn’t be able to time travel his way out or create a wormhole to escape since he would be tied down to the sphere on a conceptual level. Even if both Tarantula and Mr. Wolf jumped her together, Carmen has been able to deal with multiple opponents during a fight and would forced Tarantula to fall down the same pitfalls that Mr. Wolf would.
This is all not even mentioning the sheer potential of things that Carmen could hypothetically steal with either her innate power or Cyberspheres. Could she steal the air that Mr. Wolf needs to breathe? Possibly. Could she steal Mr. Wolf’s friction so that he’ll be forced to slip about? Seems likely. Could she even steal Mr. Wolf’s speed or strength? It’s not out of the question.
Worst of all for Mr. Wolf, there’s a high chance that Carmen could simply strip Mr. Wolf of his powers, leaving him vulnerable to everything that his “The One” form was protecting him against. Now, Carmen can’t USE those same powers against Mr. Wolf as only those with a good heart can wield a portion of “The One’s” power as implied by Rhonda herself. Even if she tried, the power would have destroyed her own body the moment she used it to attack Wolf, which in of itself can be considered a wincon for Wolf if Carmen were gullible enough to do such a thing. It is possible for Mr. Wolf to talk her into doing exactly that given that she cannot stand anyone trying to talk down her accomplishments as a thief but in most cases, Carmen is aware enough to realize that she’s being baited into a spot where she’ll be forced to give up (or die in this case). Craftiness is a key tactic of Carmen’s, so there should be more cases than not where she simply steals the power within a Cybersphere but chooses not to use it.
All in all, Mr. Wolf has the capability to shut down a majority of Carmen’s best stealing-based wincons but she’ll always have at least one guaranteed wincon in the form of the Cybersphere, with her smarts lending her the capability to steal literally anything from Mr. Wolf and finish him off right then and there. Carmen shall be stealing the show (and this category) for tonight!
(art by Toxin)
(art by ThatOneGamer_57)
Imagine Sly vs Lupin but if it did 12 lines of methamphetamine. No but literally. The absolute wackiness of both series would really get to show off here as these two characters have been through some of the wildest adventures that their lives could’ve brought upon them, something that should especially be reflected in a fight amongst thieves of this degree of insanity. The setup practically writes itself as the fight starts off by taking place in a museum at night, the perfect set piece for a chaotic fight that can involve plenty of easter eggs to either series. Wolf could either be protecting a special artifact with world-changing power, knowing that some master thief is gonna steal it anytime soon, or you could have Wolf break into the museum at the same time as Carmen does, with his goal being to take that same artifact himself before anyone with bad intentions does. No matter which route you take, it shows off the more heroic side of Mr. Wolf without having to divert from his previous skills as a thief.
With the former route, it’d be funny for Carmen to turn out the lights in the museum or for her to steal the artifact right when Wolf looks away, to which Wolf would realize that the artifact had gone missing and try to find the culprit. Since Carmen loves to play games with her opponent, she would taunt Wolf from afar and be involved in a long-winded chase that spans the entire museum.
Carmen: “What’s wrong? Looking for something? Well you’ll have to find me first~”
Mr. Wolf: “Where in the world did she go?”
If the latter route were taken however, then you can have both Carmen and Mr. Wolf scramble their way into the museum, them both having to ward off security guards to get to the artifact. I (Toxin) personally like this idea as you can have Carmen effortlessly mislead the officers with skill alone, Mr. Wolf would fumble his way past the guards that aren’t aware he is a good guy, letting him use his other skills that he wouldn’t use in a normal fight such as lock-picking and his disguises. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be successful but it can really show the strengths and weaknesses of the two when it comes to breaking in and stealing.
From there, once the artifact has been stolen by Carmen, the chase ensues as they both try to throw out equipment meant to stop the other but no progress is made on either end. They both have grappling hooks that let them traverse the museum better, swords that allow for a short battle of blades, and you could even have some fun if you were to bring more non-standard equipment into the fight such as Carmen’s mechanical bird and Mr. Wolf’s giant robot santa, creating a brief mech fight between the two. Carmen would especially give Mr. Wolf a hard time with her wider arsenal but it’s not like he doesn’t have his own things to throw back at her. That being said, there will be a few surprises for them both as you could bring in the allies by that point and have fun scenes such as Carmen almost reaching the door but then a metal barricade mysteriously falls down, and it’s soon revealed after that Ms. Tarantula had tampered with the museum’s security system at a distance. Doubling up on that can lead to Mr. Wolf’s tech being tampered with as it turns out that the Red Drone had activated and Player started messing with his equipment. From there a battle of hackers ensues but while that’s happening in the background, Carmen manages to hitch a ride in one of her time machines to try and escape into the past. As she says her goodbyes, Mr. Wolf catches up and manages to latch onto the outside of the time machine, in which the time machine goes back to the past and Mr. Wolf is exposed to a ton of cosmic waves and other junk.
Mr. Wolf: “Hmm, this bears some resemblance to Book 7 now that I think about it- AARRGHHH!”
Carmen would arrive to her location in the past (possibly a real world city so that it could make for another fun set piece), thinking that she was safe, only for her time machine to be lifted off the ground by Wolf, who had been given back his superpower of strength and is now trying to beat Carmen up. She would either try to weave around Wolf and tie him up or just drop entire artifacts on top of him, both of which would fail as he can just power through both options, eventually forcing her to use her stealing powers to take away Wolf’s superpower. Reverting to his normal self, Wolf is now left vulnerable as Carmen traps him with sticky foam or drops an explosive to blow him away, leaving Wolf in a difficult spot. Thinking about how the entire multiverse could be screwed and how all his loved ones could possibly be victim to Carmen, he decides that he’s had enough of Carmen’s tomfoolery and decides to activate his “The One” powers, unleashing a powerful explosion that engulfs the area around him as well as Carmen. Initially being stunned by the sudden power increase from Mr. Wolf, Carmen soon regains her composure and tries to use her rocket boots to fly away, but Mr. Wolf would catch her by surprise and fly straight towards her, grabbing her by the coat and creating a wormhole in front of him as he drags her into it, sending them to yet another time period. From there, Mr. Wolf essentially becomes a Dragon Ball character as he flies around Carmen and tries to shoot laser beams in her direction. Carmen isn’t entirely helpless however as she can not only weave around the beams but use items like her Chronoskimmer to create distance, and at one point she can even teleport to a V.I.L.E. base so that she can set up specific equipment such as her time stealing clock or her quantum crystalizer for later.
You may think that Carmen’s tendency to hide really well would prevent Wolf from ever finding her but not only do the weaknesses of the Chronoskimmer let Mr. Wolf follow her, but he can use his visions to find exactly where Carmen is, and with the combination of that and either his wormholes or his natural time travel ability, he’ll always manage to stay on her trail. At this point, the climax is upon us as Carmen tries to jump Wolf by pulling out a crystalized gem with a galaxy inside, punching him with it which then gives an overlay of a galaxy as the gem shatters with the punch, only for Wolf to shrug off the attack. Mr. Wolf then grabs Carmen by the coat and carries her into the sky, ready to use his mind manipulation on her to effectively erase all her memories. Right when he’s about to however, the artifact reappears through a separate wormhole after having been lost in the time stream earlier on, to which Carmen would slip out of Wolf’s grip by teleporting out of her coat, activating her jetpack and beelining it for the artifact. Wolf only just realizes that she got away and sees that she’s about to grab the artifact; before that however, Mr. Wolf prepares one last beam while delivering a speech about the good and bad of the world, charging it all the way and releasing it as one giant energy beam that fully engulfs Carmen.
The light from the blast dies down, and Carmen is not only still in the air with her broken jetpack but she has bits of blood and burn marks coming off her face and the rest of her body, with the ends of her clothes being torn apart from the impact and her hat flying off into the distance. Wolf would go for another energy beam to try and finish her off, but while the beam does seemingly hit, Carmen wouldn’t be Carmen without one last trick up her sleeve. Once the second beam has disappeared, Mr. Wolf thinks that he had won, but immediately after realizing that what he had struck was a dummy of Carmen, he is completely taken off guard. Mr. Wolf turns around to see that Carmen had teleported to the roof of a building behind him, holding out a Cybersphere in front of her.
Carmen: “Not bad for a hero like you but better luck next time…”
With Carmen having activated the Cybersphere, Mr. Wolf tries to send out another beam but it gets absorbed into the orb, and then Wolf realizes that his powers were also being absorbed. At the same time, Carmen pulls out her flying umbrella from her coat, powering it on which starts her ascent towards the sky.
Carmen: “Tata!”
Registering that Carmen was about to make her escape, Mr. Wolf tries flying towards Carmen with what little power he had left, and although he truly runs out once he’s halfway there, he pulls out his grappling hook and manages to wrap it around Carmen’s arm. Pulling himself forward with all his might, he manages to kick the Cybersphere out of Carmen’s hand, catching the thief by surprise. Mr. Wolf begins to fall soon after, but he manages to grab onto Carmen’s leg and does one last gambit to try and get the artifact from Carmen. Having a struggle in the air, Mr. Wolf would not only manage to steal the artifact from Carmen’s coat but he’d also kick the umbrella out of Carmen’s hand, leading to Mr. Wolf pushing himself off of Carmen and them both free falling. He once again thinks that he finally won, but then another realization comes to him as he sees that it wasn’t an artifact he grabbed but rather a bomb that Carmen disguised as the artifact. Before Wolf can react in any meaningful way, Carmen detonates the bomb, causing a massive explosion as Carmen manages to grab the rope ladder of a helicopter that came to help her make her escape. Making sure to grab her hat that’s still flying in the air, she laughs as the fight comes to a close.
Here are some other ideas that wouldn’t fit the fight idea above but would be cool to see regardless:
- Due to the sheer amount of vehicles Carmen has as well as Wolf’s high skill level when it comes to driving his personal sweet ride, a fight on the road practically writes itself as the two would scramble over who gets ahold of the artifact
- Since Carmen essentially has reality warping to an extent as well as possibly being able to take advantage of her outside connection with the player and her own control of the world via simulation bs, a scene like this would be awesome:
- Mr. Wolf: “I’m unbound. I can go anywhere I want in space and time.”
Carmen: “Oh, player…”
Cue 2,000 different Carmens in every era of time she can think of.
Carmen: “So am I.”
- While Mr. Wolf travels through different universes with his wormholes, he could accidentally end up in an alternate universe of Carmen Sandiego, and in general you could have tons of cameos with the universe hopping
- A portion of the fight taking place in space would make sense given that both Carmen and Mr. Wolf have not only been to space but also have space equipment that would be helpful for that specific instance
- Mr. Wolf uses the mind control helmet on Carmen, to which it randomly steals an item of hers. He thinks that he had successfully stolen a valuable item from Carmen but unfortunately, that item was not in fact fight-changing and it was only the Carmen Sandiego action figure
- A fun interaction with this could be Mr. Wolf looking surprised at Carmen to which she responds with "What? You don't carry your own merch around with you?"
- Going meta would be interesting with how they both have instances of being aware of the fourth wall and even manipulate it to certain degrees
- If the fight took place in a digitized universe, then you could have Carmen turn off the universe to make it difficult for Wolf to see, with Mr. Wolf responding by turning the screen back on using his ability to manipulate technology
- An alternate ending that could be used rather than the one above if you really want to lean into the personality that 2019 Carmen had created
- Having used the Cybersphere to trap Mr. Wolf, Carmen would ultimately steal this victory as she now has Wolf in her clutches, but as she limps away from the site of the battlefield, it would turn out that the small portion of purification that hit her did actually have a lasting effect on her as she decides to limp towards the museum, ready to return the artifact out of the newfound portion of goodness of her heart.
Carmen Sandiego
- Generally smarter
- Her showcases of experience are much more impressive
- Better combat experience
- Easier access to her wider arsenal
- Stronger against base Mr. Wolf
- A lot faster with both finite and incalculable ends
- Has multiple ways to one shot…
- Stealing abilities are a lot more potent
- All her theme songs are absolute bangers
- Is not racist
- Teleportation
- Time travel
- Fourth wall manipulation
- How insane their series gets
- …but a lot of them can be denied by “The One” powers
- All her tech can easily be messed with
- Player has less going for him as an ally
- Weaker and less durable against “The One” powers
- No resistance to mind control
- Wasted an hour of Darklore’s life
Mr. Wolf
- Stronger and tougher while using “The One” powers…
- Is a better driver
- Tarantula is a much better ally overall
- Can mess with all of Carmen’s tech using his ability to steal code
- Has wincons in the form of mind manipulation and purification
- Visions let Mr. Wolf always know where Carmen is
- Teleportation
- Time travel
- Fourth wall manipulation
- How insane their series gets
- Has less impressive showcases of experience
- Isn’t as experienced in hand to hand combat
- …but he is far weaker and less durable in base
- Way slower with both finite and incalculable ends
- Doesn’t carry around as much equipment
- Generally is gonna have a hard time keeping up with Carmen’s entire arsenal of equipment and abilities
- Can’t steal things on the level that Carmen can
- Has no counter to broken items such as the Time-Stealing Clock and Cyberspheres
- “The One” powers are vulnerable to being stolen alongside other vital necessities he needs to live
- Mr Beast
Mr. Wolf would not go down easy as he certainly held his own against Carmen with his varied array of powers, reliable tech buddy and greater strength, but Carmen had the smarts, the speed, the invention powerhouse and the stealing capabilities to truly put an end to this bad guy turned good.
The baddest of days would truly loom on Mr. Wolf as Carmen would manage to steal the victory right out of his paws.
Final Tally
Carmen Sandiego (5) - Toxin, miss_dime, NucleAlent, darkloremaster, Kinokonigin
Mr. Wolf (1) - kars
Princess Beautiful (1) - TheBiteRaptor
The winner is Carmen Sandiego.
Next Time…
This blog has been yet another fun time overall, these two are certainly not the kind of characters you’d expect to be as busted as they are. I’d like to shout out NucleAgent for assisting with the Bad Guys books and other Bad Guys / COTR related material (alongside Dutchess / Alucard, WillieB849, Orcawhatever & The Shadow Squad G Server), miss_dime for making Carmen’s side much easier to research, thedarkloremaster for working his butt off to get through Carmen’s shows, TheBiteRatpr for calcs, and everyone else for being a part of the blog. I couldn’t have done it without any of their help.
With that being said…
Next time on Toxin’s DB Corner…
Coming soon to a blog near you…
- DefunctTV: The History of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
- The entire Carmen Sandiego wiki
- The entire Bad Guys wiki
- Reading Allowed’s read aloud of Bad Guys Book 1-19
- Thread of things Carmen Sandiego has stole
How is punching a hole in a universe universal?
ReplyDeleteThink really hard about that statement for a second, then decide what the logic must be.
DeleteYall Fucking Cooked with this one!
ReplyDeletePeak Blog TBH
ReplyDeleteWow, with this and G1s Blog, it's good to be a Thief! Hyped as he'll for the next time since it's between two of mu favorite characters ever.